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Sheep_KillerQQLuonut: Sheep_KillerMaanantai 02.02.2009 13:02

Kaikki klearattu 2 päivässä... Malygos, VoA, Os(okei oli vaan + 2) ja Naxx... (25-man kaikki tietty )

Loppu viikon saa släkätä ja tehä mit lystää... Eli metsästää Eldereitä, farmata Runeclothia, hankkia They Love Me In That Tunnel Achi, sekä nostaa repua sienimiesten kanssa... Ja lahdata whelppejä... 2 saatu 2 jäljellä ( eli musta ja sininen mini petti puuttuu sit on kaikki)

47 Mini-pettiä buhuuu tarviin lisää

iLonAchanMillainen teini olet?Luonut: iLonAchanLauantai 31.01.2009 19:59


Nössö paska, jolla ei ole elämää. Et pysty kohtaamaan ihmisiä, siksi istut koneella vain päivät pitkät pelaten wowia. Tuollaiset turhakkeet voisi lähettää bittiavaruuteen.


Sheep_KillerwhopsLuonut: Sheep_KillerKeskiviikko 14.01.2009 13:41

Your result for The New and Improved World of Warcraft Addiction Test ...

The Dangerous Zone
You are 80% Addicted!

You're mostly addicted to this game. You play for long periods of time, and understand all aspects of the game. Your playing habits may have gotten you into some trouble, but you have still maintained some balance to your life.

Besides. If you get your friends to play with you, its still like having a life. Right?
It IS Always the healers fault. Repeat after me:

- Healers can always outheal anything except oneshotting.
- Healers can always outheal anything.
- Only badly skilled healers need full manabars
- Clairvoyance and jedi reflexes is a requirement for healing.
- A good healer can turn any bad group into a good group.

As healers, it is our job to mitigate both damage and mistakes. The damage is high in heroics, and having undergeared tanks and dps does not help. But we can pretty much outheal it anyway. Mistakes are harder to keep in check, but they too are our job to counter.

Most of the time, simply saying where the troubles can occur is enough to prevent them. "Watch out for the patrol during the next pull" suddenly turns the blame on whomever double pulls. And it's not you, as you are at the rear end. "Warlock, please banish the big elemental" will force the useless lock to use his CC. "Don't stand in the fire" gives a good warning. If you didn't give the heads up, you failed to give the warning, and it's your fault. If you didn't take control of the pug, people will underperform and it is your fault.

You need to be aware of everything going on. You can't expect the DPS to look at the 3d world. DPS have too much to do simply watchin big numbers fly around the screen. The tank is far too busy pressing the tab key. If you aren't watching the 3D world, noone is. If you can't watch both the 3D world and the HP bars at the same time, you are indeed to blame. So when the unexpected happen, you must be the one who reacts first and tells others what to do.

In advance, in case it happens, so that everyone already know how to counter it.

Sometimes mistakes like double pulls do happen anyway. If you are a priest or a paladin, despite giving the warning, you should be able to save the day by using the proper skills. If anyone is oneshotted, you are probably off the hook. But even if they are, you can probably do things to save the day. Be it a well-times bubble, Divine Hymn, Guardian Spirit or whatever. Throw an emergency shackle. Even druids and shammies can usually save the day. Use your hibernate skill. Change totems. Use that combat ress. Whatever it takes to avoid the tank dying. Anticipate it happening, conserve mana and cooldowns so that you are prepared for it.

If the tank is crap and can't tank it all, you may need to help him out. As a healer, you are an excellent tank with hopeless damage mitigation. But as long as you aren't oneshotted, you can always keep a mob. Lay on Hands, emergency potions of stoneskin, binding heal, CC in any form - use them liberally.

If the DPS is crap, it is your job to help them out. You can't expect the DPS to always be awake and stuff, sometimes they have instant bladder issues and go away without telling. The only one who can step in is you. Sometimes you and the tank need to grind down those mobs by yourself. Whenever possible, it is your job to outDPS the dpsers. Of course, you can not permit to lower your manapool such that you cannot handle the impending double pull, but you still need to do DPS whever required. Anything less than 50% of the tank is not acceptable.

