

Televisio ja elokuvat
Käyntejä: 7 273 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
107 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 102 (96 %)
Poikia: 5 (4 %)
30,4 vuotta
Otos: 64 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 30,2 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 34,7 vuotta

Jäsenet (107)


{clack}OMGOMGOMGLuonut: {clack}Perjantai 18.09.2009 22:06

Lähetinpäs Himaruya Hidekazille viestin!!!!!!!! *pyörtyy* omnomnomnonnjiddhfjdfg taiankin kuolla...... Nyt kun vaan se toteuttais mun toiveen ja piirtäis RoChua XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD saakohan se ees selvää mun englannista~~~~ XDDD Talvisota wtf >XDDDDDD
muttajooo XDDD

{clack}[Ei aihetta]Luonut: {clack}Perjantai 18.09.2009 19:19

North Italy
[/] You were bullied a lot in your childhood.
[x] You adore pasta, pizza, cheese, and fruit.
[x] You're very happy-go-lucky
[ ] You constantly have a dozy look on your face as if you're always away with the fairies
[ ] You have a long curly strand of hair that always tends to stick up
[x] You're a good artist (... I guess)
[ ] You can be clumsy at times
[ ] You have a friend you always depend upon if you mess up something
[ ] If your life was in danger, you would do the typical Italian thing and say: "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I HAVE RELATIVES IN YOUR COUNTRY!"
[ ] You would surrender in a war situation


[ ] You're very stoic and serious
[ ] Sausages are your favourite foods.
[ ] You like to walk dogs/your dog
[ ] Your boss/principal/tutor/home-room teacher is a nut-case.
[ ] You love rules and think they should always be followed
[ ] You think the world would be better if everyone played by the rules
[ ] You work very hard
[x] Your alone time is your 'happy time'
[x] You can appear tough but be very considerate towards people
[x] You've had issues with money once or twice


[ ] You're very mature.
[/] You think everything over before saying it.
[x] You believe in ghosts but aren't phased by the experience when you see one
[x] You isolated yourself during childhood
[ ] You became very successful in a short amount of time
[x] You are somewhat inexperienced when it comes to the outside world
[x] You can seem cold/aloof to other people
[ ] You're good at practical tasks
[x]You need time to adjust to new people

The United States of America
[x] You love hamburgers
[ ] You think you're awesome
[ ] You love to invent things
[x] You love going to the cinema/watching films/making films
[x] You can seem to be very brash to other people
[x] You have a tendency to stick your nose into other peoples' business
[ ] You're terrified of ghosts
[ ] You know aliens exist
[ ] You tend to wear a bomber jacket all the time
[x] You wear glasses

The United Kingdom of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland

[ ] You like tea
[ ] You were quite tough and troublesome as a kid
[ ] You're very sarcastic and cynical
[x] Your cooking is awful
[x] You love spiritual magical stuff, such as fairies, ghosts...
[ ] ...But you refuse to believe in aliens.
[ ] You have tried doing black magic before
[ ] You get drunk quite easily.
[ ] When you are drunk, you tend to be very unhappy
[ ] You're good at embroidery


[x] You're very affectionate
[/] You think you have a great fashion sense
[ ] You like wine
[ ] You're the master of whispering romantic things into peoples' ears
[x] You love red roses
[x] When it comes to l'amour, you don't mind men or women
[ ] You're very proud of yourself
[/] You love culture and the arts
[ ] You're very flamboyant
[ ] You say you're a gourmet


[ ] You had a very sad childhood.
[ ] You're very tall
[x] You have a tendency to switch between personalities
[ ] You wear a scarf all the time
[ ] You love sunflowers
[ ] You love vodka
[ ] You can seem intimidating to other people
[/] You're very strong
[x] You have a big nose
[ ] You have a strange laugh that can scare people


[/] You're very mature
[x] You're very superstitious
[ ] You're very religious
[x] You love pandas
[ ] You love cooking so much that you nag if food has a certain pattern of tastes
[ ] You love Hello Kitty
[ ] You try to be a role-model for your brothers/sisters/whatever, but are never taken seriously.
[ ] You work hard
[x] You're good at drawing
[x] You like sweets


