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The latest theory on the reason behind Apple's white iPhone 4 delay comes from Scott Moritz of TheStreet, who reports that the issue stems from backlight leakage around the edges of the device's glass and even through its white back.

Apparently, the back light from the iPhone display screen is leaking out around the edges of the glass and seeping through the back of the white phone, according to a person familiar with the manufacturing process.

lololol eli näytön valo tulee läpi tost valkoisesta kuoresta, niin siit syystä toi valkoinen iphone on myöhäs.... mut ois aika siisti hohtava iphone? :::D asd jaksaas venaa valkoista.. >_>

Apple today issued a press release officially announcing the release of the iPhone 4 in 17 new countries for this Friday, July 30th. The news is not necessarily considered a surprise, as Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced the launches at the company's iPhone 4 press conference earlier this month.

Apple's iPhone 4 will be available in 17 more countries this Friday, July 30. iPhone 4 features FaceTime, which makes video calling as easy as one tap, Apple's new Retina display, the highest resolution display ever built into a phone, resulting in stunning text, images and video, and a beautiful all-new design of glass and stainless steel that is the thinnest smartphone in the world.

Beginning this Friday, customers can purchase iPhone 4 in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. iPhone 4 will be available for purchase through Apple's retail and online stores and Apple Authorized Resellers.

Ainut mikä tässä ärsyttää on se, et oon aika varma että ei oo tulossa valkoista iPhonea myyntiin... fffuu.. Pitäiskö sit ostaa mustan vai odottaa valkoista ._.'

PeaceriPhone 4 TV AdLuonut: PeacerMaanantai 12.07.2010 16:49

Meet Her
Niin siistii! Can't wait~ <3

PeaceriPhone 4 WhiteLuonut: PeacerTorstai 08.07.2010 01:23

so sexy & hot <3
kyl aika varmasti ostan valkoisen~

PeaceriPhone 4Luonut: PeacerTiistai 06.07.2010 22:09

Tutustu uuden iPhone 4:n entistäkin kehittyneempiin ominaisuuksiin. Lisätietoa laitteen saatavuudesta on luvassa aivan lähiaikoina - seuraa tätä sivua ja kuulet uutiset heti ensimmäisten joukossa.
fuck yeah! can't wait~
Apple today announced sales of over 1.7 million iPhone 4s through Saturday, covering just the first three days of sales.

Apple today announced that it has sold over 1.7 million of its iPhone 4 through Saturday, June 26, just three days after its launch on June 24. The new iPhone 4 features FaceTime, which makes video calling as easy as one tap, and Apple's new Retina display, the highest resolution display ever built into a phone, resulting in stunning text, images and video.

"This is the most successful product launch in Apple's history," said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. "Even so, we apologize to those customers who were turned away because we did not have enough supply."

Saturday marked the end of Apple's third fiscal quarter (and second calendar quarter), and thus sales from Sunday forward will be included in Apple's next fiscal quarter, due to end in late September.

For both the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G, Apple announced sales of over one million for their respective launch weekends. It took 74 days for the original iPhone to move one million units.

Apple continues to note that iPhone 4 will move beyond the initial launch countries of the United States, UK, France, Germany, and Japan into an additional 18 countries by the end of July: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

PeaceriPhone 4Luonut: PeacerKeskiviikko 23.06.2010 18:07

"Its going to change the way we think.. about phones sex".
"The first time I had a facetime call I was... completely naked."
"Every time I use it I can't help but smile. I mean I can see your tits on my phone!"
vittu hajooon x'DDDDDDDD <3

Microsoft has released Windows Live Messenger for the iPhone and iPod touch, bringing an integrated environment for accessing the company' social services. The free application also offers users integrated access to their Hotmail accounts with the ability to read, reply, and compose directly in the application.

Instant message with your Windows Live Messenger and Y! Messenger contacts on the go so you're always connected to the people that matter most. You can even receive IM notifications when your app is closed so you never miss a message.

Windows Live Messenger gives you one place to view the updates your Messenger friends are sharing from social networks like Facebook, Flickr, MySpace and more, helping you cut through the clutter on the go.

Upload photos right from your phone to share your favorite moments with the people that matter most. Create albums, add captions, and let your friends and family comment on your photos.

Access your Hotmail account without leaving the app to read, reply to, and compose emails. Get email notifications within the application so you know when you have new messages.

Nice, nyt voisin olla ehkä enemmän sosiaali msn:ssä!
Tuun oikeesti salee niin hankkii tuhanssia ohjelmia mun iPhoneen! :DDD

PeaceriPhone 4Luonut: PeacerMaanantai 21.06.2010 10:23

Apple Claims Largest Ever First-Day iPhone Pre-Orders of 600,000

Yesterday Apple and its carrier partners took pre-orders for more than 600,000 of Apple's new iPhone 4. It was the largest number of pre-orders Apple has ever taken in a single day and was far higher than we anticipated, resulting in many order and approval system malfunctions. Many customers were turned away or abandoned the process in frustration. We apologize to everyone who encountered difficulties, and hope that they will try again or visit an Apple or carrier store once the iPhone 4 is in stock.

lol sick. wtf. can't wait.

PeaceriPhone 4Luonut: PeacerTiistai 15.06.2010 06:18

Haluan iPhone 4:sen niin pahasti, että ei mitään järkee.. Pakko ennakkotilaa kun tulee suomeen! Ei jaksa venaa~
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