

Käyntejä: 2 178 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
13 jäsentä
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24,8 vuotta
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Jäsenet (13)


jjenski-`Luonut: jjenski-Tiistai 21.12.2010 02:35

Pakkasyö on, ja leiskuen
Pohja loimuja viskoo.
Kansa kartanon hiljaisen
yösydän untaan kiskoo.
Ääneti kuu käy kulkuaan,
puissa lunta on valkeanaan,
kattojen päällä on lunta.
Tonttu ei vaan saa unta.

Ladosta tulee, hankeen jää
harmaana uksen suuhun,
vanhaan tapaansa tirkistää
kohti taivasta kuuhun,
katsoo metsää, min hongat on
tuulensuojana kartanon,
miettivi suuntaan sataan
ainaista ongelmataan.

Partaa sivellen aprikoi,
puistaa päätä ja haastaa-
"ei tätä ymmärtää en voi,
ei tää pulma on vasta"-
heittää tapaansa järkevään
taas jo pois nämä vaivat pään,
lähtee toimeen ja työhön
lähtee puuhiinsa yöhön.

Aitat ja puodit tarkastain
lukkoja koittaa nytkyin-
lehmät ne lehdoista näkee vain
unta kahleissa kytkyin;
suitset ja siimat ei selkään soi
ruunan, mi myöskin unelmoi
torkkuen vasten seinää;
haassa se puree heinää.

Lammasten luo käy karsinaan,
makuulla tapaa ne ukko;
kanat jo katsoo, pienallaan
istuu ylinnä kukko,
kopissa Vahti hyvin voi,
herää ja häntää liehakoi,
tonttu harmajanuttu
Vahdille kyllä tuttu.

Puikkii ukko jo tupahan,
siellä on isäntäväki,
tontulle arvoa antavan
näiden jo aikaa näki;
varpain hiipivi lasten luo,
nähdäkseen sulot pienet nuo,
ken sitä kummeksis juuri;
hälle se riemu on suuri.

Isän ja pojan on nähnyt hän
puhki polvien monten
nukkuvan lasna; mut mistähän
tie oli avutonten?
Polvet polvien tietämiin
nousi, vanheni, läks'-mihin niin?
Ongelma, josta halaa
selkoa, noin taas palaa!

Latoon parvelle pyrkii vaan,
siellä hän pitää majaa;
pääskyn naapuri suovallaan
on liki räystään rajaa;
vaikka pääsky nyt poissa on,
keväällä tuoksuun tuomiston
kyllä se saapuu varmaan
seurassa puolison armaan.

Silloin aina se sirkuttaa
monta muistoa tieltä,
ei toki tunne ongelmaa,
näin joka kiusaa mieltä.
Seinän raosta loistaa kuu,
ukon partahan kumottuu,
liikkuu parta ja hulmaa,
tonttu se miettii pulmaa.

Vaiti metsä on, alla jään
kaikki elämä makaa,
koski kuohuvi yksinään
humuten metsän takaa.
Tonttu puoleksi unissaan
ajan virtaa on kulkevinaan,
tuumii, minne se vienee,
missä sen lähde lienee.

Pakkasyö on, ja leiskuen
Pohja loimuja viskoo.
Kansa kartanon hiljaisen
aamuhun unta kiskoo.
Ääneti kuu käy laskemaan,
puissa lunta on valkeanaan,
kattojen päällä on lunta.
Tonttu ei vaan saa unta.

jjenski-:Luonut: jjenski-Tiistai 07.12.2010 15:39

Let me bring you down real easy
You've got no room left to run
So you preach over me like I will never know
Go on if they want you to
Just for your piece of mind
I've got no fucking shame
And I will laugh before you die

Wonder, Wonder why you wonder
Look inside me and you will see
What the fuck
Can be asunder
And you just let me be
They got too far
So my hands out for me,
For beating
Let me out
To the fact that I don't care
Your buried fact, your buried pair

Take me away
Anyway, that's not my way
Don't care, I don't care which way
Toss me aside
I wont crash
I will never trust
Done with everything, Die for nothing


Take me away
Anyway, that's overwith
Don't care, I don't care which way
Trust me I say-
I wont crash
I will never trust
Done with everything, Die for nothing

