

Käyntejä: 3 526 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
73 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 64 (88 %)
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28,4 vuotta
Otos: 36 jäsentä
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Poikien keski-ikä: 28,1 vuotta

Jäsenet (73)

- Vanhemmat »

geoff[Ei aihetta]Luonut: geoffTiistai 18.10.2011 20:14

I'm missing you..
Baby, I'm missing you..

Things will never be the same without you..

What did I do to deserve this?
I didn't even get one last kiss,
From you.
Oh baby, God took your love from me.
You needed an angel,
So it seems.
I need to feel your hands all over me,
I need to feel you kissing me,
I need to feel you holdin' me,
I need to feel your touch,
'Cause I miss your love so much,
At night.
I can't keep on living this way,
I need you here with me.
Why could he take you away from me?

It's hard for me to tell you I love you
As I'm standing over your grave,
And I know I'll never hear your voice again.
Why did you leave me,
Why couldn't you just stay?
Because my world is nothing
Without you,
Now I don't know what to do -
With my self.

I would have given' you anything,
Just to make you happy,
Just to hear you say that you love me
One last time.
I would go to hell and back,
Over and over again,
Just to prove to you how much
I need you here.
There is nothing that I wouldn't do.
I cry for you,
I'd lie for you,
And there is no doubt that
If I could take your place in heaven -
I would die for you.
If I could I would rather give up my life,
Than to see the tears in your eyes -
I can't stand to see you cry.

'Cause it's hard for me to tell you I love you
As I'm standing over your grave,
And I know I'll never hear your voice again.
Why did you leave me,
Why couldn't you just stay, babe?
Because my world is nothing
Without you, now I don't know what to do -
With my self.

I just don't know what to do with my self,
I can't stand looking on those pictures on my shelf. Knowing it was just one week ago,
I stood there and took that picture.
There is just one thing I wanna know:
Why did God wanna hurt me so bad,
Does He know how much it hurts
To be missing you?

Baby, I'm missing you.
Baby, I'm missing you.
I love you..

God damn it, I love you!
Why did he take you away?
Because I love you so.
I miss you so much, baby,
I just can't go on baby..
All the promises and lies
All the times I compromise
All the times You were denied
You have forgiven

Forgive me I'm ashamed, I've loved another
I can't explain 'cause I don't know
No one can take Your place and there is no other
Forever Yours and Yours alone

peruskristamiks hajosin :DLuonut: peruskristaKeskiviikko 17.08.2011 20:40

colourful13Luonut: colourfulMaanantai 01.11.2010 21:31

Sä oot mun mielessäni illal ku mä nukahdan,
ja heti aamul ku mä unestani virkoan.
Ilman sua mä en täydellinen oiskaan,
kuukin tarvii auringon, jotta pystyy loistaa.
Jos sua ei ois, oisin keksinyt sut.
Enkä mitään sussa ois muuttanu.
Ikävä kasvaa ku ollaan erossa,
mut mä tunnen et sun seuras pystyn vast olee elossa.

`sallaö-Luonut: `sallaöTiistai 15.06.2010 12:58

♥Ekan kerran kun juttelin sinulle.
♥Ekan kerran kun satutit mua.
Ihastuin enemmän.
♥Ekan kerran kun kerroit että kaipaat.
♥Ekan kerran kun kosketin sua.
Halusin olla siinä aina.
♥Ekan kerran kun katsoin silmiäs.
♥Ekan kerran kun lähdit.
Jäin kaipaamaan.

MickeMANGUSTI-Luonut: MickeMANGUSTITiistai 02.03.2010 23:52

"ikuisesti sinun, voiks nä sanat meidät pitää yhdes" ?

Kulta tiesiks sanoessas ees mitä noil sanoil sä mulle tarkotit?

Ajatteliks koskaa et ikuisesti ei oo koskaa ikuisesti?

hensuapina[Ei aihetta]Luonut: hensuapinaTiistai 01.09.2009 20:17

i won't.

niiinau[Ei aihetta]Luonut: niiinauTorstai 20.08.2009 21:15

Sinä olet mitä minä haluan,
Mutta pitkä on aika odottavan.

Sydän sanoo, että jaksan odottaa
Kunnes uudestaan sut nähdä saan.

niiinau[Ei aihetta]Luonut: niiinauPerjantai 07.08.2009 05:12

En haluu pois tätä
tunnetta, oon koukus,
mut oot mulle
parasta huumetta!

alcoholicc~~ <3Luonut: alcoholiccTorstai 02.07.2009 18:56

Don't speak,
I'm dying cause I know it all.
Don't leave,
he's only gonna let you fall.
I'm here,
you know that you can have it all.
Take me,
I'm never gonna let you fall.
- Vanhemmat »