

Käyntejä: 6 577 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 1
216 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 176 (82 %)
Poikia: 40 (18 %)
32,0 vuotta
Otos: 136 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 31,5 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 34,1 vuotta

Jäsenet (216)

You have pointed out my flaws again
As if I don't already see them
I walk with my head down
Trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you
I just wanna feel okay again

AlexW1.4Luonut: AlexWSunnuntai 07.08.2011 20:44

Viikon levy: Taylor Swift - Speak Now (25.10.2010)

Tällä kertaa palataan ajassa vajaa vuosi taaksepäin, mistä löytyy yksi meikäläisen tämän hetken soitetuimmista lätyistä. 21-vuotiaan Taylor Swiftin kolmas studioalbumi on melkolailla niin tasapainoinen ja loistava kokonaisuus, että (ainakin samasta genrestä) saa hakea vertaista. Parhaita biisejä on tässä turha edes alkaa luettelemaan, se on kuunneltava kokonaan, ja sitten se on kuunneltava uudestaan.

Maistiaiseksi heitetään viime aikoina päässä eniten soinut kipale joka on myös levyn nimikkobiisi, vieläpä livenä:

Gatsu-242.Luonut: Gatsu-Perjantai 13.05.2011 20:46

I'm only up when you're not down
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground
It's like no matter what I do

Well, you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only trying
To let you know that what I feel is true
And I'm only me when I'm with you

And I don't try to hide my tears
The secrets, all my deepest fears
Through it all nobody gets me like you do

LOR3Luonut: LOR3Tiistai 22.03.2011 18:25

Lady Gaga opetti että on okei olla erillainen.
Kesha opetti elämään täysillä.
Pink opetti minua olemaan oma itseni,välittämättä
mitä toiset ajattelevat.
Taylor Swift opetti ettei jokainen poika tule
kohtelemaan minua oikein.
Emimem opetti, että vaikka elämä potkii päähän
selviät siitä.
Bruno Mars opetti minut tekemään kaiken rakkaani

Michael Jackson opetti minua rakastamaan kaikkia
Lisää tämä blogiisi, jos musiikki opetti sinut elämään.

Rixa</3Luonut: RixaPerjantai 14.01.2011 00:14

She can't see the way your eyes will light up when you smile
She never noticed how you stop and stare whenever she walks by
And you can't see me wanting you the way you want her
But you are everything to me

And I just want to show you, she don't even know you
She's never gonna love you like I want to
And you just see right through me but if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable
Instead of just invisible, yeah

There's a fire inside of you that can't help but shine through
But she's never gonna see the light, no matter what you do
And all I think about is how to make you think of me
And everything that we could be

And I just want show you, she don't even know you
She's never gonna love you like I want to
And you just see right through me but if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable
Instead of just invisible

Like shadows in the faded light, oh, we're invisible
I just wanna open your eyes and make you realize

And I just want to show you, she don't even know you
Baby, let me love you, let me want you
You just see right through me but if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable
Instead of just invisible, oh, yeah

She can't see the way your eyes will light up when you smile
Day 01 - Your favorite song
Day 02 - Your least favorite song
Day 03 - A song that makes you happy

Day 04 - A song that makes you sad
Day 05 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 06 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 07 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 08 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 09 - A song that you can dance to
Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 11 - A song from your favorite band
Day 12 - A song from a band you hate
Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15 - A song that describes you
Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19 - A song from your favorite album
Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 - A song from your childhood

Day 08 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 09 - A song that you can dance to
Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 11 - A song from your favorite band
Day 12 - A song from a band you hate
Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15 - A song that describes you
Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19 - A song from your favorite album
Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 - A song from your childhood
Day 30 - Your favorite song at this time last year