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Bored!Sunnuntai 18.10.2009 00:53

Fuck,i have really Bored evening today!
I'am really pissed ofcuz i want to drink something
and stuff but i got no money yet,and i want cigs
but no money! Tomorrow `emergency comes here,
and she's with me whole week!! I can sleep next to
her 6 long nights!!! TELL ME WHAT IS better way
to waste school week ?! i can live an ideal world whole
week!!! Now i'am waiting my friend's ansrew that can i
go to him and take some beers and sauna with him and
out friend Matti!! Hope so next week is really the best!
i'am probably sure that we gotbest week and stuff!!!
Hehe anyhow we got alot food so we can eat good whole
week :DD Hehee now i'll go !!

I love maiju she's best girlfriend in the world!!!<3

alot kisses to her
Lets go right now!

I look alive, I'm dead inside. My heart has holes and black blood flows.
We'll do some drugs, well fall in love and get fucked up while the world
just shrugs. With no thought Logically. Were wondering the streets so
aimlessly. I hate to see these kids just being put down so painlessly.
And people say you Dye your hair and wear tight jeans, that
doesn�t mean. That you can�t scream, or like loud noise, you got a choice,
you have a voice. And just because you showed no love and hate on us
you fucked our trust. Now watch we thrust this Knife Called Lust into
my Chest until it Bust.

This love, This Hate
Is burning me away
(is burning me away)
It's hard to face that we're all the same
This love, This Hate
Is Burning me away
(is burning me away)

It's harder times like these that never change (That never change)
mad at the fact your dad is an addict, your friend takes pills he thinks it cures sadness,
I'm not here to attack or make you kids panic,
but I just think it's tragic the way these kids have it.
and everybody sins and it all begins, it goes back around, nobody ever wins.
and you stab yourself in the back, everybody just relax! it all just hits so close to home,
we all got friends but we stand alone, and your on your own from a broken home,
you keep the truth inside and it stays unknown. Nostalgia hit and its time to quit,
and everybody acts like it don't mean shit. a
and your friend will stab you just to fuck some girl,
put your hands in the air and scream fuck the world

This love, This Hate
Is burning me away
(is burning me away)
It's hard to face that we're all the same
This love, This Hate
Is Burning me away

Let go
I'll bring you closer
Right now
I'll hold on tightly
Let go
We're going no where
And things aren't over
Harder times like these!
Growing up on the streets!
Harder times like these!
I'll put you back on your feet!

This love, This Hate
Is burning me away
(is burning me away)
It's hard to face that we're all the same
This love, This Hate
Is Burning me away
(is burning me away)

And I fall to the ground with my teardrops
And I get lost every time my heart stops

This love this hate is burning me away

FFDP-Meet the monster<3Lauantai 17.10.2009 13:43

It's not that complicated and you ain't gotta believe
They'll put me down in a hole before I let you succeed
I've never been complacent, I can't afford to be
I know you think you're special but you ain't nothin'

Can you read between the lines?
Or are you stuck in black and white?
Hope I'm on the list of people that you hate
It's time you met the monster that you have helped create

You've pushed me one too many times
I'm sick of all of the fiction, we're gonna settle it
You've pushed me one too many times
I'm sick of all of the shit, I'm gonna settle it

It's not that complicated and you ain't gotta believe
They'll put me down in a hole before I let you succeed
I've never been complacent, I can't afford to be
I know you think you're special but you ain't nothin'

Can you read between the lines?
Or are you stuck in black and white?
Hope I'm on the list of people that you hate
It's time you met the monster that you have helped create

You've pushed me one too many times
I'm sick of all of the fiction, we're gonna settle it
You've pushed me one too many times
I'm sick of all of the shit, I'm gonna settle it

'Cause I can't take it anymore
I refuse to live this way
It's not that I don't care enough, it's not that I can't see
It's everything inside of me that won't let me be you
It won't let me be you

It's not that complicated and you ain't gotta believe
They'll put me down in a hole before I let you succeed
I've never been complacent, I can't afford to be
I know you think you're special but you ain't nothin'
No, you ain't nothin'
And you'll never succeed
I know you think you're special,
but you ain't nothin'

But you ain't nothin'

naaaaaaaaw Perjantai 02.10.2009 01:23

Take my hand lets go,
Somewhere we can rest our souls.
We'll sit where it's warm,
You say look we're here alone.

I was running in circles,
I hurt myself,
Just to find my purpose.

Everything was so worthless,
I didn't deserve this,
But to me you were perfect.

I'm scattered through this life.
If this is life I'll say good bye.

She's gone like an angel,
With wings let me burn tonight.

I see me writin on this paper.
Prayin for some savior.
Wishin intake her and save her.

In a world so, so godless and thoughtless,
I don't know how we wrought this,
All the love that you brought us.

It feels like I'm killin myself.
Just wheelin myself.
Just to pray for some help.

I'd give it all just to have, have your eternity.
Cause it's all that assures me.
It's worth all that hurts me.

I'd give you my heart,
And let you just hold it.
I'd give you my soul,
But I already sold it.

On that day that day,
The day I walked away in December.
I will always remember.
I'll regret it forever.

I remember brown eyes,
So sad and blue skies.
Turned to darkness and night.
I'm so sick of the fight.

I won't breathe unless you breathe,
Won't bleed unless you bleed.
Won't be unless you be,
'Till I'm gone and I can sleep.

I've gone away,
Seen better times in yesterday (I hurt myself).
It's hard to say,
That everything will be okay (I hurt myself).

I've gone away,
Seen better times in yesterday (I hurt myself).
It's hard to say,
That everything will be okay (I hurt myself)

mageee <3Torstai 01.10.2009 21:45

watch things turn to ash
With two empty cans of gas
The only evidence they have
Is the police catch on my mask
And its hardly time to ask
If you can save my heart for last

And its hard to face the facts
When the darkness fades to black
It's not just make believe
When they make me take a seat
And they put amphetamines
in the air and make me breath

So come on and grab your children
Look out for burning buildings
And civillians who perish
they kill them by the million
And billionss of people die
For a lost cause

So now I pray for my nation
thats destroyed under god

aika niceMaanantai 21.09.2009 01:22


IIIIIKK <3Tiistai 18.08.2009 02:57

Nyt se sit on ohi :'( kesäloma loppu ja huomen alkaa ammatin kova lukeminen =)) Jännittää pirusti! mut kyl kaikki päivät jaksaa ku on sit odottamas koulunjälkeen maailman paras paikka joka on Maijun viekus ;) Hyvää koulupäivää kaikille !! mä lähen nyt nuQQQQQ :D moro <33 Rakastan maijuuuuuu<3

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 17.08.2009 18:42

Ääääääää vikaa lomapäivää vietellessä :SS Huomen sit vaa käpyläää :SSS kai vois keksii jotain ikimuistosta tänää tai jotain,ainaki oon maijun kanssa <3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 15.08.2009 05:20

Jonne quittaaaa leffoi kattooo :DD MAIJU on ihaniiiiin huomen sen vieksuuuuuuu <333 Rakastan sitäää<3

naaw<3Perjantai 14.08.2009 04:14

Naaw minä rakastan Maijuaaaaaaa meen nukkuu röökin kaut vitu väsy :DDD<333 Maijun kans kihlois <3