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Jäsenet (43)

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kasu_np. 100 monkeys - ugly girlLuonut: kasu_Perjantai 15.05.2009 19:11

steven strait
taylor lautner
jackson rathbone
gaspard ulliel
and DANIELDANIELDANIEL a.k.a. harry <3

FAGHAGMy Love <3Luonut: FAGHAGSunnuntai 01.03.2009 15:04

• Jackson's nickname is Jay.
• His full name is Monroe Jackson Rathbone.
• He was on Disney 411 as one of the reporters.
• Went to Interlochen, a private school for the arts in MI.
• His theater credits include lead roles in "A Midsummer's Night Dream," "Macbeth," "Les Miserables," "Grease," "Jesus Christ Superstar," and "The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe."
• When he is not busy pursuing a TV/film career, he also enjoys music, writing, singing and producing.
• He was highly active in many extra-curricular activities, including basketball, track, soccer, baseball, and, the pastime of Texas, football.
• Jackson was born in Singapore, but has lived in London, Connecticut, Indonesia, California, and Texas.
• He has three sisters.
• He named his guitar, Annabelle thinking it was an appropriate southern girl name.
• He considers Michael Jackson's Thriller a classic.
• A few of his favorite artists include Robert Johnson, Spenceer Bell, Lou Reed, The Kinks, Tom Waits, Man Man, David Bowie, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., The Stevedores and TV On The Radio.
• Is/was roommates with actor/singer Alex Boyd.
• He has worked with actor Clint Howard twice, first in River's End and second in Senior Skip Day.
• He looks up to Johnny Depp as sort of a hero.
• His favorite movies include Kurasowa’s Seven Samurai, Jarmusch’s Dead Man, and Lars Von Trier’s documentary on directing, The Five Obstructions.
• Like the good Texan he is, Jackson's favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys.
• He is around 5'7 tall.
• Co-stars with fellow actor and roommate, Ben Graupner, in Jeff Dean's DaZe: Vol. Too (sic) - NonSeNse.
• Can play the harmonica and guitar like one of his musical inspirations, Bob Dylan.
• Is part of 100Monkeys, a side band he and his roommate, Ben, are apart of.
• Learned to play baseball left-handed for his role in Twilight.
• He was taught how to box by his father after getting into a fight with a kid in elementary school on picture day.
• He has a cat named Dean.
• Once had an ear piercing at the age of 16, a tongue piercing at 18. Both are gone now.
• Has one tattoo.
• Was inspired to play the guitar after having to learn how to play one for the role of "Doody" in a Grease musical.
• Is terrified of spiders.
• He is colorblind.

chokehsijaistoimintaaLuonut: chokehTiistai 10.02.2009 16:51

yritin lukea mantsan kokeeseen, muttah.

ameebaveliMUTTALuonut: ameebaveliMaanantai 05.01.2009 19:33

Oli Twilightissä onnistuneitakin juttuja.



Se oli aivan iihana. <3

Se on yks mun lempihahmoja ylipäänsä, ja Jackson Rathbone esitti sitä ihan mahtavasti. Se oli just semmonen millaseks mä Jasperin kuvittelin, sillee olemukseltaan (ja ulkonäöltäänkin). Hurja awww tuli aina ku se näky. :')
(Häiritsee toi tyhjä tila. 8'D)

MivelynLuonut: MivelynSunnuntai 04.01.2009 18:18

Juu, ei ollu yllätys että pidin leffasta paljon x))) ♥

Mun mielestä ne jotkin kohdat mitä oli muutettu leffaan
sopiviksi, oli tosi hyviä,
enkä ymmärrä miks jotkut niistä valittaa :p

Musiikkiin kiinnitin paljon huomioo kun tota soundtrackia on tullu
muutama viikko täs kuunneltua :DD
Robertin pari biisiä kuulu ♥ nam ♥

Edward oli ihana ♥
Taas en käsitä miks jotkut vinee Pattisonin valitsemisesta siihen rooliin :o
Noh, aina ei voi kaikkia mielyttää...

Ja Carlisle... ah ♥ :DD
Peter Facinelli taas kerran nam ♥

Ja Jasper ♥ x)))))

Jamesilla oli "aika kiva" kroppa 8))))

New Moon'ia odotellessa kuunnellaan soundtrackia ja luetaan kirjoja ;D
Ja katsellaan netistä kuvia :D
Niin ja tietty odotetaan Twilightin DVDtä 8)))))))))))
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