

Käyntejä: 3 592 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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Jäsenet (42)

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maisauLuonut: maisauPerjantai 04.09.2009 17:42

If I was a sailor
I'd sail the seven seas
To tell you “baby I don't want you to leave”
You see this world is such a sad place
And without your pretty face
I'm sure its gonna wind up much worse
And I know that you'll see someday that I cant live without you
And I know what I say is true cause I'm still stuck on you girl
I'm in love from the first time I laid my eyes on you
There's nothing I can do
And I'm in love from the first time I laid my lips on yours
Now you're walking out my door
And there's nothing I can do
And if I could explore the world
I'd bring you along
We'd go from New York to Timbuktu
But truly I am set right here at Denny's
Drinking coffee and sharing a cigarette
And I know that you'll see someday that I cant live without you
And I know what I say is true cause I'm so stuck on you girl
I'm in love with you

maisauLuonut: maisauTiistai 01.09.2009 18:50

I met a man of two feet tall
This man was quite ambitious
In a world that is so vicious to us all
I said, \"Hi,\" as he replied
He said, \"Listen to these words
That I have lived by my whole life
\"You're only as tall as your heart will let you be
And you're only as small as the world will make you seem
When the going gets rough and you feel like you may fall
Just look on the brightside - you're roughly six feet tall\"
I met a man of 12 feet tall
He towered like a giant
In a world that was defiant of his height
I said, \"Hi,\" as he replied
He said, \"Listen to these words
That I have dreaded my whole life
\"You're only as tall as your heart will let you be
And you're only as small as the world will make you seem
When the going gets rough and you feel like you may fall
Just look on the brightside - you're roughly six feet tall.\"
I am a man of six feet tall
Just looking for some answers
In a world that answers none of them at all
I'll say, \"Hi,\" but not reply
To the letters that you write
Because I found some peace of mind
Cause I'm only as tall as my heart will let me be
And I'm only as small as the world will make me seem
When the going gets rough and I feel like I may fall
I'll look on the brightside - I'm roughly six feet tall
oikeenpuolimmainen on ainaki ihana christofer drew mutt onks toi vasemmanpuoleine sama ;o



lol miksen heti tunnistanu.

M3R1[Ei aihetta]Luonut: M3R1Maanantai 26.01.2009 21:11

hei plz mulle tollanen =) <3
- Vanhemmat »