Children of Bodom - Done with everything, Die for nothing ♥

liquoryhyy jooLuonut: liquorMaanantai 28.06.2010 13:21

you could be the love of my life
but in my quiddity i feel, i only shatter your heart
you're everything i ever wanted
the smithereens are getting apart
this disoriented heart, it never finds true love

liquortoimiiks nääLuonut: liquorLauantai 29.05.2010 15:40

I've waited for years
and my eyes are filled with tears
all my deepest fears
i've drowned them with hundreds of beers
I see no reason, to wait you anymore
all these minutes are falling for sure
I remember the day, when we started this
this sad story'bout love and bliss
But now it's over, i finally woke up
maybe it would be okay, if i'd just sober up
living a life without you, it appears to be hard
but now i am happy cause we're apart
no more stress and that awful pain
i got new life ahead, that im going to gain
i saw the light, it greets me bright
the memories of you, they're out of sight
im happy now, out of my mind
finally i realized that i was way too kind
for her, she was a total mess
okay, a complete retard if i have to confess
last words, i herd " have fun and god bless "
shut up, i couldn't care less
you're just one more wounded angel for my life
still feeling the pain but sadly alive
i wont kill you, wont help you die
oh well, excuse me that was a lie
those broken wings, reminds me of few things
like when you were with that other guy
i knew that you're not going fly
anymore, with me.
i've been awake for too many nights
thinking of you, shutting down the lights
the pictures, music and those fucking letters
reminds me of our friends we used to call haters
all we had was each other, it makes me think
what did cause that our ship had to sink
i've said that i don't care'bout you anymore
(but yes, oh yes, i do i do)
i miss our time, hoping that everything's going to be fine
(can't forget you, i just can't)
slitting my heart out, can you see now
(it beats only for you, only for you)
these seconds seems to bring me down
now you're gone, again i'm on my own
cant see anything clearly, am i drowning?
or just getting blind, this shitty life seems to be slowing
my future, i've lost it completely.

i saw the light, it greets me bright
the memories of you, they're out of sight
im happy now, out of my mind
finally i realized that i was way too kind
for her, she was a total mess
okay, a complete retard if i have to confess
last words, i herd " have fun and god bless "
shut up, i couldn't care less

you're just one more wounded angel for my life
still feeling the pain but sadly alive
i wont kill you, wont help you die
oh well, excuse me that was a lie
those broken wings, reminds me of few things
like when you were with that other guy
i knew that you're not going fly
anymore, with me.

cant get no sleep
got thousands of things inside i keep
i think too much
too many nightmares awake i watch
where's the old me
maybe none of you will not see
that guy again, that's for sure
im trying to find the cure
maybe im missing someone or something
but i dont know, inside my head i sing
"Im alright and happy, im alright,
I will win this fight, and find the light"

im the uncutted diamond,yet alone
im still here but soon to be gone
my mind is lost and out of track
waiting the day i get my sanity back
the voices, they still attack
i see my future is black
... like the yesterdays rain.
Tomorrow bring us just sorrow,
Hollow is our heart, throw it away or borrow.

liquor"hello", she said & goodbyeLuonut: liquorPerjantai 12.03.2010 16:08

This hurts like hell, listen to me & what i have to tell
Once i knew this girl for whom i fell, now she's stuck inside a shell.
She was the most beautiful thing ever, but she was stupid & i was clever

She'll never know how much pain does she feel, i'm the reason this is real.

And all i can see, she's crying. all i can do is just sit here and wait that she´ll drown to her own tears. Hello is way too nice word for you to say, i'll bury you within the deepest fears.

Still thinking, why am i doing this, we had a chance to see the eternal bliss.
But no, She´s not my type of girl, all she causes is my mind to whirl.

Got no time for this, choke bitch choke, you made my life nothing but a big joke.

-"Hello", She said and goodbye.

Oh yeah, I´ll tell you something
I think you´ll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

Oh, please, say to me
You´ll let me be your man
and please, say to me

You´ll let me hold your hand
Now let me hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you i feel happy, inside
It´s such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah you, got that something
I think you´ll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you I feel happy, inside
It´s such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah you, got that something
I think you´ll understand
When I feel that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand.