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<3Tiistai 22.11.2011 08:05

Oijoi,voi niit aikoja... on the other hand... sama prosessi on käynnissä iha kohta (levynteko) adfadgag koska THEO rakastan sun höpötyksiä <3

We are in a foreign country.
We are in a uselessly large empty building.
We are making a record.We came to feel alone. And unfortunately it’s working.
We came to add despair, emptiness and alienation to the hopeful, emotional love songs we wrote in Manchester.
We have recorded girls doing things.
We have recorded men doing things.
We tried to telephone Micael Kiriakos Delaoglou from a phone box and ask him to come and play his instrument for us.
We whistle the jingles from Radio Stad Den Haag when we wake up, but we are not in Holland.
We try to comprehend, and ask rhetorical questions about, how cold it is. (ruotsissa)
We watch women wear fur.
We listen to Sinead O’Connor sing when we are happy, which then, ironically, makes us feel unhappy.
Some nights we watch television clips of Shirley Anne Field or Kym Marsh.
Some nights we write new songs and hate ourselves for writing old songs.
Some nights we watch a sport on a plasma screen and get angry and excited.
Some nights we drink and talk with people who really just don’t care.
Sometimes our Clark’s don’t grip on the ice.
Sometimes we can’t remember what has really happened.
Sometimes we lose perspective.Other times we just sit and stare out the window.
Information is only worth something if you care about who gives it to you, and if they care about you. Thank you for listening to us so far. See you in February.

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