

Televisio ja elokuvat
Käyntejä: 6 621 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
107 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 102 (96 %)
Poikia: 5 (4 %)
30,4 vuotta
Otos: 64 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 30,2 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 34,7 vuotta

Jäsenet (107)

- Vanhemmat »
Name - Linda
Age - 17
Your country of origin - Finland

Your best friend is - China (ARU!!)

You have a crush on - Greece (& kissat)

You hate - Turkey (maski pois!)

You get bullied by - France (O___O)

You are scared of - N-Italy (...ihan tulee paskat housuun)

You go out with for 5 seconds - Latvia (tärin...tärin ... tärin ..)

You get a confession from - Turkey (..ketä vihaan)

You get in a fist fight with - Latvia (vedonlyöntejä otetaan vastaan)

You had a one night stand with - Japan (graur)

Your first boyfriend is - Latvia ( ... ööö)

Everybody graduates but - America (shit happens)

You marry - Turkey (wooot... )

Your first kid name is - Lily (joka päätyy isälleen)

You get in a dispute with - Germany (oh shit)

You get out of the dispute with the help of - Sweden (WHY----!!!)

You have an affair with - Austria (ja hommat tehään pianon päällä)

You get caught by - America (mukaan vaan)

The chances of them telling - 71% (damn)

Your husband finds out about the affair, he feels - Confused (ihan varmasti)

You two get divorced, you drown your sorrows with - Belarus (juodaan Ivanin vodkat)

The percentage of you two doing a one night stand - 59% (#_#)

You move in with - America (eh ... )

You start having feelings for - Canada (EH ...!)

You get a confession from - America (^_^)

The percentage of you excepting their feelings - 38% (ei sitte)

You say no, they then go out with - Estonia (jahas)

You get ambushed by - Hong Kong (WHY)

The chances of you getting out of their alive - 72% (HAHA !! sucker)

You unxpecting get glomped by - Finland (no todellakin tuli yllätyksenä)

You are lonely, you get a - Drink of wine (ja paljon)

Drunk, you kiss - Prussia (GRAURR)

Percentage of how much they liked the kiss - 83% (uuuu..)

You have a huge war against - Russia (OMFG i´m gonna dieee !!)

Your chances of winning - 15% (-____-)

You die by - Nuclear Attack (KABOOM)

The only person not to go to your funeral is - Lithuania (ei sit, en ois halunnukkaa)

This person is the most devestated by your death - Russia (aws)

The person that is most happiest that you've died - Prussia (paskiainen!)

This person is the master mind of your death - England (Ivan ! go kill England !!)

How much you liked your life - 97% (kiva kiva)

ZuveRuotsi-cossi BakaconiinLuonut: ZuveTiistai 21.04.2009 01:35

Se on (melkein) valmiis~~ \o/ Vielä pitää kuus nappia saada kiinni, niin it's done! Siks pidän kättä tolleen vammasesti, että se takki pysyis paikallaan. ::)

(ja joo, noi mun hiukset kuuluis peruukin alle, mut en jaksanu säätää - säädin siis mielummin paintin kanssa. :'D.)

En ois yksin päässy puusta pitkään, joten kiitän nöyrimmästi heitä, jotka auttoivat. <3

PS. Ja Ruotsina mun pitää sit olla vakava myrttynaama. :| :D

PPS. Sori, otan laadukkaamaan kuvan joskus huomenna, kun saan napit kiinni ja tälleen... Vois jopa yrittää saada krakan kaulaan. ;D

Joo ja vois ton naamakuvanki poistaa tuolt cossikansiosta, ku seki feilaa.. Noh, tulipaha pistettyä.

heartquakemoiLuonut: heartquakeTiistai 07.04.2009 22:25

asbfdasgfjadshjkfhgdlsk himaruyaaa ;__; ♥

moi vaan tino o/

heartquakebuono tomato oohLuonut: heartquakeTiistai 24.03.2009 23:50

✖ 【sombre ★ dimanche】 sanoo:
.. oh, wow.
There's a preview of Germany's character song...

Janna sanoo:
I just heard it.
...oh wow.

✖ 【sombre ★ dimanche】 sanoo:
... No comments really.

Janna sanoo:

oh wow :|

HamajoRussiaLuonut: HamajoMaanantai 17.11.2008 23:49

Nation's name: Rossiyskaya Federatsiya (The Russian Federation. Though in the manga, he is also "The Soviet Union," even though he is always referred to as "Russia")
Capital: Moscow
Language: Russian (though, due to its size, Russia has several languages)
Birthday: December 30th
National flower: Sunflower
Human name: Ivan Braginsky (I'm sounding his last name out. It's イヴァン・ブラギンスキ)
Height: 182 (tallest of the nations)
Age: Unknown
-A gigantic northern nation that has been tormented ever since childhood.
-Either way, whatever he does, there is vodka involved. His fuel is vodka. Whenever he wants to invade the south to obtain it, England is always there to get in his way, so truthfully, he wants to punch England.
-Because he is attacked by General Winter pretty much every year, he hates the snow. Yet, whenever there is a war, General Winter becomes his best ally.
-At the first impression, he seems to be a pure-hearted country bumpkin, and yet, conversely speaking, he holds a child-like cruelty. Compared to other nations, Russia's history has seen more bloodbaths and tragedies.
-(Note: Someone asked the artist "Russia looks puffy/plump in those clothes. Is he fat?" Russia's answer was 'I'm big-boned.")
Oh, Russia, you batshit insane bastard, you. Sort of like Gin from Bleach, but less creepier. Or more. A lot of people love Russia, because he's the sweet, adorable, huge, cutie who is practically a slave driver to the Baltic states, and is obsessed with unification. Because, hey, we're all one with Russia, right? ....right?

Watashi wa Russia desu.
- Vanhemmat »