
huhhhhuuuuikaisevan hyvä kappale .Maanantai 11.08.2008 16:23

"you are the one
the chosen one on the run
where would you run?
disciple of the sun

you are the sign
the beacon for mankind
soon you will shine
the rays of love and light

lay your eyes on me
let your self reflect me
see what your life could be
donÂ’t let your self reject me
free so free
let your self reflect me
free so free
donÂ’t let your self forget me, forget me
donÂ’t close your door on me

this way
hear what i have to say

wake up!
i am the morning
i am the afternoon
itÂ’s me calling you

around every corner
and after nightfall
my moon is watching over you"

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