

Käyntejä: 14 038 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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blooderi, Agonist, evidence`, järskä

Jäsenet (1504)


nevershoutrixu`</3Luonut: nevershoutrixu`Keskiviikko 29.09.2010 02:00

So watch my chest heave
as this last breath leaves me
I am trying to be
what you're dying to see

I feel like "Fuck man,
can't take this, anymore,
this heart, break this."
This is life that's
so thankless,
How could he just forsake us?

Racist he makes us
hate us he gave us
nothing but no trust
and I am so fucked up
So let this gun bond us
Lets hide by this lust
and once we are just dust
he'll know that he loved us

I will burn first
God I've tried, am I
lost in your eyes?

Just let me burn, it's
what I deserve.
God I've lied, am I
lost in your eyes?

So take me and make me
weak and then save me
this hate that you gave me
keeps saying the same thing

To sing when you hurt and
to sing when you cry
to sing when you live and
to sing when you die

And here at the end
at the end of the hurt
all the pain ain't the same
when it's your turn to burn
We're the heart for
the heartless,
the thoughts for
the thoughtless,
we're the lies for the honest,
we're the gods for the godless!

Let it all burn
I will burn first
God I've tried, am I
lost in your eyes?

Just let me burn
it's what I deserve
God I've lied, am I
lost in your eyes?

So cry 3 tears for me,
when it's all gone,
sing me this song

So cry 3 tears for me,
when it's all gone,
when it's all gone

I can not stand
who I am I'm this man
with this blood on my hands
in this blood I am damned
so watch my wings burn
as they burn in the fire
They'll scatter the ashes
They'll sing for the choir

Let it all burn,
I will burn first
God I've tried, am I
lost in your eyes?

Just let me burn
it's what I deserve,
God I've lied, am I
lost in your eyes?

This hate that you gave
me keeps saying
Just let me burn,
Just let me burn

This hate that you gave
me keeps saying
Just let me burn,
Just let me burn

Burn NOW Burn

Just let me burn NOW Burn


Kuinka paljon voikaan tää biisi tuoda pintaan muistoja.. :C
Ja silti haluisin heittää ne pois
Kuunnellu koko päivän tätäkin
Why do you hate me when you know I miss you from the bottom of my heart? </3

[emppu♫♪Luonut: [emppuPerjantai 03.09.2010 00:33

Bitches I hope you know

ronj44[Ei aihetta]Luonut: ronj44Tiistai 24.08.2010 18:35

Seurustelu & suhteet
Miten rakkauselämäsi sujuu? - no arvaa
Kuinka monta ystävää sinulla on? - aika monta
Entäs kaveria? - onhan niitäki
Ikävöitkö ketään? - e
Oletko suututtanut ketään kaveriasi lähipäivinä? - en ? ;o
Haluatko ketään ihmistä nyt palavasti? - emmäny tiiä
Onko ihastuksesi/rakkaasi saanut sinut itkemään? - ei
Minä & minä
Nimesi? - ronja
Mitä haluaisit juuri nyt? - rahaa
Mikä sinusta tulee isona? -
Haluatko puutarhan? - kelpais
Entä miehen? - kyllähä sellanenki kelpais
Oletko mustasukkainen? - emt
Inhottava tunne, vai mitä? -
Oletko nainen vai mies? - nainen
Oletko tyytyväinen ulkonäköösi? -
Mikä on mielestäsi paras osa itsessäsi? - ööö
Kuinka pitkä olet? - jotain 160
Kumpi, vaaleat vai tummat hiukset? - ihan sama
Millaiset hiukset? - ehaanat
Tyyli? - normi ? : D
Minkä väriset silmät? - siniset tai ruskeet
Luonne? - söps
Mamis vai vittuileva? - ei kumpikaa
Romanttinen vai neutraali? - molempiii
Nuorempi vai vanhempi - vanhempi
Hyvät hampaat vai hyvä iho? - molemmat
Haluatko lapsia tulevaisuudessa? - juu
Montako? - 1
Tyttö vai poika? - tyttö
Unelma-ammattisi? - poliisi
Unelmatalo? - omakotitalo, selanen hieno !
Aiotko jäädä asumaan Suomeen? - no juu
Jos et, minne? - joku lämmin c:
Kumpi, olisit kuuluisa vai rikas? - rikas !
Millaisessa talossa haluaisit asua (omakotitalo, kerrostalo, rivitalo jne.)? - Omakotitalos
- Millainen olo sinulla on juuri nyt? - aikas normi (:
- Mikä paita sinulla on päälläsi? - huppari
- Miltä hiuksesi näyttävät? - aika räjähtäneet
- Mitä biisiä kuuntelet? - Hollywood Undead - No.5
- Mitä söit viimeksi? - öö se oli vissii joku aprikoosi :p
- Millainen sää siellä on? - poutaaa
- Viimeisin uni, jonka muistat? - öööö.. emt
- Kenelle puhut juuri nyt? - en kellekkää
- Paljonko kello on? - 15:28
- Jos olisit puukynä, minkä värinen olisit? - oranssi
- Oletko koskaan melkein kuollut? - en ?
- Millaset sukat sulla on nyt jalassa? - musta ja valkonen
- Mikä saa sinut iloiseksi? - ihunat ihmiset
- Millä paikkakunnilla oot asunu? - kovolas
- Oletko koskaan voittanut palkintoa? - koulus ylesurheilu kisoi ;p
- Tulevaisuutesi? - no joku miekkonen ois ihan kiva (: ja rahaa ja talo
- Tykkäätkö tanssista? - en
- Mitä kuuntelet nyt? - Hollywood Undead - City
- Mitä shampoota käytät? - öööö.. joku kampaamost ostettu
- Mitä pelkäät eniten? - pimeetä
- Omistatko oman kännykän? - en toki
- Millaisen? - nokia antiikki malli
- Oletko koskaan katkonut luitasi? - eeh
- Entä mitä kuuntelet nyt? - Hollywood Undead - Paradise Lost
- Kuka on mölyisin kaverisi? - kaikki onn yhtä sekavii :D
- vieressä viimeksi nukuit? - ööö en muista :D
- kanssa puhuit viimeksi puhelimessa? - pinjan
- hiukset haluaisit itselle? - tiian
- puhelimen viestejä oot viimeksi lukenu? - jokuu tytön tallilt
I fuckin' swear that I care
but its hard
when you stare
into the bottom of a bottle
that is empty and bare

