

Kirjallisuus ja lehdet
Käyntejä: 6 149 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
489 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 479 (98 %)
Poikia: 10 (2 %)
33,3 vuotta
Otos: 356 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 33,3 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 32,3 vuotta
Ryövärintytär_, feiarth

Jäsenet (489)


-idas-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: -idas-Keskiviikko 31.12.2008 15:32

Once I put my coat on
And how I know its all wrong
She standing outside holding me
Saying oh please
I'm in love
I'm in love

Girl save your soul
Go on save your soul
Before it's to far gone
And before nothing can be done

Cause without me
You got it all
So hold on

biisin pätkä: robet pattinson - never think

-idas-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: -idas-Tiistai 30.12.2008 15:27

"so what, now he wants to kill me? "
"No, he wants my candy bar

"He still has my nickelback cd. I kind of want that back"


_jannna[Ei aihetta]Luonut: _jannnaMaanantai 29.12.2008 23:13

koulutin niitä 8)


CartsuShokkiLuonut: CartsuTorstai 25.12.2008 19:18

Tajusin, että se paketti lähtee maanantaina. Ja välissä on uusi vuosi. Eli saan sen aikaisintaan perjantaina! angst, en miä kestä sinne asti TT_TT

p0oMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMLuonut: p0oTiistai 16.12.2008 18:09

NYT meizi on iloisa ♥________♥ ! ! ! ! !!! !

iwasinvietnamSparkling VampiresLuonut: iwasinvietnamLauantai 06.12.2008 15:12

Bella Swan is glad to die for love...
Others excite in fighting and win.
But she prefer a vampire who lives
And gives sparkling skin.

A kiss on the neck may be quite continental,
But vampires are a girl's best friend.
A kiss may be death, and it will ease her anger
Of not being a vampire, or help you feed his

Edward goes cold as Bella grows old,
and we all lose our sparkle in the end.
But werewolfs or shift-shaped,
These guys don't lose their shape.
Vampires are a girl's best friend!


'Cause we are living in a mysterical world
And she is such a unpleased girl

Come and get me, boys
Black Jacob, Edward Cullen
Talk to me, Mike Newton, tell me all about it!
There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer

But vampires are a girl's best friend

There may come a time when a hard-boiled vampire thinks you're...

In danger!

But bite my neck or else no vampiresex!

He's your guy when sparkles are high
But beware when they start to descend
Oooo...Vampires are a girl's best,
Vampires are a girls best,
Vampires are a girls best friend!

Let's make a baby!
Oh, come on

Oh! But I'm dangerous!

No you're
Roar! Roar!


[Edward:] I might hurt you!

'Cause that's those sparkles gets me to the higness!
Vampires... are a... girl's... best... friend!

ameebaveliNo vähä söpsLuonut: ameebaveliLauantai 06.12.2008 02:31

kisu. sanoo:
No joo.

kisu. sanoo:
Mutta vittuku repeän joka kerta kun nään Edwardin kiipeämässä supernopeesti pitkin puuta.

kisu. sanoo:
Saatanan orava. : DDDDDDD

Dorian sanoo:

stef`[Ei aihetta]Luonut: stef`Keskiviikko 19.11.2008 14:28