[ ] You are very well-raised
[ ] You're polite
[/] You love classical music
[/] You like cake
[ ] You have a mole on your face
[x] You dedicate your time to your hobbies rather than what needs to be done right away
[ ] You are a virtuoso/play very well on at least one instrument
[ ] You've composed music before
[x] You tend to call people 'morons'
[x] You wear glasses


[x] You're often ignored by people
[x] You look younger than you actually are
[x] You love hockey
[x] You love polar bears
[ ] You hate fighting
[ ] You have one strand of curly hair, like Italy
[ ] You often get mistaken for someone else
[x] You feel under-appreciated
[x] You're bilingual
[ ] You always carry a bear with you


[ ] You smoke
[ ] You're very physically strong
[ ] You've won a lot of fist-fights
[ ] In your social circle, there are two brothers - you get along with one, but not with the other.
[x] You have very strong emotions about a variety of topics
[ ] You like hot weather
[ ] You can be very friendly from time to time
[ ] You look very tough on the outside
[ ] You make a very nice role-model
[ ] You don't let people get a word in edgeways


[x] You have a potty-mouth
[ ] You like to wear flowers in your hair
[ ] You used to be a very tough kid
[ ] You're very reliable
[ ] It's better to have you as a friend rather than an enemy
[ ] You're very faithful
[x] Your speech and mannerisms can be considered very unladylike
[ ] You and your best friend go together like chalk and cheese.
[x] You are graceful one moment and grinning like a maniac the next
[x] If someone yells that yaoi is going on somewhere, you will drop everything to run off to go and see it.


[/] You're very loyal
[ ] You feel like your best friend drags you around a lot, but you both have a great time together
[ ] You're very serious
[todellakaan ole] You have a lot of patience
[x] You think too much about philosophical stuff
[ ] You get depressed when questioning the point of existing/the universe, etc..
[/] You're not very confident
[ ] You were quite rebellious as a child
[ ] People tend to walk all over you
[ ] You're a born worrier


[ ] You're very flamboyant
[/] You're quite hyperactive
[ ] You can be quite goofy
[x] When you're depressed, you tend to rise out of it like a phoenix
[ ] You're very wary of strangers
[ ] It takes you ages to come out of your shell
[x] However, when you're used to someone, you're very chatty
[x] You're very forceful and stand at one end of the argument when it comes to your opinions
[ ] You love pansies and corn-poppies
[ ] You get up to lots of crazy antics


[x] You're quite mean-spirited
[ ] You're a bit of a hooligan
[/] You're very loyal
[ ] You're very good at tactics
[NOOOOOOO] You hate Russia
[ ] You love to fight people (BRAWL!!! WOOT)
[x] You can avoid marriages quite well
[x] You're not always taken seriously
[ ] You like drinking
[x] You want to become stronger

North Italy : 3½
Germany : 3
Japan : 5½

America : 5
UK of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland : 2
France : 4
Russia : 2½
China : 4½

Austria : 4
Canada : 6
Cuba : 1
Hungary : 4
Lithuania : 2
Poland : 3½
Prussia : 4½

Kanada ja Japani.... jaajaa XDDD
Ostin eilen kankaat siihen mun cosplaypukuun. Cossaan Cibitaliaa.
Tuossa nuo kankaat nyt on ja niistä pitäisi saada jotakin aikaiseksi....kauankohan minulla menee siihenkin. XD No onneksi puvulla ei ole kiire, koska käytän pukua vasta Bakaconissa. :D Aikaa kyllä on, että ei sen puoleen....

Ajattelin ekana päivänä olla Cibitalia ja toisena päivänä ihan Pohjois-Italia. Desuconista en tiedä viellä mitä cossaan, vai käytänkö samoja. Riippuu kerkeänkö tekemään mitään cossia valmiiksi. XD

Onko muuten muita Hetaliacossaajia tulossa Bakaconiin?

