

Käyntejä: 1 687 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
6 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 5 (84 %)
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22,5 vuotta
Otos: 5 jäsentä
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Poikien keski-ikä: 29,0 vuotta

Jäsenet (6)

- Vanhemmat »

Peps-oot aika ihana<3Luonut: Peps-Keskiviikko 07.01.2009 23:07

mä tykkään susta<3
ja sä tiesit sen<3
mun on kiva olla su lähel<3
kerroinko et tykkään susta<3
prrmau :)
When I'm feeling blue
All I have to do
Is take a look at you
Then I'm not so blue
When you're close to me
I can feel you heart beat
I can hear you breathing
In my ear
Wouldn't you agree?
Baby, you and me got a groovy kind of love

Any time you want to
You can turn me on to
Anything you want to
Any time at all
When I kiss your lips
Ooh, I start to shiver
Can't control the quivering inside
Wouldn't you agree?
Baby, you and me got a groovy kind of love


When I'm feeling blue
All I have to do
Is take a look at you
Then I'm not so blue
When I'm in your arms
Nothing seems to matter
My whole world can shatter
I don't care
Wouldn't you agree?
Baby, you and me got a groovy kind of love

We got a groovy kind of love
We got a groovy kind of love
Ooh, ooh
We got a groovy kind of love

JaraidHaluun halata sua! <3Luonut: JaraidPerjantai 19.12.2008 23:24

JaraidLinda<33Luonut: JaraidTiistai 30.09.2008 01:41

jos sua ei ois ollut,
niin olisin keksinyt sut.
Ois susta samanlainen tullut
mitään en ois muuttanut.

JaraidLinda<3Luonut: JaraidMaanantai 22.09.2008 23:39

"Kadut täyttyy äänistä

joku huutaa meidän perään

Olet meistä vahvempi

kanssasi en pelkää kaupungin pimeää

Ihmisjoukon kohdalla

pidät kiinni kovempaa

ja pelkoni katoaa"
Somebody wants you

Somebody needs you

Somebody dreams about you every single night

Somebody can't breath without you, it's lonely

Somebody hopes someday you will see

That Somebody's Me

That Somebody's Me
Mother of mine
You gave to me all of my life
To do as I please
I owe everything I have to you
Mother, sweet mother of mine
Mother of mine when
I was young
You showed me
The right way things
Should be done
Without your love,
Where would I be?
Mother, sweet mother of mine

Mother, you gave me
Happiness much more
Than words can say
I pray the Lord that
He may bless you
Every night and every day

Mother of mine
Now I am grown
And I can walk straight
All on my own
I'd like to give you
What you gave to me
Mother, sweet mother of mine (x2)
- Vanhemmat »