
Summer of 69...Torstai 21.06.2007 04:06

Miulla on tylsää.

En halua vielä mennä sänkyyn.

Ens viikkoa saan rahaa <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Ehkä mä meen myös Fire&Iceen :D Ehkä ei.

Meen syksyllä suomi kouluun Cambridgessä! Ehkä on mahdollinen, että joku päivää voisin puhua suomea kunnolla!!! :-O

Annoin minun IRC osoitteeni mun ex-poikaystävänin pikkuveljensä, ja hän sanoi että "en muistaisin miten kaunis sä oot!" <--- OMFG!!!!!

No nyt, juttelen Philin, Lazun ja siskonin kanssa :) Strange, strange people.

<sydän>Perjantai 15.06.2007 20:30

<sydän>tänään, mä leivoin pullaa :D
<sydän>haisee hyvältä, mutta, se näkyy ihan, erm, erilainen.
<sydän>eilen, mä katsoin Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Hienoa leffa! Johnny Depp on fantastic :D
<sydän>näin myös, ystäviä.
<sydän>pikkuveljeni on kipeänä, äiti on töissä, isäkin, ja siskoni on jossain talossa...
<sydän>kuulen nyt Private Lineä. Mun uus lempibändiä.
<sydän>aurinko paistaa!
<sydän>saan ens viikoa rahaa!
<sydän>haluan tulla suomeen joulukuussa kaksi kertaa- ennen joulu, ja joulun jälkeen.
<sydän>haluan myös saksaan. Kölniin. Weinachtsmarkt!
<sydän>tunnen ihan ok.
<sydän>viikonloppua on tulossa. :-/
<sydän>Apocalyptica soittaa Lontoossa joulukuussa! meenkö?! K-Y-L-L-Ä!!! Perttu = :O
<sydän>kohta tulee Estelle Englantiin!!! Toivottavasti näen pojat. Bryan on Braveheart in disguise!
<sydän>Minulla on Creme Eggs ja teetä. Nämi!
<sydän>Pitäis siivoa huoneeni. Oh god, no, please save me!!!
<sydän>mä löysin, että Cambridgessä, on Suomikoulu!!!! Lapselle ja aikuisille!!!
<sydän>päätynyt, että mä haluan tehdä minun opetushallitukseni ens vuonna.
<sydän>en ole vielä päätynyt, jos menen yliopistoon.
<sydän>haluan opiskella: ruotsia, venäjää, japania, ja suomea.
<sydän>en halua mennä takasin kouluun!
<sydän>we're floating through the universe like ghosts!
<sydän>ajattelen, suomeksi :-s
<sydän>maanantaina on super hero iltaa Fire&Icessä Ipswichissä. Meenkö vai en?
<sydän>tarvin jotain hyvää tehdä.
<sydän>sain uudet vaateet!
<sydän>olen nyt Blondi :D

otettu michilta kun mullon tylsääTorstai 14.06.2007 00:41

Last friend you:
1. Saw: Emma
2. Talked to on the phone: Leggi
3. Texted: Lazu
4. Got a text from: Lazu

1. Is: wednesday
2. Got any plans: no.
3. Dislikes about today: fucking everything that's happened so far.

1. Is: thursday
2. Got any plans: gotta endure my friends'
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: that its gonna happen.

1. Missing someone: yes
2. Mood: angry, furious, resentful, broken.
3. Wanting: out.

Q: First thing you did this morning?
A: got yelled at for sleeping in.

Q: What's the last thing you ate?
A: fucked if i can remember

Q: What's annoying you right now?
A: life.

Q: Do you believe in long distance relationships?
A: i'm not sure.

Q: Who is on your mind right now?
A: nobody

Q. Where is the last place you went?
A: supermarket

Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: yes a sister and brother

Q: Do you think that a person is thinking of you?
A: maybe

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: no

Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
A: my own

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: black and pink

Q: How old are you?
A: 19

Q: What was the last thing you did before you went to sleep last night?
A: got angry.

Q: What are you about to do?
A: get blamed for ruining something else?