all my desolate soul
in my desolate home
it's my desolate role
yeah I'm here all alone
I can't think of a reason
to get the fuck out of bed
curtains closed, lights are off
Am I alive or dead?

I haven't shaved in a week
I always slur when I speak
tolerance at its peak
another fit just to sleep
oh woe is me woe is me
I guess I need love

hoes ya see hoes ya see
I'm just in a rut
and I swear I'm trying baby please
Baby don't leave
god-damn I'm a fuck-up
But I guess that's just me
so I sit in my room
and I'll cry in my bed
thinkin about all the shit
that made me wrong in my head
I keep trying to climb
but it seems so steep
pour myself a fuckin' whisky
and go back to sleep.... bitch

rinzbitchLuonut: rinzbitchLauantai 03.07.2010 21:44

I loved you, you made me, hate me.
You gave me, hate, see?
It saved me and these tears are deadly.
You feel that?
I rip back, every time you tried to steal that.
You feel bad? you feel sad?
I'm sorry, hell no fuck that!
It was my heart, it was my life, it was my start, it was your knife.
This strife it dies, this life and these lies.
And these lungs have sung this song for too long, and it's true I hurt too, remember I loved you!

I've Lost it all, fell today
It's all the same
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no
I've, been abused, I feel so used, because of you
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no

I wish I could I could have quit you.
I wish I never missed you,
And told you that I loved you, every time I fucked you.
The future that we both drew, and all the shit we've been through.
Obsessed with the thought of you, the pain just grew and grew!
How could you do this to me?
Look at what I made for you, it never was enough and the world is what I gave to you.
I used to be love struck; now I'm just fucked up.
Pull up my sleeves and see the pattern of my cuts!

I've Lost it all, fell today
It's all the same
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no
I've, been abused, I feel so used, because of you
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no

Seems like all we had is over now you left to rest
And your tears are dried up now, you just lay without a sound
Seems like all we had is over now, you left to rest
And my fears are over now, I can leave with my head down

I've Lost it all, fell today
It's all the same
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no
I've, been abused, I feel so used, because of you
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no

I'm sorry...

FuZillADay 3Luonut: FuZillAKeskiviikko 26.05.2010 17:22

Day 01 - Your favorite song
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad

Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you can dance to
Day 08 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 09 - A song from your favorite band
Day 10 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 11 - A song that describes you
Day 12 - A song from your favorite album
Day 13 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 14 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 15 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 16 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 17 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 18 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 19 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 20 - Your favorite song at this time last year
Day 21 - A song from a band you hate
Day 22 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 23 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 24 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 25 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 26 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 27 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 28 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 29 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 30 - A song from your childhood

DefoniA Song Per Day - 02Luonut: DefoniTiistai 18.05.2010 16:20

Day 02 - Your least favorite song

Comment: Pain and sorrow can be used to create great art. Apparently these guys missed the memo. Instead of writing their petty angsty heartbreak stories into their little black notebooks, these assholes actually went out and made a bad song about it. Note to everyone: You're going to start a band, grow some balls first so you don't end up making crap like this.

