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crestfall, HMorg

Jäsenet (10)

Tässä vaiheessa sitten yhteiskuntakritiikkiä. Tää tuntuu monille olevan "se hyvä biisi."

The chilly breath of years,
Thousands before you,
Wreaths you in its cold arms,
Binds your limbs and tongue.

Hatred of yester-years,
All the havoc wrought.
Future holds no prospect warmer,
We will all freeze to death.

No words, no song, no sighs,
No screams, no cries.
Deflect the sun, alone,
into the silence of ice.

HMorgDear EvaLuonut: HMorgSunnuntai 22.04.2012 03:25

Nyt ollaan sitten päästy kiinni The Silence from Your Roomin lihaan ja meikän epäonnistuneisiin ihmissuhteisiin.

Each new day greets me with greyness.
A phantom pain replaces what was cut out.
In a fit of passion I embrace the floor,
It will not let me fall further.

I'm wrapping myself inside me,
Lest I freeze to death.
The sun is cold to me now,
You took the warmth away.

Life has taught me not to hope,
Yet hope lives on.
Have I learned nothing?

Won't you come closer to my side?
Don't you know that I'm still here?
Dear Eva,
The silence from your room is stifling.

Why won't you come closer to my side?
You know that I'm still here.
Dear Eva,
The words you don't say are stifling.

What went wrong
In that mind of yours?

O, you vile temptress,
You had me in your snare.
I would have worshipped
The earth beneath your feet.

Your mouth stayed shut, but in your eyes
I saw a fire had turned to ice.

HMorgChanson d'HiverLuonut: HMorgLauantai 21.04.2012 03:36

Nyt on vuorossa The Silence from Your Room -albumin ensimmäinen sanoitettu kappale. Omistettu poistuneelle ystävälle.

It's so white all around
In the clear light of day,
Distances are hard to make out,
And so are shapes.
A freezing wind blows,
And in addition
Tears and snowflakes in my eyes
Are blurring my vision.

This time of year I'm reunited
With the demons I thought I'd lost in the summer.
A desperate frolic through this harrowing beauty,
It feels as though the winter never leaves.

I'm dragging my husk through the snowfall
On an obscure path that leads nowhere.
Wintertime always brings out the sadness in me
And a recurring nightmare has the face of a dead friend.

You never thought you'd die like this, right?
No one to hold your hand.
The ambrosia you have drunk was drawn from Lethe.
Before the first flowers of spring graves bloom in winter.

HMorgPicturesque, PetrifiedLuonut: HMorgPerjantai 20.04.2012 16:20

Seuraavana vuorossa "se nopea kappale", eli kavereiden kesken "PiPe." Tämä löytyy demolta, jolle antoi myös nimensä, sekä viimeisimmältämme, Chapter III -ep:ltä.

No movement in my sight,
No wind blows.
The landscape is paralysed,
Silver bands hold me.

My wailing echoes
Through the void
Though my mouth is shut
And no one else is there.

The wind is picking up,
Still no movement in the trees.
But my voice fades away.
I sink into darkness.

Never sleeping, dead, I dream
Of faint movement in the soil.
Broken by decay, life unfolds
In a myriad of planes.
My presence rectified
As I plunge into a new
Hallucination, it confounds me.
How can I be?

Skeletal trees, never moving.
No matter how I run,
I stay still. They mock me
For I can't grow wings.

Frozen utterly, amidst this loss
Of my sanity, fighting fear.
Emptiness is all that I have,
It is my own.

My mind repeating
A passage I read.
I whisper to myself:
"Nothing hurts."

Kuuntele PiPe tästä:

HMorgOne Joyless NightLuonut: HMorgPerjantai 20.04.2012 01:56

Alotetaanpa aivan alusta. Tämä kappale päätti demon, mutta oli ensimmäinen, jonka ECW:lle sävelsin. Kuulette tästä vielä.

I close my eyes and the air is still,
As if reminding me of my current state
Of immobility, I cannot achieve,
Nor rejoice; I am static.

I am warm, and yet I am cold,
I am calm, and yet I am nervous,
I want to move, desperately I wish to move,
And to scream; yet I long for a moment

Of calmness, I desire sleep,
And will have none, not now.
My head is bursting with memories,
Some are happy, some are not;
Some I can feel as if a cup
Of liquid happiness ran down my throat;
Others sting and hurt as if a knife
That is being twisted in the wound I call my heart.

One moment I would like to fight
This sense of overwhelming numbness,
Another, I want to further numb myself,
To clear my head of false hopes and lost causes,

To administer anesthesia, to drown in dreams
Hopefully better than the one I feel like
I'm living in, for it hardly feels like life,
More like a permanent trance, and myself

Controlled by an external force.
And at times, when the dream fades,
Reality nearly knocks me senseless
With its heavy, pounding toil.
Let me not cry so long,
As to dry my eyes out by crying;
Let me not think so long,
As to sink deeper into my despair,

This psychic prison I build for myself.
Let me not know the joys of life,
As to save me from breaking down
When all fails. This I know:
I will fail.
Viikon päästä ois aika nauhotella rumpuja. Sen kunniaks voisin postailla tänne vanhojen levyjen lyriikoita.
Ever Circling Wolves, tuo Herttoniemi Doom Force, menee studioon äänittämään rumpuja tulevaa pitkäsoittoa varten tuossa huhtikuun lopulla.

Kerroin tämän, kun @ecwdoom ei oo kuitenkaan teidän kaverilistalla tai vaikka oiskin, ette lue sen bloggauksia.

Nii ja hei, jos soitatte selloa tai tunnette jonkun, joka soittaa, vinkatkaa meille! Tarttettais mahollisesti sellistin palveluksia kun äänittelyt on päässeet siihen asti, että tämmöset sovitukset ois ajankohtasia.

HMorgEeppistä paskaa tuloillaanLuonut: HMorgMaanantai 27.02.2012 01:53

Laskeskeltiin tossa, että on semmonen 70 min matskua kasassa seuraavaa levyä varten.

Mm. tämmönen kipale siihen ois tulossa:

Kato siitä ja, jos diggaat, laita eteenpäin!

HMorgSelloutsLuonut: HMorgTorstai 26.01.2012 15:53

Tehtiin tossa laskelmia ja huomattiin, että Chapter III:n painoksesta on jo yli puolet myyty. Nyt kannattaa siis ostaa, jos meinaa keretä!

HMorgTsäpteri pihallaLuonut: HMorgPerjantai 16.12.2011 01:46

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