Q: Do you ever check your phone while waiting for someone to call?
A: no

Q: Rate life as of right now 1-10.
A: 1

Q: Belive in god?
A: no

Finland....Maanantai 11.06.2007 05:48

....I miss you! &lt;sydän&gt;

komm und rette mich!!Sunnuntai 10.06.2007 07:33

mä haluan mennä takaisin suomeen.
olen ollut englannissa nyt 4 päivää, ja en osaa elää kuin elän nyt.
tänään, menin ystävänin kanssa rantaan. se oli ensimmäinen kertaa että mä näin niitä sitten mä tulin takaisin, ja se oli rankaa! Minulla tuli hirveä tylsää, että menen kotiin aikaisin.

en mä halua olla täällä. minulla ei ole työpaikka, rahaa. ei mitään.
kun asuin valkeakoskella, asuin yksin, ja se oli oikeasti paratiisi!!! mä rakastan suomi, ja kaikki että mä siellä tein. nyt, olen Ipswichissä, ja minun ystäviä haluavat aina, että mä teen jotain heidän kanssa, mutta en halua. minä haluan, että he jätä minä olla. eivät tajua kuinka mä tunnen- ei ole enää mitään että me tykkäämme yhdessä.

mahdollisesti mä teen väärin, mutta juuri nyt en mä välitä. mun huoneeni on hirveä sotkenut. keskiviikkona, mä heräsin noin klo 9 aamulla, ja en nukkui kun olin lentokentällä, koska lensin klo 745, ja sitten, olin Lontoossa klo 9, ja sitten menimme suoraa minun isoäidin luona!!! tulin "kotiin" iltapäivällä, ja sitten mä menin sänkyyn klo 23. no, en mä tiedä. varmasti, tätä tekstiä ei ole oikea, mutta toivon, että te ymmärrätte minua.

huomenna on sunnuntaina, jee. sitten maanantaina isä menee työhön, ja Charlotte ja Jono menevät kouluun, niin olen yksin äidin kanssa. mä tunnen hirveä sanoa niin, mutta mä pelkään sen. hän halua, että mä menen syyskuussa yliopistoon, mutta en ole vielä valmis mennä. aion mennä 2008ssa, kun tarvitsen mennä työhön saada rahaa, ja ehkä myös mennä takasin lukioon opiskella ranskaa ja historia. no, en tiiä. tarvitsen mennä verotoimistoon saada jotain, ja sitten pitäisi mennä etsiä työtä. yeah right.

no, Charlottella on kaikki että mä haluan: hän on hyvää koulussa, hänellä on kiva poikaystävä, ja myös upea työtä. ei ole reilua :( tein väärin lukiossa, nyt minulla ei oo mitään. en halua olla onneton, mutta se on miten mä nyt tunnen. pelkään, että en voi mennä suomeen enää, ja että, kun asun Ipswichissä, mä voisin unohtaa mun suomea, mikä ei ole nyt paras, mutta tunnen että mä osaan se ihan hyvää considering kaikki.

tänään/eilen, kun tulin kotiin rantaan jälkeen, mä tunnin pahalta, ja kaikki meni väärin.
mä haluan lähteä pois täältä, olla taas yksin. mä oon saanut minun itsenäisyys, ja nyt se on loppui. minulla oli kaikki että mä luulin että mä halunnut, mutta nyt mitään ei oo selvä. kaikki on ihan sekaisin ja sumuista.

no, pitäis nyt mennä sänkyyn. tarvitsen nukka, mullon huomenna niin paljon tehdä * sarkasmia*

heippa kaikille, ja kiitos kaikesta että te teitte minulle viime vuonna. ootte paras!!! &lt;sydän&gt;

Miehet <3Lauantai 02.06.2007 01:29

The Ideal Man

How tall?
over 5 foot 9


hair color?
Blonde or Brown

eye color?
Blue of Green

Nice :)

Personality ( Rate from 1-10 of importance, 1 being most important)






good listener

does what he's told

easy going

makes you laugh

His Habits
If he wants

In moderation



Please lordi, no!

just hang out & have fun?
Yeah :D

Nothing too unbearable, please.

