
o_OTiistai 11.09.2007 16:19

Mä haluun ruotsiin!!!! Göteborgiin tai Tukholmaan?

gå jag till sverige i december?

The Little Things...Tiistai 11.09.2007 04:27

The Little Things

Name: Joanne
Age: 19
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Hair color: Blonde
Natural color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Skin Type: Pale
Dimples: Nope
Tattoos: None

Do you think you are...

Good looking? Not overly
Smart? Smarter than some
Funny? Sarcastic
loving? Yes
Giving? Yes
Cheerful? Occasionally
A Drama Queen? Nope
Spoiled? Not overly
Braty? Can be a complete brat
Sweet? Oh yeaaaah.
Respectful? Yes
A good daughter? Yap.
A good sister? When I don't have mood swings.
A good Girlfriend? Dunno.
A true friend? Yeah

This or That...

Love or Money Love
Boyfriend or no Boyfriend No boyfriend
Freezers or Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate
Beach or Pool Beach
Hawii or Italy Italy
Children no children Children. I want 2 or 3
Married or no getting married I'd like to get married
Christmas or New Years Christmas
Cell phone or computer Computer
Music or T.V Music
Snow or Rain Snow
Summer or Winter Summer
Valentines Day or Birthday Birthday

Who makes you...

Laugh? Funny things
Smile? Simple acts of love
Giggle? Smut.
Cry? Bad things
Feel Special? Being held and loved
Feel Loved? As above

Your Cell Phone...

Whats your ringtone? Myrkky
Whats your wallpaper? London
What Brand? Samsung
Who's first on your list? Äiti
Who's last? Simon
How many songs did you download? None
Is the one you love on your list? Nope, only family.

Your past...

Most romantic moment Daisy chains and a picnic in the park :-O
The happiest moment Christmas 2006 in Finland
The sadest moment When Granddad died
The Hardest moment The aftermath of A-Level Results Day

Your Future...

What do you want to be? Happy, married, a mother, employed
Where do you want to live? Scandinavia- Finland or Sweden
Do you want to get married? Yes
Do you want to have kids? Yes. 3
What would you like their names to be? I won't know until they're born
What type of wedding do you want? A private one
Your Bridemaids? Family, close friends
Your dress? Simple and pretty
Where do you want it? Somewhere special
What type and color flowers? Poppies, sunflowers, roses...
Your own vows or no? I don't yet know.
Who will the flower girl be? I won't have one
Who will the ring boy be? That's the best-man...


Who was your last love? Not telling
Was your love true? No, it obviously wasn't
Do you still love them? No.
Do you miss them? No.
Would you ever consider being with them again in the future? No.
What does your heart desire? Love
Who do you really want to be with? I don't think I've met him yet.
Are you single or taken? Single
Do you have someone in mind? Nope
Are you in love? no


What was your last dream about? I can't remember
Who was in it? As above
Your two best friends? Lazu and Leggi
Do you love to shop? Yeah!
Whats your favorite store? H&M
Your favorite perfume? Ömm...
Are you a purse freak? no
A shoe freak? yeah
Your favorite song? Myrkky
Your favorite funny movie? 40 year old virgin
Romantic movie? Love Actualyl
Scary movie? Don't like them
Restuarant? Chinese Restaurants!!
Fast food? McDonalds or Hesburger
Drink? Tea
Fruit? Passionfruit
Food type? Wholesome
Chips? Ähm..
Ice cream? Vanilla, strawberry, liquorice
Candy/Chocolate? Chocolate
Favorite Band? Uniklubi
Favorite cd? Luotisade
Favorite singer? Jussi Selo
3 favorite songs? Myrkky, Älä Jää, Haudattu
What annoys you? Idiots
What makes you happy? Little things
Have you grown as a person in the past year? Oh hell yeah
Do you think it shows? Yes
What do you want for Christmas? Love
Who do you want for Christmas? I don't know
Do you want to be kissed under the mistletoe? Yeah
By who? I don't know
Do you want to hook up with someone by the end of the year? Maybe
Who? I don't know...
Where are you going to spend New Years? Maybe in Scandinavia
Who do you want to spend it with? Loved ones
Who do you wanna get kissed by at midnight? My love
Who are you thinking of right now? I'm not telling
Who do you want to spend the rest of our life with? The one I love

Oh for the love of God!!!Sunnuntai 09.09.2007 21:45

One of my two (known) flatmates looks like sodding Antti Tuisku :-/ How can I live with him?!?!?!

StorySunnuntai 09.09.2007 19:15

Hi, my name is: Joanne

but you can call me: Jo, Jo-Lou, Mooni....

Never in my life have I: been truly in love.

The one person who can drive me nuts is: myself.

My high school is: the font of all knowledge :-)

When IÂ’m nervous: I draw into my shell

The last song I listened to was: Myrkky, my current favourite song.

If I were to get married right now it would be: a complete farce :(

My hair is: gonna be cut soon

When I was 4: I moved to Eastwood.

Last Christmas: my family came to Finland, and loved it as much as I do!!

I should be sorting out the questions for Uniklubi

When I look down I see a pink penguin!!!

The happiest recent event was: swimming in the sea in Cornwall.

If I were a character on ‘Friends’ : I'd probably be Phoebe...

By this time next year: I will be starting my 2nd year at University! and fluent in French and German!!

My current gripe is: work, or lack thereof.

I have a hard time understanding: other people

ThereÂ’s these girls: that really should grow up, and move on.

If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: Äiti!

I want to buy: some new clothes, a pretty dress, some mittens, and stuff for university!

