moi siis säälittävää
miks oon aina ihan ''aww oot ihanin ikin ''
kaikkien pahiksien kohal,
sillee harry potterist draco malfoy severus snepe lucius malfoy jne
ja uusin kuolaus on GGst Chuck Bass vaik ei se oo ees qma mut siis namm se on ihana
ah sen luonne ja aa haluun sen ... okei oon säälittävä mut silti mm chuck I have heard that there is a scene in “Half-Blood Prince” in which Draco actually cries?
Tom: Yeah, in the bathroom. When he gets a rather guilty stare from our young Potter friend and he canÂ’t handle it anymore. IÂ’m not sure how much I can say here, but yeah, he makes his way to the bathroom and things get a bit too much for the young man.