
Why I am always single.Sunnuntai 06.05.2007 00:18

Mooni's list of requirements!

-This is why mooni never has a man!

5 foot 9 or above (she laughs at short men)
Brown hair/brown or green eyes
Blonde hair/green or blue eyes
Good with kids!
Wants to have kids
Trustworthy and reliable <--the main flaw
Wants commitment <--again i want the impossible.
Speaks a language other than english.<--i want clever kids
But speaks english <--pleases the parents + accent...hohohoho
Stays faithful <--*cracks up*
Between 18-25. (or up to 7 years older than me)
Has a job etc. ( i want that he can support himself)
No drugs, limited drinking (ethical and health reasons.)
Pretty tummy <3 <-personal reasona ; )
Able to be independant <-- i hate klingons and stalkers
No major issues. <--two off us would be dangerous.
longish hair
Plays a musical instrument (<--RHYTHM)
FEMININE AND CAMP, BUT REALLY MANLY AT THE SAME TIME <--because it confuses people and the uncertainty is HOT
Strong <--recently discovered just how nice that is
Isnt scared of spiders <--nuff said

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