


some people need a hit in the face with a chair!:D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 30.10.2009 00:23


13 horsesLauantai 24.10.2009 22:08

13 horses, swimming in the sea
Waiting for someone to find them
Their ship is gone, and now they are alone
With water everywhere around them

The men were saved, from the sinking ship
Right before it started, to burn
And while they're safe, their loyal friends need help
Patiently waiting for their turn

13 horses, swimming in the sea
They don't even know, it's pointless
The pride remains, but this time it won't help
They used to be so tall, and suddenly they're small

There's a couple, way too far behind
Soon they will be out of sight
But then who cares, they're dying anyway
All of them are doomed this night

11 horses, swimming in the sea
The sea they thought was just a river
They're used to this, it's probably just a race
That helps to ease their minds, but where's the finish line

The night groes dark, the body wants to rest
It hurts to breathe, and still they do their best
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They want to live, no matter for how long
Their thoughts have disappeared, 'cause now they're pretty scared

7 horses, struggling in the sea
Waiting for someone to find them
They don't look back, 'cause what's the point of that
There's only death behind them

They cry for help, but help will never come
They don't know where to swim, or where they're swimming from
They try to swim some more, when panic starts to spread
They're swimming into shore, but only in their heads

The 3 last horses, dying in a sea
Shouting of their cries for no one
They're born to win, they're screaming in their hearts
The strength of thousand men, they're fighting 'till the end

The sun is up, birds are everywhere
They're flying high, surfing in the air
It's nice to live, when life is such a bless
One horse that swims, it seems to be the last

The thirteenth horse, has always been the best
His owner will be proud, but now he wants to rest
He's longing for his home, the girl will give him food
'Good boy', she'll say, together they will play

13 horses, swimming in the sea
Soon they will be gone forever
And while they swim, one thing still remains
And that's the hope that never dies

It never dies
It never dies

<3Lauantai 24.10.2009 22:06

Kiss and tell

And you always try to warn me
Of the pretty girls out there
Now I finally learned my lesson
And she's got a story to share.

Don't kiss and tell!
Don't kiss and tell!

This is song my mama said
Love don't cost a thing.
Happiness is free for all
Just treat it like it's keen.
If you true of list a day
Mature to go wrong.
The girl will I follow the way
As she waves so long.

Don't kiss and tell!
And you always try to warn me
Don't kiss and tell!
Of the pretty girls out there
Don't kiss and tell!
Now I finally learned my lesson
And she's got a story to share.

Some years later I found love,
When it seem to go my way.
The girl is like a fairytale,
I didn't have to pay.
So one day my sweatheart went
Then mama's words come true
Crying with a broken heart
I was left all blue.

Don't kiss and tell!
And you always try to warn me
Don't kiss and tell!
Of the pretty girls out there
Don't kiss and tell!
Now I finally learned my lesson
And she's got a story to share.

Love is always
Love is always for sale
Cause someone's willing
Someone's willing to pay.

Don't kiss and tell!
And you always try to warn me
Of the pretty girls out there
Now I finally learned my lesson
And she's got a story to share.

Don't kiss and tell!
And you always try to warn me
Don't kiss and tell!
Of the pretty girls out there
Don't kiss and tell!
Now I finally learned my lesson
And she's got a story to share.

kuka tilaa mulle?Lauantai 24.10.2009 19:50

VIP-aikasi päättyy 21.11.2009.
Kun tilaat lisää nyt, saat viikon kaupan päälle!

yhyyPerjantai 23.10.2009 15:32

♀ ♥ ♂ Koska näit tämän merkinnän, sinä saat perjantaina suudelman elämäsi rakkaudelta.
ÄLÄ RIKO KETJUA! Ihastuksesi pyytää sinua ulos tai jotain muuta käy. Perjantai tulee olemaan elämäsi paras päivä ! Kuitenkin, jos et kopioi tätä päiväkirjaasi 00.00 mennessä tänä iltana,
sinulla tulee olemaan huono onni rakkaudessa koko loppuelämäsi !

xDD oon iha sekasi xdDDDddPerjantai 23.10.2009 15:09

Viking Line Pojat ! (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y) <3
Silja Line Pojat! (N)
ps. siljal on vaa jtn pikkusii :DD

ruotsiKeskiviikko 21.10.2009 12:57

Mro kaikki rakkaat<33
Lähen kohta hesaa jo :D
ps.rakastan sua jenni<333<pusu>

;DTiistai 20.10.2009 16:38

mikä otus kävelee aamulla 2 jalalla,päivällä 3 ja
illalla 2 ?

joona ei saa vastata x)<3

ahahaMaanantai 19.10.2009 16:37

☆ Haluaisitko nyt halata jotain tiettyä ihmistä? - no jooo halusin halata kaikkia :DDD
☆ Milloin itkit viimeksi? - ööh.. jaa-a... :D
☆ Mikä sinut saa yleensä itkemään? - emt x)
☆ Kenen kanssa haluaisit parhaillaan olla kahdestaan? -en kenenkää? ;o
☆ Rakastaako sinua kukaan? - no ei :D tai no perhe x)
☆ Ikävöitkö ketään juuri nyt? - systerii :D mut onneks nään sen huomen :D
☆ Kenen vieressä viimeksi nukuit? - hmm.. oliskohan ollu jaana? :D
☆ Kenen kanssa viimeksi nauroit? - Krillen x)
☆ Ketä halasit viimeksi? - öö ;D
☆ Kenen kanssa viimeksi saunoit? - idan? :D
☆ Kenen kanssa viimeksi tanssit? - ittekseni niiku aina x)
☆ Laulanut suihkussa? - ainhan mä ;D
☆ Katunut sitä että olet rakastanut jotakuta? - miks olisin ;)
☆ Ollut todella iloinen? - oon nytki :D
T A V A T / R A N D O M
☆ Kiroiletko? - jjooo
☆ Kokkaatko omat ruokasi? - harvoin, koska en oo hyvä kokki ! ;D
☆ Omistatko koiran? - en :DDD
☆ Käytätkö rahasi viisaasti? - miks käyttäisin :D
☆ Pidätkö uimisesta? - kesällä joo.. muuten en x)
☆ Kun sinulla on tylsää, soitatko ystäville? -välil :D
☆ Avonaiset msn keskustelusi? - en oo meses:D
☆ Millälailla hiuksesi on? - auki
☆ Kuka ihminen on sinua lähimpänä tällä hetkellä? - hmm.. emt :D
☆ Oletko onnellinen? - joo !! :D
☆ Surullinen? - ennn !!:D
☆ Masentunut? - no enn !
☆ Tylsistynyt? - jeppp :DD
☆ Missä kännykkäsi on? - mun vieres :D
☆ Mikä esine on lähimpänä vasemmalla? - NALLE :D
☆ Katso taaksesi, mitä näet? -seinän :D
☆ Onko joku halannut sinua viimeisen viikon sisällä? - ei ? :D
☆ Entä kenties pussannut? - no ei.. :D
☆ Oletko ikävöinyt jotain kovasti? - en :D
☆ Oletko juonut alkoholia viikon aikana? - en
☆ Oksentanut? - en
☆ Soittanut jollekkin? -tottakai :D
☆ Saanut viestiä vastakkaiselta sukupuolelta? - jeopp
☆ Lähettäny viestiä vastakkaisella sukupuolelle? - jepp

d9cjde9ocjsjMaanantai 19.10.2009 16:24

krille tulee mukaa laivalle:DDDD