


I'm not crazy. My reality is just different than yours. ~ Cheshire Cat

ei mul muuta kun.Tiistai 26.02.2013 22:56


[Ei aihetta]Torstai 31.01.2013 21:42

moi oon viiiivi

sanat.. ♥Torstai 17.01.2013 23:49

joku ihana!?Torstai 27.12.2012 02:54

help mee!!!

miun pitäis laittaa tilaukseen Death note mangaa (suomen kielistä) minulla on jo 1 mutta loput puutttuu.. haluisin tilata loputkin mutta en tiedä mistä vois tilata? joku ihana auttaaaa?

ja sit viel yks.. cherry juice 2 (suomen kielinen)


niinku mä :ITorstai 22.11.2012 00:42


I'm still flyKeskiviikko 31.10.2012 18:03

As long as it's possible, I fly
My youth just won't leave me alone
(I know) I know who I am
The word 'failure' has been deleted from my vocabulary long ago
Flow, rhyme, and soul are the wings that make me fly
My heart still flutters with life, and I'm still hungry for more
The beat of blunt of rhythms still excites me
My body stretches out for more, this is where I'm meant to be
It's okay if there's a gap between the ground because I'm always above clouds
Laugh and sneer all you want now
Because that sneering is going to turn into tears a few years from now
At 19 years old, I moved my philosophy onto paper
And preached it nationwide like I'm a missionary of religion
(I'm still fly) I walk the sky
I've kept quiet all these years, but not for long
(Watch your back) You better all move away because nothing's impossible for me now
My flight only departs, it never lands


Early on, I put up a wall against my studies
And jumped into this amidst the opposition of others
It's an ensemble of beats, nurture, and lyrics
My joy was in my music, so I wrote and wrote persistently
I do get tired, but I never stop
My storage for creativity is never empty
There was not one person that supported me
I had to lash out at myself, I had to become my own enemy
I never once let myself fall prey to corruption, rebellion, and delinquency
My heart was in this from the start, always deliberating over the best of rhymes
I'm not going to wander around the streets of Hongdae to sell my music
My target is the hip hop fans of Korea, the public, and Asia
Eat shit, I don't care whether you bring me down or talk behind my back
I'm not going to waste my time refuting against your pathetic attempts
I can't leave anything unfinished, which is why I'm here today
It can't get any rougher, I reach a new potential every day
(I keep doing my own thing) I'm going to start anew now
So that the blood and sweat I poured over the years aren't distorted

väsydKeskiviikko 24.10.2012 11:51

jotenki musta tuntuu et tää koulun käynti kuluttaa mut iha puhki.. yäsh.. noo ei voi mittäää.

<3Sunnuntai 21.10.2012 17:11