
"it's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A!"Sunnuntai 21.10.2007 10:18

England lost the Rugby World Cup to South Africa yesterday! Idiots.

As usual, the extended family (ie, our Flat and their friends) filled the kitchen to watch the match on a tiny portable TV. We got off to a cracking start, when Luke opened the fridge, and the milk fell out and exploded onto the floor. Then things in the match started going wrong. The boys, bless them, got VERY angry, no doubt fuelled by the copious amounts of beer being consumed :D
But I was introduced to one of Mike's friends, Mark. He went to the school I've taught at, so we had some common ground....

And I admit, I'd been feeling a little venomous due to *somebody* ignoring me whenever our flatmates are nearby.

But I really got on well with Mark. I can't help it. But after the game ended disastrously, we ended up with everyone else in the SU bar. Jay was still ignoring me, so yeah. His problem. And then Mark came over to me, and we started chatting...

....and continued chatting....

....and chatting some more.

Meanwhile, I snuck a few glances at Jay and he was looking rather fucked off with us. So I smiled and waved at him, and he waved back, but gave me a look of venom. Damn. Then things hotted up, when Sean and Luke started kissing each other, and acting in a very couply way!!!! Cue much laughing and loudness.
Anyway....our group moved on from the SU-Bar onto Mondos, where it was rock night.

Finally!!After being subjected to R&B for the last month, I think that the evening of rock and roll debauchery was well earned. I rocked my arse off alongside the boys :) Then the girls and a couple of the guys left and went home, which was a shame, but inevitable. We went from there, into the next room, and I continued chatting with Mark, the noise level meaning we had to stand close together at most times....
Then, he moved away, and Jay came over, took my hands and we started dancing. Properly dancing. I nearly died of shock and kinda clammed up on him....and that's when he tried to kiss me. I turned away to stop him (he'd been drinking), and he didn't try again. But joo.... we then went our separate ways, and I left with Mark, to find Mike who was outside.

We decided, to go back to my flat and continue relaxing etc. So we left...
At the lift, we met some girls who invited us down to their flat 2 floors below ours. So we went back to mine, dumped unnecessary things, and then went down there, where we were joined soon after by the rest of our group, plus Pav. Cool beans.
So, we were partying down in Flat 10, and having a general laugh to the music. There was a Norwegian girl there. I have no problem with norwegians, but this one...well, Jay goes on about how stunning she is. He's right actually, she's beautiful. But alas we digress.... So yeah, he was chatting to this girl, so I didn't look at that side of the room, focusing on the music and the people I was dancing with :) Again, I ended up chatting to Mark.

Then, Mike announced they were leaving, 'cause they had an early start tomorrow (Mark is Mike's guest). Mark asked me for my number. I didn't have it, 'cause my phone died, so we went back to my flat to get my phone, to give him the number.
We did that, then went back to Flat 10, where the party continued. After a corus of the YMCA- THE party song of all time, Mike and Mark really did leave, not before we hugged a few times and danced some more together. And took some photos :)
Cue some dismalness as my party buddy left...

Then not long after, Pav, Jay and I decided to leave. As I got in the lift, Jay looked at me:-

" honest....when you and that guy went up to ours, did....did anything happen?!"
"Oh god, no!! We just exchanged phone numbers- my phone's on charge and I dunno my number...."

Then Pav decided to throw in her 2 cents, saying how it looks like Mark may have competition for my affections. Jay started on about the Norwegian girl *sigh* and so on and so forth. Then I added that Mark and I were hanging out on Wednesday evening. Then again, he started on about the Norwegian...

I actually think, that he *may* be jealous o.O

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.10.2007 02:59

"That microwave is the current love of his life!"
"No, actually, you are."


^-^Sunnuntai 14.10.2007 23:06

Nonii joo.... viikonloppuni oli LYHYT!!!!
Menin "kotiin" eilen illalla. Koti on miulle nyt perseestä!!! Rakastan perhettäni, mutta kotona, elämä on ihan erilainen kun täällä (asuntolassa, Flat 12) Täällä on aina joku ääni, ja ilman siitä, mä oon löytänyt, etten pysy nukkua hiljaisuuksissa!!
Oli kyllä vaikkea, en oo varma, mutta luulen, että nukuin ehkä 3-4 tuntia :-O
Pikkuveljeni on mennyt tänään joku lentokenttään "Duxford" mitkä on lähellä Cambridgeen. Hän heräsi AIKAISIN, klo 6.
Siskoni on työssä. Se vituttaa, kun mulla on työhaastattelu siellä keskiviikkona. *jännittää* On ihan mahdollinen, että en saisi toi työpaikka, mä luulen, että hän tietää siitä.

