

Käyntejä: 3 866
163 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 84 (52 %)
Poikia: 79 (48 %)
33,2 vuotta
Otos: 77 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 34,0 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 32,3 vuotta

Jäsenet (163)


Green_Day[Ei aihetta]Luonut: Green_DayKeskiviikko 08.07.2009 02:18

Michael Jacksonin muistotilaisuus oli herkkä. ♥
tuli tippa silmään useaan otteeseen ja varsinkin lopussa Parisin puheen aikana. :'(

"Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me"

† rest in peace the king of pop.

^Jepu^MJLuonut: ^Jepu^Maanantai 29.06.2009 18:10

15% kaikista maailman ihmisistä iloitsevat Michael Jacksonin kuolemaa ja pilkkaavat häntä.
Lisää tämä päiväkirjaasi, jos kuulut niihin 85% jotka surevat ja kunnioittavat edesmennyttä
popin kuningasta.

Ooltsuu...Luonut: OoltsuuSunnuntai 28.06.2009 04:34

ei vaan vieläkään voi tajuta... mun piti vielä joskus nähä se.. ei tät voi vaan uskoa... miks näin piti käydä? RIP our King of Pop..<3
Michael Jackson kuoli Loss angelesilaisessa sairaalassa 25.6.2009 sydänkohtaukseen.Hän oli kuollessaan 50 vuotias.Olen aina pitänyt Michaelista ja hänen musiikistaan joten Rest In Peace!We Miss you Jacko! <3
"I remember the first time I seen you moonwalk,
I believed I could do anything,
you made the world dance,
you made the music come to life

This the type of song that make the angels cry
I look up in the sky and I wonder why
Why you had to go, go
I know it's better on the other side
You were chosen from the sky
Never gon' let you go (the king, woah! - Polow da Don)

Who's Michael Jackson, you're Michael Jackson
I'm Michael Jackson, we all Michael Jackson

I guess what I'm asking is everybody bow their head for a legend
Don't breathe for a second
Now let the air out, grab the hand of somebody you care about
So you can hear my message, my confession
Someone tell Usher, I seen the moonwalk
I guess the young thriller touched him
Like he touched me, like he touched you
So carry on his legacy, something I must do
So I trust you lighting candles, concrete visuals
Me and my brothers listen to Jackson 5 in the living room
First thing I did when I heard was call puff
'Cause him and Mike tried to stop the beef between us
Who was us? Me and fifty, that beef is dead
Him and Mike Jackson gonna take us to the ledge

As I'm pouring out this liquor candles start to flicker
When list my air ones, MJ was my nigger
Not the one that play ball, the one with the Hollywood star
and since I'm a Hollywood star I'm gonna tell you my story
Never had a family that close
Never see Barry Gordy walking through interscope
Just like me they always had Mike in a scope
No matter what you say, I'm gonna love him and he's still dope
let me take you back to 85 when I was in a zone
Dancing for my momma Thriller jacket with all the zippers on
Now I'm doing 90 'bout to crash in this Aston
Listening to Outkast, I'm sorry Mrs. Jackson
Anything I can ever do to better you your son was our king so we won't Corretta you
I'm writing this letter to all the Jackson kids
We all Jackson kids, time to let us through

People can say what they want to say about you
But we gon' remember the miracles that you showed us
Through your music, through your dance, through your (...)
You were the one that made us all realise that we are the world
You are the one that showed us we can moonwalk
You gave us the beat, you gave us the rhythm, you gave us the soul
Through us your legacy lives on

We can't stop now
We wont stop now, Mike Jackson

This the kind of song to make the angels cry
Look up in the sky
Ask God why, why, why, do we live and let it die"

- The Game

JesperiMichael Jackson Is DeadLuonut: JesperiLauantai 27.06.2009 14:36

Zumbaku[Ei aihetta]Luonut: ZumbakuLauantai 27.06.2009 04:14

Lopettakaa se Jacksonin puolesta nyyhkyttäminen
Teidän miikael ois halunnu ettette itke :'''(

P.s -96 lissut vois lopettaa kans sen itkemisen :D

P.s.s Ja -93 myös

P.s.s.s Mitua Vituttaaa

venlakiR.I.P Michael Jackson!<3Luonut: venlakiLauantai 27.06.2009 03:02


HOMOESKiMO[Ei aihetta]Luonut: HOMOESKiMOLauantai 27.06.2009 00:12

en oo kyll mikää michael fani, mut piirsin silti :)