


on unkarilainen mörssärihuora

mietintäKeskiviikko 24.09.2008 19:58

miten vitussa joku voi muka saada fysiikasta nobelin ku minä en todennäköisesti saa kokeeseen muuta oikein ku oman nimeni nätisti sinne yläreunaan ekalle sivulle?

KISSAPUPU!Maanantai 22.09.2008 01:29

Kissapupu (niin maailma on merkillinen) ihmetteli äiti-pupulta, miksi hän

"No, kun silloin nuorempana olin vähän villi.... Ja oli pimeääkin... niin
,että sinun isäsi on sitten kissa" vastasi äiti-pupu. Ja tähän kissapupu
tyytyi, vakuuttihan äiti-pupu, että rakastaa kissapupuaan aivan yhtä
kuin muitakin lapsiaan.

Aikaa kului, ja kissapupun veri veti maailmalle. Reippaana ja
se ystävystyi helposti. Eräänä päivänä tuli omituisen näköinen otus

"Moi, minä olen kissapupu, mikäs sinä olet?"
"Moi minä olen muurahaiskarhu" kuului vastaus.
Jopa on merkillinen maailma, tuumi kissapupu,
melkoisen pimeää on täytynyt olla.

Matka jatkui, ja seuraava otus laahusti vastaan.
"Moi, minä olen
kissapupu, mikäs sinä olet?"
"Moi , minä olen hirvikärpänen", kuului vastaus ja kissapupu oli entistä
enemmän ymmällään, jopa on merkillinen maailma, tuumi kissapupu.
Melkoisen pimeää on täytynyt olla, ja tuon äiti on ollut vähintään yhtä
villi kuin minunkin.

Ja taas matka jatkui, ja vielä yksi otus laahusti vastaan. "Moi, minä
kissapupu, mikäs sinä olet?" "Moi, minä olen poliisikoira!"
Did you hear about that girl, who knocked me off my feet?
Her beauty made me
dream, while her karate kick make me bleed.
Well, I tried to get a date. I
said the magic words.
But her answer came across in a way that really
A meaningful relationship, true love until the end,
was all I had
to offer her, but she offered violence.
Hers punches left me black and
Made acquaintance with her high-heeled shoe.
Listen man, I'm
warning you !

Love hurts!
Love hurts!

Saw her at bay today.
Well, she looks like bleach blond fun.
But even in her swimsuit, she's
carrying a gun.
Long legs and angel lips and her ego's oversized.
I can't
make out this bit has soon been pulverized. (has soon been

No meaningful relationship. No love until the end.
broke my heart and then she broke my arm. She's a little too violent.
She is
driving everyone insane.
All I know is her meaning's awful plain. Oh no,
there she goes again!

Love hurts!
Love hurts!

Rancid - Fall Back DownMaanantai 08.09.2008 12:40

Don't worry about me, I'm gonna make it alright
Got my enemies crossed out in my sight
I take a bad situation gonna make it right
In the shadows of darkness I stand in the light

You see it's our style to keep it true
I've had a bad year, a lot to go through
I've been knocked out, beat down, black and blue
She's not the one coming back for you
She's not the one coming back for you

If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again
If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend

It takes disaster to learn a lesson
You're gonna make it through the darkest night
Some people betray one and cause treason
We're gonna make everything alright

Well the worst of times, now, they don't phase me
Even if I look and act really crazy
I went way down, she betrayed me
Now my vision is no longer hazy

I'm very lucky to have my crew
They stood by me when she flew
I've been knocked out, beat down, black and blue
She's not the one coming back for you
She's not the one coming back for you

If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again
If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend

Uriah Heep - Come Away MelindaKeskiviikko 03.09.2008 23:37

Daddy, daddy, come and look
See what I have found
A little ways away from here
While digging in the ground

Come away melinda
Come in and close the door
Its nothing, just a picture-book
They had before the war

Daddy, daddy, come and see
Daddy, come and look
Why, theres four or five
Little melinda girls
Inside my picture book

Come away melinda
Come in and close the door
There were lots of little girls like you
Before they had the war

Oh daddy, daddy, come and see
Daddy, hurry do
Why, theres someone
In a pretty dress
Shes all grown up like you
Wont you tell me why

Come away melinda
Come in and close the door
That someone is your mummy
You had before the war

Daddy, daddy, tell me if you can
Why cant things be
The way they were
Before the war began

Come away melinda
Come in and close the door
The answer lies in yesterday
Before they had the war

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 29.08.2008 17:17

liittykää ihmiset! tää kuvaa teitä kuitenki

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 24.08.2008 22:19

olin vaeltamassa.
jokin vetää mua kuusamooon...

Kingston Wall - Shine on MeKeskiviikko 20.08.2008 18:28

Shine, shine on me
Shine, shine on me
Shine, shine on me
Shine, shine on me

Can't you see it's all your future
feelings have to be pushed away
can't you see it's just a feeling
Shine, shine on me

See me walking, see me crawling
See my future, see a dead man
See me walking, see me crawling
Shine, shine on me

Shine, shine on me
Shine, shine on me
Shine, shine on me
Shine, shine on me

miljazzLauantai 16.08.2008 01:05

olipa hieno tapahtuma. eikä tarvinu maksaa pennin hyrrää. loistavaa musiikkia. ottakaa hipit opiksi!