

Käyntejä: 13 860 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
1238 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 1048 (85 %)
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Sijoitus koon mukaan: 401
34,6 vuotta
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Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 34,3 vuotta
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Jäsenet (1238)


joannn`[Ei aihetta]Luonut: joannn`Keskiviikko 28.01.2009 02:11

voivittu tuntuu vaa liian paskalta , tää ei tunnu yhtää todelliselta ;/ ikävä sua calle , olit vitun tärkee ja hyvä ystävä <3

iita||To Mommy, Love AngelLuonut: iita||Keskiviikko 28.01.2009 00:04

I once was going to be born
and this I couldn't wait,
I knew that everyone was expecting me,
I would try not to be late.

But I really wasn't sure what was on the other side,
I tried to accept what was happening
but I knew I couldn't hide.

I couldn't help but wonder who my parents were to be,
I knew for sure that no matter what,
They would always Love me.

So I thought about it for a while,
but I knew I had to leave,
I went on to another place,
it is so beautiful it's hard to believe.

I had a job to do,
but it wasn't here on earth,
I am sorry you had to miss it,
the day of my birth.

I wanted so bad to stay at home and be with you,
But I knew that there was something up here
that I had to do.

I am now a Guardian Angel
and I hope that you are proud,
I watch over you and Daddy,
I peek down through the clouds.

I hope you know how much I love you,
And how hard it was to go
I miss you so much everyday,
but I am sure you already know.

So please don't ever forget me,
As I will do the same,
You know this wasn't your fault,
there is no one to blame.

God needed me to be by his side
and to take good care of you,
So there is no need to be sad now
and no need to be blue.

If you ever get lonely,
just look up at the sky,
Like if you had a thought of me or
just needed to say hi.

I am so happy with the way things are
even though it may not seem,
I talk to you in the night time,
I touch you when you dream.

I want to see the same for you,
give a smile for me today,
Because I know that we will meet again
in some sort of way.

I will be up here waiting for you,
to open the gates real wide
And help you to come home to Heaven,
to take a step inside.

I thank you for loving me so much,
please believe that this is true,
And there is no one I could ever love more Mommy,
as much as I love you.


^vilima<3Luonut: ^vilimaMaanantai 26.01.2009 21:33

Tunnen yhä kätesi painon ja voin kuulla äänesikin
Ja jos suljen hetkeksi silmät, on kuin kanssas taas olisin
Vaan kun katson nään aution huoneen ja kätes on peitto vaan
Nää harhat kuin viiniä juoneen, sua saa taas kutsumaan

Tämä ikävä on sellainen, että tällaista kokenut ole en
Se on syvä ja jotenkin lopullinen
Se painaa ja sattuu ja kuristaa, mutta kenties joskus on helpompaa

hnnna-<3Luonut: hnnna-Lauantai 24.01.2009 15:58


nyappyno yhyy.Luonut: nyappyPerjantai 23.01.2009 08:51

mul on ikava tamlua ja ihmisia.
ja oon vanha. sucks.


enpe[Ei aihetta]Luonut: enpePerjantai 23.01.2009 05:22

suunnaton halu koskettaa
edes pienen hetken
tuntea lämpösi
ja sinut

m---[Ei aihetta]Luonut: m---Torstai 22.01.2009 22:29

vielä kahdeksan päivää koittaa jaksaa

ps. maanantaina työssäoppimaan :)

shini||CryLuonut: shini||Keskiviikko 21.01.2009 17:50

I'll always remember
It was late afternoon
It lasted forever
And ended too soon
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark gray sky
I was changed

In places no one would find
All your feelings so deep inside (deep inside)
It was then that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry

The moment that I saw you cry

It was late in september
And I've seen you before (and you were)
You were always the cold one
But i was never that sure
You were all by yourself
Staring at a dark gray sky
I was changed

In places no one would find
All your feelings so deep inside (deep inside)
It was then that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry

I wanted to hold you
i wanted to make it go away
I wanted to know you
I wanted to make your everything, all right....

I'll always remember...
It was late afternoon...
In places no one would find...

In places no one would find
All your feelings so deep inside (deep inside)
It was then that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry

haemoglobin;__;Luonut: haemoglobinTiistai 20.01.2009 23:05

viime kevät ja alkukesä oli ehkä maailman parasta aikaa.

mun on nii ikävä vaasaa ja niitä ihania ihmisiä sielä ;_;

ei sais kuunnella pulua ku saa mut melkein itkemään

kun sä katsot niin
noihin silmiin sinisiin
tiedät mitä tarkoitan
pidä pidä tiukasti kii

kyl sä tiedät tarkalleen
miltä tuntuu
katsoa suoraan sydämeen
En pelkää rakastaa, vaan menettää.

-Unohdus satuttaa, mutta muistot ne murhaa-