
KutsuTiistai 05.01.2010 15:08

SAin sitten kutsun erikoisrajajääkärikomppanian kuntotesteihin :PPP nyt vois aloittaa treenaamisen ku ens kuun alussa testit :p

Wikisitaatista osiosta LAST WORDSMaanantai 04.01.2010 15:52

"Wait a minuteÂ…"
-Who: Pope Alexander VI

"Maybe they only had one rocket"
-Who: Lawrence Beeter, WWII British soldier who was taking cover in a bunker after they were hit by a rocket. A second volley destroyed the bunker and Beeter was killed.

"I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis."
-Who: Humphrey Bogart

"two broken windows -- Oh god! Oh g--"
-Who: Kevin Cosgrove
-Note: Heard in a 911 call to police during the September 11th attacks, from Cosgrove's office inside the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Cosgrove uttered these final words as the tower collapsed.

"Hey, fellas! How about this for a headline for tomorrow's paper? 'French Fries'!"
-Who: James French.
-Notes: French, a convicted murderer, was sentenced to the electric chair. He shouted these words to members of the press who were to witness his execution.

"Don't worry, relax!"
-Who: Rajiv Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister, to his security staff minutes before being killed by a suicide bomber attack.

"Is it safe?"
-Who: William Palmer (before stepping on the gallows trap)

"Oh, what's the bloody dot?"
-Who: Kenneth Williams, British actor and raconteur. This was the final entry in his diary.

<3Tiistai 29.12.2009 17:32

Otettiin suihkurusketus....vähä on mageee!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 25.12.2009 14:24

Arctic monkeys...huh

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 22.12.2009 02:13

Promoe, on muute laatua! Käykää kuuntelee :P

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 21.12.2009 19:56

Uus tucca :P

hahaKeskiviikko 11.11.2009 23:12

Kokeile oman nimesi kirjaimilla mitä saat itsestäsi esiin..
A : you like to drink
B : Everyone wants you.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : Damn good kisser.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and looks.
I : You Are Great in bed.
J : People Adore YOU!
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Everyone loves you.
M : best kisser ever.
N : You like to drink.
O: Awsome kisser
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : Fuckin crazy.
S : Easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgmental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Best g/f b/f anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready.

H : You have a very good personality and looks.
A : you like to drink
N : You like to drink.
S : Easy to fall in love

Helposti rakastuttava, hyvän luonteen omaava juoppo....kiitti vaa....

JauKeskiviikko 11.11.2009 22:10

Valiohommia,,,, on kyl huippu työpaikka :p

:)Perjantai 06.11.2009 20:41

NYt on silmät leikattu.....ihan kivaa :)

Hahaa!Tiistai 03.11.2009 23:29

Oisko cheekki jotai lainaillu tosta biisistä :pppp

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