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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.01.2008 23:53

Muru oli taas yrittäny tänää soittaaa..
ja oli yrittäny laittaa viestiäki.
Mut ei vaan mitään tullu miulle.
Siis voi vittu hirtän kohta koko soneran

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.01.2008 23:46

Vielä vähän aikaa sitten tuntui niin pahalta..
Nyt oon ehkä onnellisempi kuin koskaan <3

Osaa ne hevaritkin herkistelläMaanantai 28.01.2008 23:00

Everything I had is gone and all I cared is dead
There's nothing to lean on, there's nothing to hold on
Now all is said and done left behind like a dream
There's nowhere to go nowhere to go to

I thought I had it all...
I thought I had it all...
I thought I had it all...
I thought I had it all...

You took it all, all away, left me there, there to stay
Feeling so cold now I'm on my own now
Why should I live my life anymore
You are gone and I lost it all
There's nothing to lean on, nothing to hold on

You were everything in my heart,
and my heart still beats, these empty beats
You were everything in my heart,
and my heart will go on, without you

Still I have to carry on, carry on and on
There's nowhere to go to, nowhere to go to
I'll hope this pain will fade away, fade away some day
There's nothing to live for, there's nothing to die for

I thought I had it all...
I thought I had it all...
I thought I had it all...
I thought I had it all...

You were everything in my heart,
and my heart still beats, these empty beats
You were everything in my heart,
and my heart will go on, without you

You were everything in my heart,
You were everything in my heart,
You were everything in my heart,
and my heart still beats, these empty beats
You were everything in my heart,
and my heart will go on, without you

You were everything in my heart,
You were everything in my heart.

Norther - Everything <3

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.01.2008 19:53

Katjan kanssa kauppaan <3
Etsitään Runpua!

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.01.2008 19:34

Joo kiva >.<
Muru jääki vielä viikoks Viroo, ku sen äiti synnytti ja isäpuoli jossain reissussa >.<
en toki ois halunnu nähä en

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.01.2008 19:17

Joo vihdoin ja viimein kiteellä..
matkan aikana kyllä tuli taas paha olo..
huomenna pääsee kotia jos tää olo jatkuu..

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.01.2008 16:18

Kohta niiku Kiteelle

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.01.2008 12:45

3-4 tunnin päästä ois lähtö Kiteelle...
Mut onneks saa Tinan mukaan <3
ja sitten kun muru soittaa tänään <3

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.01.2008 10:17

Pikku Myy: "Jos minä haluan sisään, minä myös tulen!"

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 28.01.2008 08:40

Oisin niiku ehkä ens viikonlopusta eteenpäin varattu yhelle ihanalle pitkälettipojalle <3
katsotaan miten käy x>