If he's with you should he....
call every day?

hug/kiss you?
Yeah, sometimes.

see you every day?

be himself around you?

talk about ex-gf's?
If he wants to

quit doing something if you don't like it?
No. I'm not the boss of him.

give you all of his attention?

tell you he loves you?
Only if he does

Final Question
Do you actually think such a guy exists?
Hell No XD

I like musicTorstai 31.05.2007 20:02


[ ] 3 Doors Down
[ ] A Perfect Circle
[ ] AC/DC
[ ] Alice In Chains
[ ] Alexisonfire
[] Alice Cooper
[ x] All American Rejects
[ x] Anastacia
[x] Apocalyptica
[x] Apulanta
[ ] Ashlee Simpson
[ ] Audioslave
[] Avril Lavigne
[] Backyard Babies
[ ] Beach Boys
[x] Beatles
[ ] Bee Gees
[x] Billy Idol
[ x] Björk
[x] Black Eyed Peas
[ ] Black Sabbath
[] Bleak
[] Blink 182
[] Bloc Party
[ ] Blondie
[] Bob Marley
[] Bob Sinclair
[] Bon Jovi
[] Bloodhound gang
[ ] Bowling For Soup
[ ] Bruce Springsteen
[] Bullet For My Valentine
[ ] Busted
[ ] Cascada
[ ] Cher
[ ] Christian Walz
[ ] CKY
[ ] Clash
[ ] CMX
[ ] Coldplay
[x] Cradle Of Filth <- vain kun mää asun sama kaupungissa kun Mr Dani Filth :D
[x] Crash
[x] Cure
[] Cyndi Lauper
[ ] Daft Punk
[ ] Darin
[x] Darkness
[] David Bowie
[ ] Deep Purple
[ ] Def Leppard
[ ] Deftones
[x] Dido
[ ] Dimmu Borgir
[ ] Dir En Grey
[] Disturbed
[x ] Dixie Chicks
[ ] Donnas
[x] Doors
[ xxx] Eagles
[ ] Egotrippi
[ ] Eiffel 65
[x] Elton John
[] Entwine
[ ] Enya
[ ] Eppu Normaali
[ ] Eric Clapton
[ ] Europe
[ ] Fall Out Boy
[ ] Finntroll
[ ] Flaming Lips
[ ] Fugees
[ ] Garbage
[ ] Gavin DeGraw
[ ] George Harrison
[ ] Gorillaz
[] Green Day
[] Gwen Stefani
[x] HIM
[ ] Haunted
[ ] Happoradio
[ ] Hellogoodbye
[ ] Helloween
[] Hives
[x ] Hoobastank
[] Hot Hot Heat
[ ] Imogen Heap
[ ] In Flames
[ ] Incubus
[z ] Irina
[] James Blunt
[ ] Jamie Cullum
[ ] Janis Joplin
[ ] Jesse McCartney
[ ] JoJo
[ ] Jonna
[ ] Joss Stone
[] Juanes
[] Justin Timberlake
[ x] Kaiser Chiefs
[x ] Kanye West
[ ] Kate Bush
[] Kelly Osbourne
[ ] Kemopetrol
[ ] Kent
[ ] Kid Rock
[x] Killers
[ ] Kinks
[] Kiss
[x] Klamydia
[ ] Kylie Minogue
[ ] Las Ketchup
[ ] Led Zeppelin
[ ] Lenny Kravitz
[x ] Lifehouse
[] Limp Bizkit
[ ] Lindsay Lohan
[x] Linkin Park
[x] Lordi
[ ] Madonna
[ ] Mariah Carey
[ ] Marie Serneholt
[] Marilyn Manson
[ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Maroon 5
[ ] Mary J. Blige
[ ] McFly
[ ] Megadeth
[] Melody Club
[ ] Metallica
[] Mew
[ ] Misfits
[ ] Missy Elliot
[x] Muse
[x] My Chemical Romance
[] Mötley Crüe
[ ] Ne-Yo
[] Neljä Ruusua
[x] Nelly Furtado
[ ] New Found Glory
[x ] Nickelback
[ ] Nightwish
[ ] Nine Inch Nails
[] Nirvana
[] No Doubt
[x ] O-Zone
[ ] Oasis
[ ] Offspring
[] Olavi Uusivirta
[ ] Our Lady Peace
[] Ozzy Osbourne
[] Panic! At The The Disco
[ ] Pantera
[ ] Papa Roach
[ ] Peaches
[ ] Pet Shop Boys
[ ] Phantom Planet
[ ] Phoenix
[x] Pink
[] Pink Floyd
[] Placebo
[]x PMMP
[] Poets Of The Fall
[x] Private Line
[ ] Prodigy
[ ] Pussycat Dolls
[x] Queen
[x] R.E.M
[ ] Rachel Stevens
[ ] Radiohead
[] Rammstein
[x] Rancid
[ x] Rasmus
[] Red Hot Chili Peppers
[ ] Ricky Martin
[ ] Rihanna
[x ] Ripsipiirakka
[x] Robbie Williams
[ ] Robyn
[ ] Roni Tran
[] Roxette
[ ] Ryan Adams
[ ] Sadetanssi
[] Savage Garden
[ ] Scandinavian Music Group
[x] Schnappi :DDDDD
[x] Scissor Sisters
[ ] Seal
[ ] Sean Paul
[x ] Seether
[x] Sentenced
[ ] Sex Pistols
[] Shakira
[ x] Sheryl Crow
[ x] Simple Plan
[ ] Slayer
[ ] Slipknot
[ ] Smak
[ ] Smashing Pumpkins
[] Snoop Dogg
[] Sonata Arctica
[ ] Son Of Dork <-- call THAT a band?! same goes for Busted and McFly. Fuckers
[] Sounds
[] Spice Girls
[ ] Spiderbait
[ ] Starting line
[ ] Stella
[] Stratovarius
[] Strokes
[] Subways
[ ] Sugababes
[] Sum 41
[x ] Switchfoot
[] System Of A Down
[x ] T.A.T.U
[ ] Taking Back Sunday
[x] Technicolour
[ ] Tenacious D
[x] Teräsbetoni
[ ] Thin Lizzy
[ ] Three Days Grace
[ ] Tim McGraw
[ ] Tori Amos
[] Twisted Sisters
[ ] Tyrävyö
[ ] Ultra Bra
[ ] Underoath
[x ] Uniklubi
[] Used
[ ] Van Halen
[ ] Vanilla Ninja
[] Velvet Revolver
[ ] Veronicas
[ ] Vines
[ ] Westlife
[ ] Whitesnake
[ ] Whitney Houston
[ ] Who
[ ] Will Smith
[] Yeah Yeah Yeahs
[ ] Yellowcard
[ ] Ying Yang Twins

boredomTiistai 29.05.2007 00:54


Is your hair up?: no
Is your phone right beside you?: yes
Do you have a bf/ gf?: no
Do you wish you were somewhere else?: sometimes
Do you have plans for tonight?: sleep!
Are you wearing makeup?: no
Are you wearing chapstick?: yes.
Are you cold?: no
Are you tired?: yes :S
Are you excited?: no.
Are you watching t.v.?: no
Are you wearing pajamas?: yes
Who's the last person you IMed?: my dad
Who's the last person that called you? Äiti


Anything you regret? naturellement!
Ever lied?: Yes
Ever stuck gum under a desk?: No
Ever spit at someone? No, never.
Ever kick something living?: Yes
Ever had your nails done?: No
Ever thrown up because you cried so hard?: no



Had any plans last week?: a few
Who did you see most last week?: the kids
Was last week interesting? yeah.


Have you cussed?: not vocally,
Have you yelled at someone? no
Have you gotten mad at someone? yes
Have you cried? yes
Have you called more than 3 people?: no
Have you IMed more than 3 people?: yes
Have you eaten anything gross? no


Q. First thing you did this morning?: made tea.

Q. Last thing you ate?: crisps

Q. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks? maybe sorting something out

Q. What's annoying you right now? many things

Q. What's the last movie you saw? the Klumps, last monday.

Q. Do you believe in long distance relationships?: not really

Q Where is the last place you went?: k market

Q: Who is the last person you called?: Äiti

Q: Been cheated on?: yes

Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? hopefully. someone, somewhere.

Q: Choose one to have (love, beauty, creativity): love

Q: Do you wish on stars?: yes

Q: Does it work?: rarely

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them of: no.

Q: When did you last cry? today

Q: Do you like your handwriting? my english handwriting is nice. french, german and finnish is a bit ropey though.

Q: Are you a friendly person? not really. i have issues.

Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world? yes

Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night? imine

Q: What color shirt are you wearing? black

Q: Do you have any pets? no

Q: What is the color of your bedsheets? blue white checked.

Q: What were you doing at 9 last night? coming home from Toijala.

Q: last person you talked to : Dad

Q: When is the last time you saw your dad? 3 weeks ago

Q: Look to your left: Suitcase

Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes

Q: Ever cried on your friends shoulder? jes

Q: Song that makes you cry? many songs.

Q: Are you a normally happy person? it depends

Q: Is your self-esteem low? its not high.

Q: What color are your eyes? green

Q: Long or Short Hair : longish

Q: Current Music? "How to save a life"- the fray

What would YOU do....Lauantai 26.05.2007 00:22

What would you do if?

What would you do if?
The President of the United States called you:
I'd be, VERY confused.

You won the lottery:
I'd die of shock I think. I dont play lotto.

You got invited to be on a reality TV show:
Tell the people "No thanks"

You caught a friend stealing from you:
I'd be pretty broken hearted.

You witnessed a murder:
I'd call the police

A random stranger offered you candy:
See what said candy was.

MySpace and Facebook closed:
Find somewhere else to waste my time.

A genie granted you one wish:
that's easy! I'd wish for everything to be perfect.

You lost your favorite possession:
I'd cry my eyes out.

You found 10 dollars on the ground:
leg it to the bureau de change, sharpish :D

Your date throws up on you:
I'd make him feel VERY small.

Someone cuts off a chunk of your hair:
Laugh and stab them with their scissors?

Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:
Don full protective clothing due to my allergies :)

You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call:
Call mum on her mobile, which would log the location where I was calling from, and then the peope would come and find me :D

g lonui :P (slängi ranskaks)Perjantai 25.05.2007 20:36

Write down what you see, hear, and are thinking..

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What's there?
A cup of tea :D

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
A documentary in Finnish about animal rights in holland or sth, I saw it in English last summer.

4. Without looking, guess what time it is:
around 5ish

5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
at 4:30 when I left work to come home.

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
emails :)

9. What are you wearing?
jeans and a 69 Eyes shirt.

10. Did you dream last night?
I dunno, it was wierd.

11. When did you last laugh?
about 5 seconds ago.

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
posters, stickers, drawings, british flag, and a christmas stocking, a rose, postcardss, birthday cards, christmas cards, envelopes, backstage passes to a festival, and some family photos

13. Seen anything weird lately?
I work in the kindergarten. It doesnt get weirder than what I see there.

14. What do you think of this quiz?

15. What is the last film you saw?
The Klumps. Fantastic film :D

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
i'd pay any debts i have, give some money to a worthy cause (UNICEF), get my hair sorted out, buy new clothes, some new shoes. A fair sum of money would be spent on deepfried mozzarella sticks, and me and my sister would have a fantastic party, full of good music, filthy talk, aforementioned cheese sticks, chili sauce, nachos with cheese, jalapenos, salsa, lots more cheese, and of course, 3 tubs of ben and jerrys. each.

17. Tell me something about you that I don't know:
I'm rather gay :)

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
i'd have all paedophiles, terrorists, and other sick, twisted basters, and have them exterminated. the world dont need such negativity

19. Do you like to dance?
yeah :D but only when i'm drunk ;)

20. George Bush:
what of it?

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
Jaakko or Jack

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
living the dream, baby.

24. What do you want to say to God when you reach the pearly gates?
"Where the heck have you been matey?!"