Se oli sitten, kiva tulla takaisin asuntolaan!! Keittiössä oli Pav, Luke, James ja toi itävallan poika Thomas. OMG!! Thomasilla on maailman kauniisti silmät!!!!!!!! Soooooooo blue!!!!!! <3<3<3<3
Se oli kiva nähä niitä. Tykkään kaikki niistä, ja me ollaan päättänyt, mennä Tescoihin :) oli melkein klo 4, ja arvaa mitä!!!! kaikki kaupat suljetuvat klo 4 sunnuntaisin! XD Mutta, mentiin ja loppuessa, kaikki meni hyvin :D noh, ainakin IHAN hyvin XD James sanoi, että ois parasta, jos me kävelimme. Noni, okei, se on kyllä lyhyt matkaa.
Tai, on lyhyt jos TIEDÄT MINNE OOT MENOSSA -__- Voi. Käveltiin sinne via Kiina (on ihan varma, siksi koska mä näin yli 40 Kiinalaisia :-O)
Noniin, me sanoimme, että se oli hyvä ajatus, mennä takaisin yliopistoon taksilla.... But that would have been WAY too easy. Prkl.
Sit, me käveltiin takaisin. Se oli PITKÄ MATKA. Ihan uskomaton. Yli 10km, no, kun me tultiin Yliopistoon, se oli sitten 10minuttia asuntolaan. 5min. jälkeen, toi laukku meni rikki. KATASTROFI!!!
No siis, kotiin :)

Koti on siellä, missäs sydämesi on <3 ja nyt, on varma, että mun sydämeni on Flat 12issa XD
Olen täällä onnellinen :D

Huomenna, pitäisin tehdä niin paljon työtä -__- "unohdin" tehdä noin täällä viikonloppuna XD

Pitäisin nyt mennä- se on vielä paljon tehdä, mulla on jano, ja sen jälkeen oon menossa jossain, katsoa DVD:tä.... Clockwork Orange ja paljo muut

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 14.10.2007 17:55

1.) If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be:
Mobile phone, Laptop, Year's supply of liquorice

2.) I have an irrational fear of:
Brooms XD

3.) What type of food do you eat at your grandparents house?

4.) What weight were you when you were born?
6lb 8oz

5.) What would you do if you were stranded on an island with the person you hate most?
Ask him to get me some beer and peanuts

6.) What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
Wonder how it happened XD

7.) Do you stalk anyone on MySpace?
Yes. See top friends.

8.) I find the thought of childbirth:

9.) Next door to my house is:
another house!

10.) My feet are:

11.) My preferred style of jeans is:
Nice ones

12.) Why is your #1 your #1?
Because XD

13.) Know how to cook?
Yeah, and I'm not too bad!!

14.) I am annoyed with...

15.) What's the worst way you were dumped?
*thinks* well, it was never really over. We just moved on without breaking up.

16.) What child-related smell do you not like?

17.) What sea creature scares you?

18.) What color hair do most of the people you are around have?
Darker hair.

19.) What object have you broken most recently?

20.) Name one of the Spice Girls.
Ginger Spice!

21.) What was the last thing to make you cry?

22.) What are the stems on wine glasses for?

23.) My favorite shoes are:

24.) Can you use chopsticks?

25.) Do you prefer beaches or forests?

26.) What serial killer do you find most disturbing?
All of them

27.) Who knows a secret or two about you?
Niro and Lazu and Leggi

28.) Have you ever burned yourself?
Yeah XD

29.) Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
Hang on, i'll get a list.

30.) Who is/are your hero?
anybody who can stay true to themselves

40.) Do you believe in things that last forever?

41.) What are you listening to?

42.) What do you smell like?
Strawberries, following the incident with the faulty pack of Angel Delight XD

43.) Are you married?
Not as such.

44.) Does anyone regularly tell you they love you?
No :-*

45.) What's most confusing to you?

46.) Do you have any bad habits?

47.) Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Well, we all know the answer to that.

48.) What is one thing you've learned about life?
you gotta be brave sometimes

49.) What's your favorite color?

50.) Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
No, thank god.

51.) What does your mom call you?

52.) Has anyone told you that they like you more than a friend?
Not in quite some time

53.) What are you looking forward to?
Flat 12. Need I say more?

54.) How are you today?
everything and nothing

55.) What hurts right now?
throat, head, sinuses, neck.

56.) What are you doing tomorrow?
Got Sociolinguistics lecture. Jippiii

57.) What do you find hard?

58.) How much money do you have?
Fuck all.

59.) Have you ever had feelings for a friend of the same sex?

60.) Have you ever had a filling?
One, but then they took out my tooth.

61.) Who did you copy this from?

62.) What's the best thing you've ever purchased?

63.)What's your favorite song right now?
Hysteria, Black Holes and Revelations XD, Kiertää kehä, Haudattu, Luotisade (kaikki biisejä), Lover Lover Lover XD

64.)What's your favorite thing on YouTube?
Boro Pat.

