


If you never try, then you'll never know.

---Maanantai 18.04.2011 03:16

Jos saat yli 20 olet massateini.
[ ] kiroilen paljon
[1] käytän ripsiväriä
[ ] puuteria
[2] meikkivoidetta
[ ] mulla on aidot uggit
[3] converset
[ ] ipod
[ ] jopo
[4] värjään hiuksiani
[ ] ne ovat ruskeat tai blondit
[5] noin olkapäille
[ ] mulla on digijärkkäri
[6] katon tv:st esim. muodin huipulle, pako, salkkarit, mentalist, huippumalli haussa, flashfoward, lost, simpsonit
[ ] puhelinlaskuni on melkoinen, monta tekstaria päivässä
[ ] käytän marimekon, longchampin tai conversen laukkua
[7] ostan vaatteeni esim ginasta, seppälästä, onlysta, h&m:stä
[8] mulla on galleriassa kuvia
[ ] kuvaan enimmäkseen pisarakuvia ja rakkausaiheisia kuvia, lähikuvia esim. kukasta, kynästä, silmästä
[9] en harrasta läksyjä
[10] valvon aina puoleenyöhön
[11] en pidä matematiikasta
[ ] käytän paljon hymiöitä
[ ] huoneeni on aina sotkuinen
[ ]en pidä kalasta, sienistä, avocadosta tai kaalilaatikosta
[ ] harrastukseni ovat kaverit, dataus, syöminen ja nukkuminen
[ ] omistan paljon kuvia ystävilleni
[ ] huuleen parhaat
[ ] mulla on yli viis tosi hyvää kaveria
[12] mulla on farkkulegginssit
[13] omistan myös mustia legginssejä
[14] joita käytän pitkän paidan kanssa
[ ] vaatteistani suurin osa on mustia
[ ] käytän vöitä paidan päällä koristeena
[ ] pidät itseäsi läskinä vaikka olisit normaalipainoinen
[ ] wesc
[ ] paul frank
[15] kuuntelen musaa melkeen 24/7
[ ] se on amerikkalaista vaihtoehtorockkia
total : 15


Käytän hiuksiini;
[ ] Geeliä
[/] Muotovaahtoa
[x] Shampoota
[x] Hoitoainetta
[x] Hiustenkuivaajaa
[ ] Tehohoitoa
[x] Hiuslakkaa

hiustesi väri;
[ ] Musta
[ ] Ruskea
[/] Punainen
[ ] Blondi
[x] Oranssi
[x] Sekava

[ ] 100 - 114 cm
[ ] 115 - 124 cm
[ ] 125 - 134 cm
[ ] 135 - 144 cm
[ ] 145 - 160 cm
[ ] 160 - 164 cm
[x] 165 - 174 cm
[ ] 175 - 184 cm
[ ] 185 - 194 cm
[ ] 195 - 204 cm

[ ] Poppari
[ ] Rokkari
[ ] Hiphoppari
[ ] Hevari
[x] Oma itseni
[x] jokin muu? -weeeirdouu

mieluiten olisit;
[ ] Rikas Paris Hilton
[ ] Oman show'n omistava Oprah
[ ] Kuuluisa Madonna
[ ] Vaikutusvaltainen Condoleeza Rice
[ ] Ashley Olsen
[x] oma itsesi
[ ] joku muu -

[ ] Pimeää
[x] Yksinäisyyttä
[ ] Hämähäkkejä
[ ] Karhuja
[x] Hammaslääkäriä
[ ] Piikkejä
[/] Kuolemaa
[x] Salaisuuksiesi paljastumista

onko lempivärisi;
[x] Sininen
[ ] Punainen
[ ] Keltainen
[ ] Vihreä
[ ] Oranssi
[x] Musta
[ ] Valkoinen
[x] Neot
[x] Violetti
[x] Pinkki
[ ] Ruskea

[x] esiintynyt
[ ] matkustanut lentokoneella
[ ] matkustanut laivalla
[x] matkustanut junalla
[x] matkustanut raitiovaunulla/metrolla
[x] ollut sairaalassa yön yli
[ ] ollut onnettomuudessa
[x] voittanut rahaa
[x] kadehtinut toista
[x] kannustanut/kehunut toista
[ ] ollut tekemisissä poliisin kanssa
[ ] istunut poliisiautossa
[x] huutanut toiselle
[x] ampunut aseella
[x] käynyt museossa
[x] käynyt huvipuistossa
[x] lyönyt toista
[x] kalastanut
[x] ajanut autolla
[x] ajanut mopolla/skootterilla
[ ] ajanut moottorikelkalla
[ ] ajanut traktorilla
[x] ratsastanut hevosella/ponilla
[x] valehdellut äidilleni
[x] pidellyt elävää liskoa
[x] pidellyt elävää lintua
[x] nähnyt julkkiksen
[ ] kätellyt/halannut tms. julkkista
[ ] uinut avannossa
[x] tuntenut mielisairaan
[ ] soittanut ambulanssin
[ ] siivonnut oksennusta lattialta
[x] nukkunut pommiin
[x] riehunut julkisella paikalla/kotona
[ ] vilautellut julkisella paikalla
[x] ollut virpomassa
[x] ollut päiväkodissa
[x] pelannut tietokonepeliä
[x] lainannut rahaa toiselle yli 10e
[x] saanut jälki-istuntoa
[x] ollut eksyksissä
[x] nukkunut koko päivän
[x] poiminut kesällä mansikoita
[x] nauhoittanut jonkun tietyn ohjelman
[x] laulanut kuorossa
[ ] piirtänyt papukaijan
[ ] iskenyt varattua
[x] istunut kirkossa yli 2 h
[x] käynyt riparin
[x] saanut ruusuja

