So pardon me while I burst into flames
I've had enough of the world
And its people's mindless games
So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame
Pardon me
Pardon me
I’ll never be the same
Ulle sanoo (4:12):
ah rupes tekee mieli tomaattikeittoo vaikken ees tiedä miltä se maistuu
||magne sanoo (4:12):
Ulle sanoo (4:12):
hahaemt,yhtäkkiä rupes vaan tekee mieli xD
||magne sanoo (4:13):
miten semmosta voi tehä mieli mistä ei tiä miltä se maistuu?
ei mullekaan koskaa tuu mieleen, että oih kun tekis mieli sementtiä! xD
Light touched my hands, in a dream of Golden Skans, from now on
You can forget our future plans
Night touched my hands with the turning Golden Skans,
From the night to the light, all plans are golden in your hands
Decision sits so make it quick
A breath inhaled from an air so sick
I cursed the day I had learned
Of the web you spun...
You had your hold till bleeding