
Bored in the dead of nightMaanantai 26.02.2007 03:16


::Full Name::: Joanne A
::Nicknames::: Jo, Mooni, Jojobean, Jomanmoulise
::Age::: 18
::Gender::: female
::Where You Live::: finland
::Sexual Orientation::: straightish
::Single/Happy with it::: single
::Siblings::: Charlotte and Jonathan
::Pets::: I think there are some fish at my parents' house, and I may get a guineapig
::Screen name::: Finnglish

::Hair Color::: Red with blonde roots
::Hair length::: lLeft side long, right short, and normally a mohican thing and spikes
::Eye Color::: Green
::Height::: 5 foot 4
::Piercings::: nose, ears, belly button
::Tattoos::: nope
::Shoe Size::: 6 I think
::Jeans Size::: size 8-10
::Make-Up::: minimal
::Dye Your Hair::: yes, but I havent dyed it since January now :D

::Food::: Pizza with Salami, Jalapenos, and stuffed crust :D
::Drink:::Earl Grey tea
::Color::: bright colours.
::Store::: Moons, Ipswich, Black Rose in Camden
::Movie::: Wallace and Gromit!!
::Kind Of Alcohol::: I'm allergic to alcohols
::Ice Cream Flavor::: strawberry!!!!!
::Book::: any WWI fiction
::Season::: autumn
::Video Game::: -

::Smoked a cigarette::: no
::Done Any Drugs::: HELL NO!!!!
::Gotton Drunk::: never
::Gone Skinny Dipping::: yes
::Bonged A Beer::: y'what?!
::Had Sex::: no comment
::Kissed Same Sex::: obviously ....
::Done Anything Sexual With Same Sex::: yes :DDDD
::Eaten Sushi::: No no no
::Broken A Bone::: Lots, not mine tho :D

::Like Your Handwriting::: Yes. I fucking love it. It's schizophrenic tho- it changes depending on which language I'm writing in.
::Have Any Bad Habbits::: a few
::Hate Yourself::: I have my moments
::Shy::: Very
::Tolerant Of Others::: Foolishly so
::Aggressive Or Passive::: too fuckin passive
::Have A Journal::: yes
::Emotionally Strong::: no
::Read The News Paper::: yes
::Confident::: no

::Is There A God::: Wicca means that I am polytheist
::Does He Have A Gender::: There are male gods, women gods....
::Do Ghosts Exists::: yes!! Oh god, yes!!!
::What About Witches::: Yes, but not like the fiction says
::Miracles::: yes
::What Do You Think About Abortion::: I'm against it. Ok?
::Premarital Sex::: Why not?
::Life On Other Planets::: yeah
::Porn::: Whatever floats your boat, I guess
::Cosmetic Surgery::: Against it, unless it is reconstructional

::Sing Well::: quite well
::Play An Instrument::: several
::Write Well::: yes
::Skateboard::: no
::Take A Shot Without A Chaser::: no. I dont drink
::Say the Alphabet Backwards::: no. i struggle with the forwards version
::Snow Board::: no
::Juggle::: yes
::Do A Split::: no
::Draw::: yes

::Plan On Marriage::: I'd like to get married, yes
:: Kids::: I'd LOVE to have kids :D
::And Their Names::: erm, Jack for a boy, and Nelli for a girl
::Occupation::: An archaeologist or a freelance translator
::Where You Want To Live::: wherever I am happy
::Big Or Small House::: small apartment
::Do You Want To Live Near People::: yes
::Long Driveway Or Short::: short
::Income::: enough
::Cars::: maybe 1

::Wal-mart/Target::: ASDA
::Chocolate/Vanilla::: Vanilla
::Night/Day::: hot, summers days, like at the docks last summer :D we cooked bacon on pieces of metal, went fishing and swam in our lunchbreak
::McDonalds/Burger King::: either goes when I'm hungry.
::Cats/Dogs::: dogs
::Fruits/Veggies::: fruits
::Pillows/Blankets::: blankets
::Pepsi/Coke::: Pepsi
::Alcohol/Weed::: Neither. Both disgust me
::Reading/Writing::: reading

::Biggest Fear::: to lose someone close to me
::Compliment You Get Often::: about how motivated i am
::What Would You Change About Yourself::: I'd like to be more attractive
::Regrets::: many
::Gotten Arrested::: nearly....
::Are You Ticklish::: yes
::Longest Relationship::: technically 9 months, really though, 4 weeks
::Regrets::: see above
::How Much TV Do You Watch::: not a lot
::What color Is Your Room::: White, Blue, Green, Turquoise, with stars on the blinds, mirrored wardrobes, black bed, my piano is silver.... and i have teddies everywhere :D

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