GlitterStar-;__;Luonut: GlitterStar-Perjantai 14.05.2010 01:29

I loved you, you made me, hate me.
You gave me, hate, see?
It saved me and these tears are deadly.
You feel that?
I rip back, every time you tried to steal that.
You feel bad? you feel sad?
I'm sorry, hell no fuck that!
It was my heart, it was my life, it was my start, it was your knife.
This strife it dies, this life and these lies.
And these lungs have sung this song for too long, and it's true I hurt too, remember I loved you!

I've Lost it all, fell today
It's all the same
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no
I've, been abused, I feel so used, because of you
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no

I wish I could I could have quit you.
I wish I never missed you,
And told you that I loved you, every time I fucked you.
The future that we both drew, and all the shit we've been through.
Obsessed with the thought of you, the pain just grew and grew!
How could you do this to me?
Look at what I made for you, it never was enough and the world is what I gave to you.
I used to be love struck; now I'm just fucked up.
Pull up my sleeves and see the pattern of my cuts!

I've Lost it all, fell today
It's all the same
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no
I've, been abused, I feel so used, because of you
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no

Seems like all we had is over now you left to rest
And your tears are dried up now, you just lay without a sound
Seems like all we had is over now, you left to rest
And my fears are over now, I can leave with my head down

I've Lost it all, fell today
It's all the same
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no
I've, been abused, I feel so used, because of you
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no

Rakastin sinua, sait minut, vihaamaan minua.
Annoit minulle, vihaa, näetkö?
Se pelasti minut ja nämä kyyneleet ovat tappavia.
Tunnetko sen?
Revin takaisin, joka kerta kun yritit varastaa sen.
Tuntuuko huonolta? tuntuuko surulliselta?
Anteeksi, ei helvetti paskat siitä!
Se oli sydämeni, se oli elämäni, se oli alkuni, se oli veitsesi.
Tämä taistelu kuolee, tämä elämä ja nämä valheet.
Ja nämä keuhkot ovat laulaneet tätä laulua liian pitkään, ja on totta minä satutan myös, muista että rakastin sinua!

Olen menettänyt sen kaiken, pudonnut tänään
Se on kaikki samaa
Anteeksi oh
Anteeksi ei
Olen ollut hyväksikäytetty, minua on käytetty, sinun takiasi
Anteeksi oh
Anteeksi ei

Toivon että olisin voinut olisin voinut tappaa sinut
Toivon etten olisi koskaan ikävöinyt sinua
Ja sinä sanoit rakastavasi minua, joka kerta kun nain sinua.
Tulevaisuus jonka me molemmat piirsimme, ja kaikki paska jonka olemme käyneet läpi.
Pakkomielteinen ajatuksiin sinusta, kipu vain kasvoi ja kasvoi!
Miten saatoit tehdä tämän minulle?
Katso mitä tein sinulle, se ei koskaan ollut tarpeeksi ja maailma on mitä annoin sinulle.
Ennen rakkaus oli ihailtavaa ; nyt olen vain vihainen
Nosta hihani ja näe viiltojeni kuvio!

Olen menettänyt sen kaiken, pudonnut tänään
Se on kaikki samaa
Anteeksi oh
Anteeksi ei
Olen ollut hyväksikäytetty, minua on käytetty, sinun takiasi
Anteeksi oh
Anteeksi ei

Näyttää siltä että kaikki mitä meillä oli on ohi nyt sinä lähdit pois
Ja kyyneleesi ovat kuivuneet nyt, sinä vain makaat hiljaa
Näyttää sltä että kaikki mitä meillä oli on ohi nyt, sinä lähdit pois
Ja minun pelkoni ovat ohi nyt, voin lähteä pääni alhaalla

Olen menettänyt sen kaiken, pudonnut tänään
Se on kaikki samaa
Anteeksi oh
Anteeksi ei
Olen ollut hyväksikäytetty, minua on käytetty, sinun takiasi
Anteeksi oh
Anteeksi ei
I loved you, you made me, hate me.
You gave me, hate, see?
It saved me and these tears are deadly.
You feel that?
I rip back, every time you tried to steal that.
You feel bad? you feel sad?
I'm sorry, hell no fuck that!
It was my heart, it was my life, it was my start, it was your knife.
This strife it dies, this life and these lies.
And these lungs have sung this song for too long, and it's true I hurt too, remember I loved you!

I've Lost it all, fell today
It's all the same
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no
I've, been abused, I feel so used, because of you
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no

I wish I could I could have quit you.
I wish I never missed you,
And told you that I loved you, every time I fucked you.
The future that we both drew, and all the shit we've been through.
Obsessed with the thought of you, the pain just grew and grew!
How could you do this to me?
Look at what I made for you, it never was enough and the world is what I gave to you.
I used to be love struck; now I'm just fucked up.
Pull up my sleeves and see the pattern of my cuts!


Seems like all we had is over now you left to rest
And your tears are dried up now, you just lay without a sound
Seems like all we had is over now, you left to rest
And my fears are over now, I can leave with my head down

hensuapina;_;♥Luonut: hensuapinaMaanantai 08.03.2010 20:11
