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millam-hahLuonut: millam-Lauantai 02.01.2010 22:12

4. Whenever he complains or argues, reply with “What are you gonna do Edward? Go to Italy?

2. Whenever he leaves a room or says goodbye, get down on your knees and beg him not to go, not again.

And the Number One way to annoy Edward Cullen

1. Take his silver cell phone and change the ringtone to “Like a Virgin” by Madonna.

see more:

eliisabettilolLuonut: eliisabettiTiistai 08.12.2009 11:31


nukkuuahLuonut: nukkuuTiistai 01.12.2009 02:11

"Ennen sinua, Bella, minun elämäni oli kuin kuuton yö. Hyvin pimeä, mutta taivaalla oli tähtiäkin, valon ja järjen pilkahduksia... Kunnes sinä lennähdit taivaalleni kuin meteori. Äkkiä kaikki syttyi tuleen: maailma säteili kauneutta. Kun sinä olit poissa, kun meteori oli kadonnut taivaanrannan taa, kaikki pimeni. Maailma oli entisellään, mutta valosi oli sokaissut minut. Tähtiä ei enää näkynyt. Eikä missään ollut enää mieltä."
Two Lumps, nettisarjis jota olen seurannut jo useamman vuoden, onnistui jälleen saamaan repsahtelun fiiliksiä aikaiseksi, kun otin kiinni menetettyjä inttiviikkoja ja selailin aikajanaa taaksepäin.
I did know this – every second I spent with her was only going to add to the pain I would have to suffer later. Like a junkie with a limited supply, the day of reckoning was coming for me. The more hits I took now, the harder it would be when my supply ran out.
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 10, p.188

There was no point. I would never be able to save her from herself. IÂ’d never been able to do that.
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 10, p.194

There isnÂ’t much you wouldnÂ’t do for me, either, is there? I really donÂ’t know why you bother. I donÂ’t deserve either of you.
Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 10, p.196

Why do you always have to love the wrong things, Bella?
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 10, p.197

This isnÂ’t about them. This is about Bella. She has never been the one for you, she had never chosen you, but you continue to destroy your life for her!
Sam Uley, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 11, p.210

Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 12, p.227

Not pleasant? Gosh, thatÂ’ll be such a change.
Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 12, p.241

As much as I knew it was a stupid thing to do, I couldnÂ’t stop myself. I must be some kind of masochist.
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 15, p.291

Wow, this is going to sound bad. But, honestly, it will be easier to deal with your pain than face mine.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.315

I know it’s going to be bad for you, Jacob. I understand that – maybe better than you think. I don’t like her, but… she’s your Sam. She’s everything you want and everything you can’t have.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.315

Because you always want the very most what you can never, ever have.
Leah Clearwater, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16, p.319

IÂ’m just here to be your friend. Your best friend, one last time.
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 4, p.62

Life sucks, and then you die. Yeah, I should be so lucky.
Jacob Black, Breaking Dawn, Book Two Preface, p.143

Jacob just kept grinning. This made me feel hopeful that things were going to be right between us, the way they hadnÂ’t been for so long now. Maybe that was all I needed.
Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 22, p.436

Now you know. No oneÂ’s ever loved anyone as much as I love you.
Bella Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 39, p.753

sergeevnaAHH !!Luonut: sergeevnaSunnuntai 25.10.2009 23:15


seittileluTwilightLuonut: seittileluPerjantai 16.10.2009 00:58

Katsottiin Twilight leffa pari päivää sitten, ja se oli juuri niin hömelö kuin ajattelin. Vampyyrien ainoa heikkous on... kimmeltäminen? Homma muuttui entistä paremmaksi kun luin Crackedin arvostelun kirjasarjasta.

"Edward, being a thirteen-year-old girl, thinks Bella has died and goes to Italy to commit suicide. He attempts to do this by exposing himself to the sun at noon in an Italian town. Since sunlight doesn't actually harm Twilight vampires, one must assume that Edward is hoping some macho Italians will see him in at full sparkle and beat him to death for being gay."

Oma suosikkini on neljäs kirja, jonka voisin jopa harkita lukevani. Ilmeisesti Bella synnyttää mutanttivampyyrivauvan. Erittäin väkivaltaisesti vielä. Kohtaus sisältää veren oksentamista, selkärangan katkeamisen, kohdun auki repimisen hampailla, ja vielä litroja lisää verta.

Another shattering crack inside her body, the loudest yet... Her legs, which had been curled up in agony, now went limp, sprawling out in an unnatural way.

"Her spine," he choked in horror.

sinikiivuargh!Luonut: sinikiivuTiistai 13.10.2009 13:44

oon Twilight riippuvainen. luin ensimmäisen ja toisen osan (melkein 900 sivua) kolmessa päivässä ja nyt oon jo kituuttanu melkein kaks päivää ilman kolmatta osaa. saan sen onneks tänään tai huomenna! :) ja onneks Uusikuu tulee leffateattereihin jo 20.11! :) oon Twilight riippuvainen.

irvistys:)))Luonut: irvistysSunnuntai 11.10.2009 07:30

tätä mieltä mä olen houkutuksesta & sen jatko-osista :Dd

JamesRandomnot too shabby :DLuonut: JamesRandomLauantai 12.09.2009 14:15