
The Little Things...Tiistai 11.09.2007 04:27

The Little Things

Name: Joanne
Age: 19
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Hair color: Blonde
Natural color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Skin Type: Pale
Dimples: Nope
Tattoos: None

Do you think you are...

Good looking? Not overly
Smart? Smarter than some
Funny? Sarcastic
loving? Yes
Giving? Yes
Cheerful? Occasionally
A Drama Queen? Nope
Spoiled? Not overly
Braty? Can be a complete brat
Sweet? Oh yeaaaah.
Respectful? Yes
A good daughter? Yap.
A good sister? When I don't have mood swings.
A good Girlfriend? Dunno.
A true friend? Yeah

This or That...

Love or Money Love
Boyfriend or no Boyfriend No boyfriend
Freezers or Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate
Beach or Pool Beach
Hawii or Italy Italy
Children no children Children. I want 2 or 3
Married or no getting married I'd like to get married
Christmas or New Years Christmas
Cell phone or computer Computer
Music or T.V Music
Snow or Rain Snow
Summer or Winter Summer
Valentines Day or Birthday Birthday

Who makes you...

Laugh? Funny things
Smile? Simple acts of love
Giggle? Smut.
Cry? Bad things
Feel Special? Being held and loved
Feel Loved? As above

Your Cell Phone...

Whats your ringtone? Myrkky
Whats your wallpaper? London
What Brand? Samsung
Who's first on your list? Äiti
Who's last? Simon
How many songs did you download? None
Is the one you love on your list? Nope, only family.

Your past...

Most romantic moment Daisy chains and a picnic in the park :-O
The happiest moment Christmas 2006 in Finland
The sadest moment When Granddad died
The Hardest moment The aftermath of A-Level Results Day

Your Future...

What do you want to be? Happy, married, a mother, employed
Where do you want to live? Scandinavia- Finland or Sweden
Do you want to get married? Yes
Do you want to have kids? Yes. 3
What would you like their names to be? I won't know until they're born
What type of wedding do you want? A private one
Your Bridemaids? Family, close friends
Your dress? Simple and pretty
Where do you want it? Somewhere special
What type and color flowers? Poppies, sunflowers, roses...
Your own vows or no? I don't yet know.
Who will the flower girl be? I won't have one
Who will the ring boy be? That's the best-man...


Who was your last love? Not telling
Was your love true? No, it obviously wasn't
Do you still love them? No.
Do you miss them? No.
Would you ever consider being with them again in the future? No.
What does your heart desire? Love
Who do you really want to be with? I don't think I've met him yet.
Are you single or taken? Single
Do you have someone in mind? Nope
Are you in love? no


What was your last dream about? I can't remember
Who was in it? As above
Your two best friends? Lazu and Leggi
Do you love to shop? Yeah!
Whats your favorite store? H&M
Your favorite perfume? Ömm...
Are you a purse freak? no
A shoe freak? yeah
Your favorite song? Myrkky
Your favorite funny movie? 40 year old virgin
Romantic movie? Love Actualyl
Scary movie? Don't like them
Restuarant? Chinese Restaurants!!
Fast food? McDonalds or Hesburger
Drink? Tea
Fruit? Passionfruit
Food type? Wholesome
Chips? Ähm..
Ice cream? Vanilla, strawberry, liquorice
Candy/Chocolate? Chocolate
Favorite Band? Uniklubi
Favorite cd? Luotisade
Favorite singer? Jussi Selo
3 favorite songs? Myrkky, Älä Jää, Haudattu
What annoys you? Idiots
What makes you happy? Little things
Have you grown as a person in the past year? Oh hell yeah
Do you think it shows? Yes
What do you want for Christmas? Love
Who do you want for Christmas? I don't know
Do you want to be kissed under the mistletoe? Yeah
By who? I don't know
Do you want to hook up with someone by the end of the year? Maybe
Who? I don't know...
Where are you going to spend New Years? Maybe in Scandinavia
Who do you want to spend it with? Loved ones
Who do you wanna get kissed by at midnight? My love
Who are you thinking of right now? I'm not telling
Who do you want to spend the rest of our life with? The one I love

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