
( ) sinulla on vihreät/harmaat/ siniset silmät
( ) sinulla on tumman vaaleat hiukset
( ) talvella menet laskettelemaan
( ) ja luistelemaan
( ) sulla on jopo
( ) huulesit rohtuvat helposti
( ) ja ihosi palaa helposti auringossa
(x) arkivaatteesi ovat farkut ja huppari
(/) sinusta suomalaiset ovat kaikkein parhaimman näköisiä
( ) menet usein pyörällä kouluun
( ) tykkäät uida enemmän järvessä kuin meressä
( ) pidät eniten vaalean sävyisistä väreistä
( ) sinulla on tuulihousut
( ) ja takki
( ) kuuntelet suomalaista musiikkia
(x) pidät korvapuusteista
( ) harrastat / olet harrastanut ratsastusta
( ) syöt aamuisin puuroa
( ) salkkarit on yksi lempi tv-sarjasi
(x) käyt ainakin kerran viikossa jossakin ostoskeskuksessa / Kelpaako Hansa ?


Kirjoita tähän 14 luokkalaisesi nimet. ÄLÄ KATSO ALLA OLEVIA KYSYMYKSIÄ ETUKÄTEEN! kun olet täyttänyt nimet, vastaa kysymyksiin numeroiden perusteella.

5. Yade
6. Emma
7. Anthea
8. Natu
9. Nonna

Nyt vastaa kysymyksiin niin, että vastaukset koskevat aina kyseistä numeroa vastaavaa ihmistä.


Missä ja milloin tapasit ensimmäisen kerran 10?: Seiskalle tuli samalle luokalle

Oletko koskaan nähnyt 4 itkevän?: Olenhan mä

Mikä tekee 6 erityisen?: Se on aina (AINA!) ilone !

Kuvaile 9: Energiapommi ?

5 lempimusiikki?: Joku ruotsinkieline viisu :)

Onko 13 vapaa vai varattu ?: Vapaa tietääkseni

Oletko koskaan halunnut vakavaa suhdetta 7 kanssa?: Ei se haluu mua

Missä 3 asuu?: Turussa, Paalupaikanlähellä. Löytäisin kyllä sinne !

Mikä on parasta 14?: No se on ainaki viisas ?

Voisitko kuvitella riiteleväsi verisesti numero 8 kanssa?: Voisin x'D Jostai iha tyhmäst jutust !

Miten tapasitte 11 kanssa viimeksi?: Haraldissa ?

Onko sinulla sisarellinen suhde 2 kanssa?: No ei iha sisarellinen...

Luuletko pitäväsi yhteyttä 1 kanssa koko loppuelämäsi ajan?: Luulen !

#88 / Huoh ! Tiistai 03.06.2008 12:32

Minkä ihmeen takia mun ei annetta nukkua kesälomalla !?
Tänään puhelin soi 9.10 ku HAMMASLÄÄKÄRI SOITTAA !!?!!??

#87Maanantai 02.06.2008 22:29

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you

Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming

No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels alright
You don't know what it's like to be like me

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked
When you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like

Welcome to my life

#86 / OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG !!! Maanantai 02.06.2008 15:15

Sain kuulla jotai NIIIIIIIN JÄRKYTTÄVÄÄ Yadeltä nyt äske et Herre min Hatt
mä Kuolen ! Oikeesti Kuolen ! Kuolen häpeään, Kuolen Nolouteet, Kuolen kaikkeen !

Kuolen, olen dead.

#85Maanantai 02.06.2008 12:12

Ensimmäinen kesäloman aamu ja mä herään 8.46 !?

#84Sunnuntai 01.06.2008 19:13

Mahani räjähti poks, olen dead.

#83 / PARAS ! Lauantai 31.05.2008 18:24

<sydän> 9D <sydän>

#82Torstai 29.05.2008 20:14

Kuolin bussiin, olen dead.

#81 / How cute are you?Keskiviikko 28.05.2008 21:53

[ ] You are smaller than the others of your age.
[x] You like pink or purple.
[ ] You wear skirts.
[x] You love stuffed toys.
[ ] You have more than 100 stuffed animals.
[ ] Your pillow sheet has flowers on it.
[ ] You act younger than you are.
[/] You love fairy tales.
[ ] People said that you are cute

Total: 2½

[x] You are waiting for a hero.
[ ] You believe in unicorns.
[ ] You believe in fairies.
[ ] You wanna be an angel.
[ ] You believed longer than the other children in Santa Claus.
[ ] You still believe in Santa Claus.
[ ] You have a princess bed.
[ ] Your bed has a canopy.
[ ] You always dressed as princess to carnival/Halloween.
[x] You liked to put make up on as a child.

Total: 2

[ ] You love Hello Kitty/Sanrio stuff.
[x] You played with dolls.
[x] You owned a doll house.
[ ] People said that you look younger than you really are.
[ ] You owned or own rabbits, guinea pigs or chinchillas.
[x] You love animals.
[ ] You are romantic.
[x] You love moon shine.
[x] When you get a sudden kiss, you blush.
[x] You blush when someone says he likes you.

Total: 6

[ ] You love frills and ribbons on your clothes.
[ ] You put stuff or real flowers in your hair.
[ ] You nearly always smile.
[ ] You try to make people happy.
[x] You respect your parents.
[ ] You try to see the good in people and the world.
[ ] You have been called naive.
[ ] You have a unicorn poster.
[x] You like TV shows for children.
[/] You love Disney Movies.

Total: 2½

[x] You like books for children.
[x] You like movies with happy end.
[ ] You are kind and behave good.
[ ] You are nearly never bitchy.
[ ] You like cute shoes.
[/] You respect elders.
[x] You try to be good.
[x] You cry when someone dies.
[ ] You get depressed by the evening news.
[x] You can´t watch scary movies.

Total: 5½

[/] You cry too when someone cries next to you.
[x] You like books with pictures in it.
[x] You love beautiful things.
[x] You have butterfly jewelry.
[/] You draw flowers and butterflies in your school notebooks.
[ ] You love movies from the 50/60´s.
[ ] You have been to Disney Land or World.
[/] You like amusement parks.
[ ] You have deer eyes.
[/] When you ask your boyfriend or dad for something he always gives to you, cause you are everything for him.

Total: 5

[x] Adults like you.
[ ] You love swings.
[x] You are your grandparents' apple of the eye.
[x] You like to play skipping rope.
[ ] You like little children.
[ ] You enjoy to play with little children.
[x] You still have your sticker collection.
[x] You still have your glitter picture collection.
[x] You have animal earrings.
[x] You love sweets.

Total: 7

[x] You love decorating the christmas tree.
[x] You are still curious what you will get as presents.
[ ] You wished for a ring from your boyfriend.
[ ] You love Swarowski stuff.
[ ] You love everything that glitters and sparkles.
[x] You´re dreaming of a house with garden.
[x] You wanna have a white wedding dress.
[x] You love weddings.
[ ] You always jump in the arms of your family/ friends when you meet them.
[ ] You hold hands with your best friend

Total: 5

real total 35/79