[x] You have at least 10 poster in ur room of them.
[x] When ever something new comes on with the jonas brothers in it you scream.
[x] Your mom or dad knows you love them so much when ever she see's them on a show she tells you.
[x] You talk about how awesome they are to people you dont or do no on youtube or anywhere else.
[x] You feel you are 100% Anyway if u dont get 100% on this test.
[x] You only like the green team because of joe jonas mostly.
[x] You only like the red team becuase of nick.
[x] You watch jonas brothers on youtube EVERYDAY.
[x] You would freak out and roll on the floor screaming if JonasBrothersMusic (Jonas Brothers youtube account) left you a comment, subscribed you, AND made a shoutout to you on yt.