Where do you plan to visit: Tampere, Jyväskylä and Helsinki in just over 2 weeks!!!!

If you spent the night at my house: you'd understand why I'm like I am.

The world could do without: bad feeling

Most recent thing IÂ’ve bought myself: a book of WWI Poetry! <3<3<3

Most recent thing someone else bought me: Ingredients for my soup.

My middle name is: Louise

In the morning I: am the bitch from hell.

Last night I was: hanging out with Leggi.

ThereÂ’s this guy I know who: is the most stunning guy I've ever seen!!!

If I was an animal IÂ’d be a: albino Hedgehog.

A better name for me would be: the one I have now.

Tomorrow I am: sorting out some University information.

Tonight I am: staying home.

My birthday is: next year

UNIKLUBI!Sunnuntai 09.09.2007 04:45

Pyydän et viettäisit yösi mun vierellä
Tahtoisin maistaa taas veren sun kieleltä
Kun niin helposti juovuttaa

Sä tiedät hyvin kuinka pitää mut hengissä
Sun sanat valheina taas mun edessä
Mut niin kauniisti kerrot sen
Vaikka aina sattuu

Valveilla liian monta tuntia
Vie nyt sua kauemmaksi
Käärmeen puremat mun kaulalla
Tapat minut myrkylläsi
Jos en lisää saa
Myrkkyäsi maistaa

Leijun kuin varjo sinun askelten perässä
Enkä tiedä miten pysyä hengissä
Jos en sinua kiinni saa

Pyydän et antaisit palan sun silmistä
Päästäisiin pakoon tästä hetkestä
Kun niin hyvin tiedät sen
Miltä tuntuu...

LOVE LOVE LOVE &lt;sydän&gt;&lt;sydän&gt;&lt;sydän&gt;

P is for Plagiarism...Sunnuntai 09.09.2007 02:05

Kaikki Mitä Mä Annoin....


Blog blog blogKeskiviikko 05.09.2007 22:08

Menin viime yönä baariin Leggi, Candi, Daniel, Emma, Danielle, Sian, ja Kristinan kanssa. Viime kertaa että mä näin Sian ja Kristina oli yli 4 vuotta sitten. En tykkäsin niitä silloin, ja en vielä tykkää niitä.

"So Jo, why aren't you drinking?"
"'Cause I'm allergic to alcohol."
" don't you smoke?"
"Take drugs?!"
"Bloody hell you're boring."

On aika hullus, eiks niin?! Noh, mä meen perjantaina taas baariin, Emman kaa, nähdä Danielle, ja Kristina...en oo vielä varmaa jos haluan mennä...Danielle kertoi myös, että Richard on tulossa meidän kanssa. VOI VITTU!!!!!!!! Mull on ISO ongelma sen kanssa. Hän antoi miulle alkoholia kun se tietää että en osaa juoda. Siellä oli jotain ihan kuin sotaa :-s Toivottavasti, hän ei sanoo mitään minulle.

Myös, mull on nyt yliopisto-ongelma :-(
Olen suomessa 27.9-1.10. Mutta sain tietoa tänään, että pitäis olla yliopistossa 1.10... en voi!!
Mä pitäis olla englannissa taas 1.10 n. klo 2400!!! Nyt, kait että seuravana aamuna, mä pitäis mennä sinne :-S hyvä juttu on, että asuisin yksin :D mutta, mä luulin, että minulla olisi lisää aikaa, mut mullei oo :-s nyt pelkään, siellä on liikaa tehdä, ja aikaa ei oo tarpeeks.

Huomenna, lähetän kouluun joku tietoa, ja sitten kaupunkiin...
myös pitäis lähettää jotain yliopistoon...
ja sitten, pitäis järjestää mun 'registration' :-S

ja myös, mä tarvin kirjoitta toi uniklubi haastattelu -_-

*our time is running out.....*

Tick...tock...tick...Tiistai 04.09.2007 23:28

I think that time's stopped.

Today's gone SO slowly that I can barely believe it!!! Leggi and I went into town, to have a bitch about everything, and just to mooch. We bumped into one of our old gang, Mark!!!!! So we ended up in the park sunbathing, and watching the archaeologists. That was's 3 years today since we started 6th Form, and really became friends :-D AND Mark is going to Uni, and will be in Carrie's class!!! "Greebo Corner Reunion" anybody?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

But yeah....I'm going to University in Colchester, 30 mins from Ipswich, and even closer to Stansted, thus Europe :-D Aaaaaaaand I've got my own flat!!! on the 12th floor of a building!!!!!! That's well exciting, 'cause I'm gonna be living away from home again!!!!!
I love my family to bits, don't get me wrong. I just cant bloody live with them!!!!

So.... now to the kitchen to cook an über-delicious meal of meatballs and chips, then its off to the pub!!! Yo ho ho and a bottle of non-alcoholic beer please!!!

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 03.09.2007 16:04

Oh god. Oh goddy god god god!!!!!

It's 24 days until I go to Finland :D:D:D *mucho excitement*

Birthday Party at the pub, Interview(s) and rock'n'roll depravity!

One Year.Lauantai 01.09.2007 18:37

^Finnglish^ <- 1.9.2006
^Finnglish^ <- 1.9.2007

Exactly a year ago today, I came to Finland to be a volunteer English Teacher in Valkeakoski.
The year has had plenty of ups and downs, and I've gone through a lot of changes.
I've made new friends, lost some old friends, learned a new language, travelled, and most of all, I've come one step closer finding what I want to do with my life.