65.) What are you currently looking at?
Mobile phone

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 13.10.2007 21:45

Ohmygod. I might just get him XD DUDE <3
I think he likes me XD
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand yeah. Sunday: me, him, my bed, tub of icecream, and a stack of DVDs XD

Mulla on keskiviikkona joku työhaastattelu!! Se on Ipswichissä, ja jos saisin toi paikka, työnsin mun siskon kanssa XD

f-f-falling...Perjantai 12.10.2007 03:04

OMG!! Mulla on flunssa &lt;suru&gt; tunnen kuin olen kuolemassa! Yskä, korvakipeä, pääkipeä, ja nenäkipeä. Joskus, se sattuu niin kauheasti, etten voi nähdä mitään vasemmalta silmältäni :-s En ole menossa lääkäriin. Kun olen vielä hengissä, en ole menossa. Tiedän, että olen tyhmä, mutta en mä välitä siitä. No niin. Pav on myös kipeänä, ja me uskotaan, että kohta pojat tulevat sama!!

Tänään oli ihan ok päivä. Aamulla, minulla oli Ranskaa, ja saksaa, ja iltapäivällä oli taas ranskaa! En oo varma, että mä tykkään ranskasta :/ Emme saa puhua englantia, ja en muista paljon ranskaa.
En usko, että saksaa voi olla erilaisempi kun ranskaa. Se on LIIAN helppoa. Opettaja olie "Mein name ist ...." ja sitten, hän kertoi, että me pitäisimme kokeile sanoa siitä itsellemme XD Hän oli ihan shokissa, kun sanoin "Ich heisse Joanne, ich komme aus England. Ich wohne in Colchester und Ipswich, und ich studiere Sprachen und Englisch." no voi, ei ole vaikkea. Hyvä juttu, oli että mä tunnin jo joku kaveri, Mike. Hän "asuu" meidän kanssa asuntolassa.

Mä tykkään mun asuntolastani :D Me ollaan 16, ja se on kivaaaaaaaa. Keittiö näyttä kuin joku pommi oli siellä vaikka me sivotaan 3 x päivällä!!! Illalla on se juttu, että me pelaan Pokeri! En osaa, sitten mä katselen siitä. Ja arvaa mitä!!! Siel on joku TOSI hyvänäköinen mies, jotka asuu täällä :D En muista, jos olen jo kertonut hänestä, mutta joo.... nam! <3 Hän asuu lähellä Ipswichiin, ja hän on niin kiva :) eilen, pyydin, että oliko mahdollinen, että sen kurssi jälkeen, voisiks hän ostaa mulle suklaata (Annoin hänelle toi rahaa), mutta hän unohtuu :( Kun hän tuli kotona, hän katsoi mua, ja sanoi "OH SHIT!", ja sanoi, että, jos haluaisin, hän voi mennä täällä hetkellä, ja ostaa sen. Sanoin 'ei'. :)

Tänään, menin Colchesteriin yliopiston jälkeen, tavata Leggia. Mentiin museoon!! Oli kiva iltapäivä- me syötiin jäätelöä puistossa :) Kiva oli. Kerroin hänelle Jamesta, ja hän nauroi :-/ voi voi. Mutta joo....mulla oli joku German Club meeting klo 19, mutten pääsee :( Tulin just kotiin, ja hän oli keittiössä. Hän kysyi, jos olen menossa huomenna "Doctors and Nurses:iin" klubilla... jos tunnen paremmin, ehkä menen :) Se kysyi, myös, jos olen nähnyt toi Sunset. OLI PINKKI!!! <3 kyllä näin sitä :) Mä tykkään hänestä <3 <3 <3

nonii, nyt sänkyyn!!!


Freshers FluTorstai 11.10.2007 12:36


Feel like absolute cr*p. Not good. Aching all over, and to make tings worse, I didn't get to sleep until sometime around 3am, as the Flatmates were a little drunk and noisy. Again.
And to top of a fantastic morning: I have double French, and German today.
AND I have to meet my friend in Town. WOot

It's misty outside, looks like I'm looking out onto a lake :)

?!?Keskiviikko 10.10.2007 02:32

"Let's make a list of the hottest girls in our flat!!"

Bottom of the list, here I come -_-

you've got to be kidding...Tiistai 09.10.2007 22:56

"So what part of Finland are you from?"
"Erm, I'm not Finnish..."
"You're not?!"
"No...I'm from Ipswich. Half hour away."
"Oh...we all thought you were Finnish!"
"Well, no, I'm not at all Finnish."

The future of Britain. Doesn't it just fill you with hope?

fuck youTiistai 09.10.2007 17:43

I don't drink.
I don't smoke.
I don't do drugs.
I dislike clubbing.
I get on ok with the guys here.

So obviously, if I want the other girls to accept me, I need to change all of the above.
I've been here now a week, and already, most of the other girls avoid me.