"Ennen sinua, Bella, minun elämäni oli kuin kuuton yö. Hyvin pimeä, muta taivaalla oli tähtiäkin, valon ja järjen pilkahduksia... Kunnes sinä lennähdit taivaalleni kuin meteori. Äkkiä kaikki syttyi tuleen: maailma säteili kauneutta. Kun sinä olit poissa, kun meteori oli kadonnut taivaanrannan taa, kaikki pimeni. Maailma oli entisellään, mutta valosi oli sokaissut minut. Tähtiä ei enää näkynyt. Eikä missään ollut enää mieltä"
Katottiin Tiian kaa Twilight ja en yhtään ihmettele miks kaikki ihastelee Edward Cullenia, ehkä liianki siirappista söpöä mut silti nii hyvin näyteltyä
: )
A normal guy would say: I love you Baby!
Edward Cullen would say: You are my life now.
Normal Guy would say: I think I am falling for you.
Edward Cullen would say: The Lion fell in Love with the Lamb
Normal Guy would say: You hair looks like a haystack; go brush it!
Edward Cullen would say: "Your hair looks like a haystack but I like it.
A normal guy would pick a random song from a random artist and dedicate it to you.
Edward Cullen would sing you a song he wrote for you while playing the piano.
If you died, a normal guy would find another.
If you died, Edward would kill himself cause life without you isnt worth living.
As you leave the house, a normal guy would say: Bye, see ya!
As you leave the house Edward Cullen would say: Come back to me, love.
As you come back to the house, a normal guy would be watching TV and wouldnt even notice.
As you come back to the house, Edward Cullen would be welcoming you by playing the piano with a song just for you.
A normal guy would wait for you to make him breakfast.
Edward Cullen would make you breakfast everyday.
While you are both out for dinner, a normal guy wouldnt keep his eyes off the sexy waitress.
Edward Cullen wouldnt even notice the waitress was a female.
A normal guy, while driving, would keep one hand on the wheel and one hand on the radio.
Edward Cullen, while driving, would keep one hand on the wheel and the other attached to yours.
While far apart in different places, a normal guy would say: I miss you.
While far apart in different places, Edward Cullen would say: Its like you've taken half myself with you.
A normal guy wouldnt care or notice if you had nightmares.
Edward Cullen would sing until your nightmares went away.