If the tank reuse to look at your manabar before pulling, there is a very easy way to make him stop. Tell him. Sooner than later. Macro this:

/yell Stop getting hurt, my mana is running low!
/whisper Mytank Manamanamanamana!

Also, if the tank keeps forgetting, simply stop healing him after pulls until you are good to go. Very few tanks will charge into new pulls at 50% hp. First drink up, THEN heal the tank. It works wonders. He might even sit down and eat. This is a great way of training tanks by the way. If you cannot train your tank properly, he will never learn. Think of him like your pet dog.

Being a healer does require clairvoyance and jedi reflexes. That's a player requirement, if you can't learn to overcome things like the laws of causality, you will never be able to drag those pugs ashore. Of course, the gift of seeing the future is relatively rare amongst healers, so we must limit ourselves to seeing possibilities. Know what every single mob in the game is capable of. Know his cast timers. Know his abilities. Know how hard he hits. Once you know how hard a mob hits, you can predict it. Both by conserving mana for it, warning the other players about how to handle it (eg, "shieldwall when he raises his hands") and actually be ready to land those major heals mere milliseconds after the damage occurs. You're only watching the 3D world, mob timers and health bars, should not be a problem. You're a healer. You're better than them!

Many healers also keep complaining about mana regen. It is true, WoTLK has been a significant nerf to healers in terms of mana. But learn to cope with it. You should always carry 20x Runic Mana Potions, 20x Dark Runes, and use EVERY single mana regen ability regardless of how crappy it is (Hymn of Hopelessness, I'm looking at you!). Use the abilities in time. Waiting until the last possible second to use the ability is always too late, because at the you actually needed the mana you didn't have. And if you didn't use 2 elixirs or a flask, your mana potion, at least one dark rune and carry a food buff, you simply have no right to complain.

If you are grouped with a replenisher you should have it a lot easier. If you are in the group with a druid, assert whether you will need his innervate. He will likely want to use it on himself, but force/bribe him to giving it to you if required.

Also, pugs are horribly cheap when it comes to consumables. But you can actually mitigate that. And with bad pugs, you have to. Always bring 20x Feasts to the party, that way everyone is guaranteed to use a foodbuff, which will both increase their meager DPS as well as survivability. Make sure to bring a stack of health potions for the tank. He's likely forgotten to bring any himself, but he will happily use yours. Meleedps will perform a lot better if you bring them haste potions. If the DPS is bad, it's just because you forgot to stock up the party. Expect to use 500g worth of consumables for every pug heroic you join. That's the price of being an infallible healer. Expect to spend a lot of time farming money. Don't even ask how much a 25-man raidnight will cost you.


In short, if you wipe, it IS your fault. Not because you didn't do your job. I'm sure you did. But because you also didn't do theirs. And as a healer, you are expected to.

Ty Flonne c) belongs to her
Laupias Lehtonen

CS_Jamin tietokone on jumittunut. Tietokone addikti Jami on tuskissaan viillellyt ja on kuolemaisillaan verenhukkaan.
Paikalle saapuu Hikari-Samppa ja Jami kysyy tältä apua. "En voi ku läksyt on tekemättä", Samppa vastaa homolla äänellään ja poistuu.
Pian paikalle laahustaa wow_tuukkis ja Jami kysyy: "Hei NoLife WoWittaja, autax mua vähän?"
Tuukka vastaa: "Oge, mä voin buustii sulle jonku instan, nähää OG:essa puol gasilt. Mut nyt meen ostaa lisää peliaikaa, nägy mo!" (Tuukka mouttaa ja häippäsee paikalta).
Jami jatkaa angstiaan, mutta hänen ilmeensä kirkastuu kun näkee Laupias Lehtosen saapuvan Zeppeliinillään ja pitää kädessää tietokoneen formatointi levyä. Jami katsoo lumoutuneena levyä.
"My name is Lehtonen, Laupias Lehtonen", Laupias Lehtonen sanoo ja pyörittää levyä sormensa ympäri.
"Jami, olen pelastajasi! Kumarra minulle paska!" Hän jatkaa ja laittaa levyn asemaan.

Sen pituinen se.
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