--Sunnuntai 17.04.2011 17:09

Day 20 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re angry

Day 21 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re happy
Day 22 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re sad
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 - A song from your childhood
Day 30 - Your favorite song at this time last year

-Lauantai 16.04.2011 00:22

DAY 12: Favorite non-animal sidekick

DAY 13: Favorite outfit
DAY 14: Favorite villain
DAY 15: Favorite romantic moment
DAY 16: Favorite singing voice
DAY 17: Best eyes
DAY 18: Favorite name
DAY 19: Favorite soundtrack
DAY 20: Funniest moment
DAY 21: Favorite quote
DAY 22: Bravest princess
DAY 23: Favorite dance scene
DAY 24: Favorite parent
DAY 25: Favorite lyrics
DAY 26: Most magical moment
DAY 27: Best wardrobe
DAY 28: Favorite sequel
DAY 29: Favorite overall moment
DAY 30: Favorite happy ending

<3Lauantai 16.04.2011 00:13

Day 19 - A song from your favorite album

Day 20 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re angry
Day 21 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re happy
Day 22 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re sad
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 - A song from your childhood
Day 30 - Your favorite song at this time last year

blaablaaLauantai 16.04.2011 00:04

Haluun tollase kiva septuminnnnn

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 11.04.2011 20:46

secondhand serenade - is there anybody out there

You can say goodbye,
To all the things that you have ever known.
You can say goodbye,
And leave behind the life that you have grown.
What's the point,
You try to start from scratch,
but get let down,

You can say goodbye,
Just to realise there's no-one left around.
So what am I fighting for.

Tell me
Is there anybody out there,
Am I swimming through this empty sea alone,

Am I looking for an answer
Or am I trying to find a way to get back home.
Is there anybody out there,
Would you hear me if I screamed or if I cried,

I'm looking for an answer
And just trying to find a way to survive.

You can live or die,
Without the chance to find out what your worth,
You can live or die,
And never find the one that she'd deserve,
You can walk alone,
And live behind the shadows in your heart,

You can say goodbye
Or live and find out you've been alone right from the start
So what am I fighting for.

Tell me
Is there anybody out there,
am I swimming through this empty sea alone,

Am I looking for an answer,
Or am I trying to find a way to get back home.
Is there anybody out there,
Would you hear me if I screamed or if I cried,

I am looking for an answer
And just trying to find a way to survive.

Never thought I would end up all alone,
Every day I am feeling further away from home,
I can't catch my breath,
but I am holding on.

Is there anybody out there,
is this the last time I have to say goodbye,
Am I staring at my future,
Is it time to take charge of my life,

Is there anybody out there
Am I swimming through this empty sea alone,

Am I looking for an answer,
or am I trying to find a way to get back home,
Is there anybody out there,
Would you hear me if I screamed or if I cried,

I am looking for an answer,
And just trying to find a way to survive,
a way to survive,
and I am holding on.

-Maanantai 11.04.2011 20:17

Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio

Day 19 - A song from your favorite album
Day 20 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re angry
Day 21 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re happy
Day 22 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re sad
Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 - A song from your childhood
Day 30 - Your favorite song at this time last year

-Maanantai 11.04.2011 20:15

DAY 11: Favorite animal sidekick

DAY 12: Favorite non-animal sidekick
DAY 13: Favorite outfit
DAY 14: Favorite villain
DAY 15: Favorite romantic moment
DAY 16: Favorite singing voice
DAY 17: Best eyes
DAY 18: Favorite name
DAY 19: Favorite soundtrack
DAY 20: Funniest moment
DAY 21: Favorite quote
DAY 22: Bravest princess
DAY 23: Favorite dance scene
DAY 24: Favorite parent
DAY 25: Favorite lyrics
DAY 26: Most magical moment
DAY 27: Best wardrobe
DAY 28: Favorite sequel
DAY 29: Favorite overall moment
DAY 30: Favorite happy ending

-------------------Maanantai 11.04.2011 20:10

i'm so tired of this fucking shit...