Tänään on kansainvälinen 'kaikilla menee päin vittua' - päivä. Jos sulla menee nyt päin vittua, tai on mennyt lähiaikoina päin vittua - lisää tämä VITUNPASKA blogiisi.
Lets fuck, till the suns comes up
Till the echo rumbling It's hard to remember, I didn't forget
Don't stop till your feelin' wet I have no shame, your no better
One more time we are together
How do you say goodbye,
How do you say goodbye,
When you've hardly said hello? The only way we know x3
How do you say goodbye, when you've hardly said hello?
Lets fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Lets fuck till our lungs give out,
It wont be long It's hard to remember, I didn't forget Let's fuck until our hearts give up.
It won't be long.
A night to remember, a day to forget.
If our lives were diamonds? we'd be rich.
Your voice makes my heart skip beats.
So, keep quiet before it quits on me.
Your voice makes my heart skip? beats.
So, keep quiet before it flat lines.
Before it flat lines. I've been terrible at night.
We can only wake up here in this bed. Sunken into you; tangled in sheets. Buried in blankets six foot deep, again. Kick it.
Lets fuck, till the suns comes up
Till the echo rumbling
It's hard to remember,
I didn't forget
Dont stop till your feelin' wet I have no shame, your no better
One more time we are together
How do you say goodbye, Lets fuck, till the suns comes up
Till the echo rumbling
It's hard to remember, I didn't forget
Don't stop till your feelin' wet I have no shame, your no better
One more time we are together
How do you say goodbye,
How do you say goodbye,
When you've hardly said hello? The only way we know x3
How do you say goodbye, when you've hardly said hello?
Lets fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Lets fuck till our lungs give out,
It wont be long It's hard to remember, I didn't forget
Let's fuck until our hearts give up.
It won't be long.
A night to remember, a day to forget.
If our lives were diamonds? we'd be rich.
Your voice makes my heart skip beats.
So, keep quiet before it quits on me.
Your voice makes my heart skip? beats.
So, keep quiet before it flat lines.
Before it flat lines. I've been terrible at night.
We can only wake up here in this bed.
Sunken into you; tangled in sheets. Buried in blankets six foot deep, again. Kick it.
Lets fuck, till the suns comes up
Till the echo rumbling
It's hard to remember,
I didn't forget
Dont stop till your feelin' wet I have no shame, your no better
One more time we are together
How do you say goodbye,
How do you say goodbye, when you've hardly said hello?
We're young and in love
Heart attacks waiting to happen
So come on closer, tell me its all in our heads
We're young and in love
Heart attacks waiting to happen
So come a little closer, tell me those three little words We're young and in love Heart attacks waiting to happen So come on closer, tell me its all in our heads
We're young and in love
Heart attacks waiting to happen So come a little closer, tell me those three little words
Heh, ekaa kertaa joku leiri vittuttaa näin paljon. Suomeks sanottuna, ei ole MITÄÄN fiilistä lähteä riparille. Ihan niinkuin mulla ei olis muuta tekemistä. Mutta menin lupaamaan jo joskus talvella ja ny si hoidetaan se lupaus pois alta. Oli muuten tosi hehkeetä huomata, et olis päässy tänään ryyppään, jos ei olis lähteny -.- Ja iloa kyllä lisää se, että luulin et lähtö olis ollut vasta huomenna.
Mut sen tiedän, et ens vuonna en todellakaan mene riparille isoseks, mun hermot ei kestä sitä. Mun hermot ei kestäis kyllä tätäkään vuotta, mut lohduttadun sillä, et pääse pian nollaan kaiken.
Ja en oo viel pakannu... Ja kirkoll pitää olla 11. Mikä nukkuminen?
Tuun takas ens viikolla 20pv. Jos mua silllon ei herwoodis näy, niin tarkistaa pitkäniemi ja hautausmaat. Jommaskummasta luultavasti löytää. Tietenkin noihin paikkoihin joutumista voi estää sillä, et soitatte ja tekstaatte mulle ;D
Älkää tehkö kaikkea kivaa sillä aikaa ku oon korves, määkin haluun tehdä jotain kivaa D: