
Tick...tock...tick...Tiistai 04.09.2007 23:28

I think that time's stopped.

Today's gone SO slowly that I can barely believe it!!! Leggi and I went into town, to have a bitch about everything, and just to mooch. We bumped into one of our old gang, Mark!!!!! So we ended up in the park sunbathing, and watching the archaeologists. That was's 3 years today since we started 6th Form, and really became friends :-D AND Mark is going to Uni, and will be in Carrie's class!!! "Greebo Corner Reunion" anybody?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

But yeah....I'm going to University in Colchester, 30 mins from Ipswich, and even closer to Stansted, thus Europe :-D Aaaaaaaand I've got my own flat!!! on the 12th floor of a building!!!!!! That's well exciting, 'cause I'm gonna be living away from home again!!!!!
I love my family to bits, don't get me wrong. I just cant bloody live with them!!!!

So.... now to the kitchen to cook an über-delicious meal of meatballs and chips, then its off to the pub!!! Yo ho ho and a bottle of non-alcoholic beer please!!!

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 03.09.2007 16:04

Oh god. Oh goddy god god god!!!!!

It's 24 days until I go to Finland :D:D:D *mucho excitement*

Birthday Party at the pub, Interview(s) and rock'n'roll depravity!

One Year.Lauantai 01.09.2007 18:37

^Finnglish^ <- 1.9.2006
^Finnglish^ <- 1.9.2007

Exactly a year ago today, I came to Finland to be a volunteer English Teacher in Valkeakoski.
The year has had plenty of ups and downs, and I've gone through a lot of changes.
I've made new friends, lost some old friends, learned a new language, travelled, and most of all, I've come one step closer finding what I want to do with my life.

HistoryPerjantai 24.08.2007 04:20

1. Name: Joanne
2. Current Nicknames: Mooni, Jo-Lou, Jo
3. Birthday: 6th May
4. Place Of Birth: England
5. Zodiac Sign: Taurus
6. Male Or Female: Female
7. Grade: about to start Uni!
8. School: ex-chantry
9. Occupation: future-student.
10. Residence: Ipswich. With the family.
11. Screen Name: Mooni MMW

~~ Your Appearance ~~

12. Hair Colour: Blonde
13. Hair Length: getting longer
14. Eye Colour: Green
15. Weight: 8 stone :-D
16. Height: 5foot 5
17. Braces?: Nope
18. Glasses?: Yeah
19. Piercings?: Some
20. Tattoos?: No
21. Righty or Lefty?: Righty

~~ Your 'Firsts' ~~

22. First Best Friend: Stacie-Ann Dilkes
23. First Award: Neatness.
24. First Sport You Joined: PE Lessons.
25. First Pet: Hamster
26. First Real Vacation: Cornwall, aged 3months
27. First Concert: My own ^^
28. First fight: Never

~~ Favourites ~~

29. Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean
30. TV Show: The Jeremy Kyle Show
31. Colour: Pink
33. Band: Uniklubi ^^
34. Song Right Now: Myrkky
35. Friend: I love all my friends equally!
36. Candy: Creme Eggs
37. Sport To Play: Bowling
38. Restaurant: Chinese Restaurants!
39. Favorite Brand To Wear: H&M
40. Store: H&M
41. School Subject: Languages
42. Animal: Hedgehog. Possu <3<3
43. Book: WWI Testimonies
44. Magazine: Glamour/Cosmo... you know, T-r-a-sh-y

~~ Currently ~~

46. Feeling: quite psychotic :D
47. Single Or Taken?: single
48. Have A Crush: Oh jesus christ yeah
49. Eating: Nothing
50. Drinking: Amé, non-alcoholic wine.
51. Typing: This
52. Online?: Yeah
53. Listening To: some documentary about transsexuals
54. Thinking About: Going to bed
55. Wanting To: go back to Finland.
56. Watching: documentary about transsexuals.
57. Wearing: Jeans and t-shirt.

~~ Your Future ~~

58. Want Kids?: Yeeh 2 or 3
59. Want To Be Married?: Yes
60. Careers In Mind: Translator, Interpreter, Music Promoter, Archaeologist, Teacher
61. Where Do You Want To Live: Scandinavia
62. Cars: I don't want a car.

~~ Best About The Opposite Sex ~~

63. Hair Colour: Blonde, brunette
64. Hair Length: Short to mid-length. I prefer slightly longer haired guys.
65. Eye Colour: Blue or brown
66. Measurments: ??
67. Cute Or Sexy: Cute AND sexy.
68. Lips Or Eyes: Lips
69. Hugs Or Kisses: Both
70. Short Or Tall: taller than me
71. Easygoing Or serious: Easygoing
72. Romantic Or Spontaneous: Spontaneous
73. Fatty Or Skinny: 'normal'
74. Sensitive Or Loud: sensitive
75. Hook-up Or Relationship: Relationship
76. Sweet Or Caring: Caring
77. Trouble Maker Or Hesitant One: Both

~~ Have You Ever...? ~~

78. Kissed A Stranger: Yes
79. Had Alcohol: Yes, but I developed an allergy
80. Smoked: No
81. Ran Away From Home: Not really, no.
82. Broken A Bone: None of my own.
83. Got An X-ray: Yes
84. Been With Someone: Yes
85. Broken Someones Heart: Apparently.
86. Broke Up With Someone: Yes, yes.
87. Cried When Someone Died: of course
88. Cried At School: yes

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.08.2007 02:01

"no, voiks me puhutaan meidän rektemmesta?"
"no, emme tänä yönä- pelin The sims."

priorities, priorities ô.Ô

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 20.08.2007 15:38

"Jo... what's the spanish for 'I'm vegetarian'?"
"Erm, soy vegetariano."
"Hahaha. Now really, what is it?"
"Soy vegetariano."
"Get a bloody phrasebook, ffs!"


So, Flump's in Spain, and she doesn't speak Spanish. Neither do I, but she asks anyway. Then, when I tell her what she wants to know, she doesn't believe me, because the word is so blooming obvious.

Thank fuck we don't have to speak Cornish next week in Cornwall. however... Ass yw euthek an gewer! (the weather is terrible!) I figured I'd cut my losses- the weather most certainly aint gonna be very nice, so why bother learning niceties?

I'm hoping to squeeze in a little bit of Finnish practice in, y'know, what with my aunt being there etc etc. Saw some pictures today of where we're going. Looks ok when its sunny....

Meh. I've been up today since 8am. Filthy unsociable hour, n'est pas? I am expecting a call from Essex University, regarding my application. I'm praying that they'll accept me through clearing. Whether they do, or not, it should hopefully allow me to get on with my life and try and move forward from this point on....

Only <3Maanantai 06.08.2007 19:39

Music: Samu Haber, Jukka Backlund
Lyrics: Samu Haber

You say the ride is over
You want to leave the road behind
Till the day you walked away
You made the world be all mine

I'll be cool 'though it gets colder and colder
I'll be fine cause it's not over

Cause my dreams are all blind
They take me back to our time
And make you be mine only
Let me leave tears behind
I dry them only for you
And make you be mine only

All the finest moments
Should come back to where they were
My eyes they can't find someone else
They only want you to be mine

I'll be cool 'though it gets colder and colder
I'll be fine cause it's not over

Cause my dreams are all blind
They take me back to our time
And make you be mine only
Let me leave tears behind
I dry them only for you
And make you be mine only

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 04.08.2007 16:33

I have SUCH a caffeine hangover!! It feels like Slipknot are playing Basshunter covers in my head.
So glad I don't drink :D

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lauantai 04.08.2007 01:27