FichVknloppuLuonut: FichMaanantai 24.08.2009 02:13

Oli ihana. <3
Ah kulta rakas oot mahtava, sä ja sun aivopierut - kiitos kun tulit. <3
Ja kiitti Ainolle ja Marinalle mahtavasta seurasta pe ja la <3 Ja oli kiva nähdä muitakin taiteiden yössä n___n
Nyt on sit btw ensvuoden Cosplay-Gaalan cossi sovittu - Taki Reizen Maiden Rosesta 8DD HALKIOT. <33 Ja kaks takkii päällekkäin ah the heat, mä sulan.

Ne on hienoja. Mutku mua häiritsee ku ne vois mennä paljon paremmin samaan tahtiin ja tollasiin musiikkeihin vois pistää PALJON rajummat ja nopeetemposemmat koreografiat. Sopis paremmin. Pöh. >8( Ei sinänsä, hienoja on, ja toi Suomi on söps~
Mut mulle tuli ihan HIRVEE hinku ruveta koreografioimaan ja suunnittelemaan jotain tollasta asenteella "meillä on kivaa me tehdään tätä huvikseen" eikä silleen "tää tulee siihen ja tähän coniin ja meidän pitää olla iha vitu hyvii". Tahtoooo~ *.*

wastedbeautyNäin se on.Luonut: wastedbeautyLauantai 22.08.2009 23:40

Sealand: Mama? I was wondering where do babies come from?
Finland: Ugh... when a man and a woman love each other they- um- they-
Sweden: Go. To. IKEA.
Finland: Y-yeah! That's exactly what happens. They go to IKEA and get a baby!

nephilim-Hetalia ~ ♥Luonut: nephilim-Keskiviikko 12.08.2009 23:57

Hei hei iskä, anna viiniä
Hei hei äiti, hei hei äiti
Bolognese jota söin aiemmin
Sen makua en voi unohtaa
Pyörivä maapallo
Pyörivä maapallo
Pyörivä maapallo
Olen Hetalia
Aaa, vain yksi veto
Ja voimme nähdä mahtavan maailman
Nyt skoolatkaamme saappaillamme
Hetalia ~

troquet[Ei aihetta]Luonut: troquetKeskiviikko 12.08.2009 21:42

huorapoika[Ei aihetta]Luonut: huorapoikaLauantai 01.08.2009 05:50

Miten ne kaikki idiootit pystyy cossaa tollast ääliömäist tuputus ohjelmaa järkeväl naamal??!?!?!! DDDDDDDDDD: sorry vilma oot tyhmä

Snowcat_89Hauska hetalia juttu. Luonut: Snowcat_89Maanantai 20.07.2009 14:03

Name: Emma
Your country of origin Finland
Your best friend is Sweden
You have a crush on China
You hate France
You get bullied by Sweden
You are scared of Austria
You go out with for 5 seconds England
You get a confession from Finland
You get in a fist fight with America
You had a one night stand with Finland
Your first boyfriend is Greece
Everybody graduates but Germany
You marry Canada
Your first kid name is Lily
You get in a dispute with Finland
You get out of the dispute with the help of America
You have an affair with Canada
You get caught by Finland
The chances of them telling

Your husband finds out about the affair, he feels Angry
You two get divorced, you drown your sorrows with Belarus
The percentage of you two doing a one night stand 18%

You move in with Germany
You start having feelings for Sealand
You get a confession from Turkey
The percentage of you excepting their feelings

You say no, they then go out with Iceland
The percentage of you like them two together

You get ambushed by Japan
The chances of you getting out of their alive

You unxpecting get glomped by Denmark
You are lonely, you get a Drink of vodka
Drunk, you kiss Germany
Percentage of how much they liked the kiss

You have a huge war against Denmark
Your chances of winning

You die by Drunk driving
The only person not to go to your funeral is Estonia
This person is the most devestated by your death Greece
This person is teh most happiest taht you died England
This person is teh master mind of your death Prussia
Who you liked your life


Tuolla tein. Aika mukavat tulokset mulla. XD

AnnalaatikkoÖr.Luonut: AnnalaatikkoTiistai 14.07.2009 05:40

Eikä, liian söpöäää! Itku.