
TBAKeskiviikko 05.11.2008 11:16

Something brand new on it's way!! To be revealed soon ;)

To you <3Perjantai 31.10.2008 12:01

Baby, you is the diamond that lasts forever
And I just can't take a single step without you
Baby, to you I'll always be a faithful lover
'Cause my heart can't make a single beat without you

You make me fly, you get me high
You turn my world to such a better place
Your crazy touch, the sweetest rush
Is something to save my life

I wanna spend my nights and days between your arms
Every day breathing your love
And even in my dreams I wanna be kissing your lips
Baby, breathing your love

Baby you..only you can make me recover
The lost parts of me I thought they'd gone a long time ago
With you life runs like the best love letter
I was just an empty soul until you stepped in to my show

I wanna have that crazy love
Want it running in my blood
I want it taking over me, over me, over me

Breathing your love, love, love
Baby, breathing your love, love, love

The Destination Was RomeKeskiviikko 29.10.2008 12:48

Takana on onnistunut matka Italian kaupunkiin Roomaan. Säät suosi ja loma sujui hienosti.
Paljon oli nähtävää ja jokainen päivä rullas nopeesti kulkiessa paikasta toiseen.
Kilometrejä kertyi kiitettävästi kävellessä ja kokemuksia sen puoleen.
Hyvä mieli jäi ja miks ei uudestaan joskus takas:)

Kaikki tiet vievät....Maanantai 13.10.2008 15:15

....Roomaan. Perjantaina lento kohti Italiaa:)
Mukava pitää vähän lomaa näin syksyn ja arjen keskellä:)

Eurovision 2009Perjantai 26.09.2008 11:41

12 artistia/bändiä, joista yksi lähtee edustamaan suomea kisoihin;)
Kilpailukappaleet julkistetaan 3.12.

> Janita
> Tapani Kansa
> Kwan
> Passionworks
> Remu
> Riikka
> Sani
> Signmark
> Jari Sillanpää
> Tiara
> Vink
> Waldo's People

Otanko askeleenMaanantai 22.09.2008 01:38

Välimatka tulvien
On lyhyempi jälkeen sen
Miten sä katsoit mua
ja miten tartuit käteen surujen

Elettyä elämää
hyvää ja myös ikävää
Minäkin saanut oon vaan
sielu tahtoo jotain täydempää

Otanko askeleen
vai palaanko entiseen?
Edessä hauras jää
sen hymys lämpö heikentää
Otanko askeleen
hukunko lupaukseen?
Takana maisemaa
sateen ja roudan murjomaa

Paleletko sinäkin,
haluatko vieläkin?
Sylissäin viettää hetken
ennenkuin sun mentävä taas on

Nämä onnen sirpaleet
kädestäsi tippuneet
Valoa tuonut on mun
sydämeni mustaan huoneeseen

Days full of loving...Tiistai 16.09.2008 16:58

I've had days full of loving
Days of hope, days with faith
Days where I was believing you'd be mine and you'd stay
I've had days where I'd miss you
I've had days of despair
But could I ever leave you? I don't know if I'd dare
I grow weak when you're near me
I go numb when you speak
I lose my breath when you're breathing
Right next to me

But my heart seems to tremble
Just a little too soon
When you're gone without calling
Through the night 'till it's noon

'Cause every night and every day
I'm wasting time when you're away
I wish I was stronger
But a life without you
I cannot believe
I cannot believe in
And I don't know how to let go

So much hurt in my loving
So much pain everywhere
You said you'd learn but you didn't
Don't know why I still care

And I don't know how to leave you
How to really let you go
How to close the door behind you
How to hang on to a no

But I've had days full of loving
Maybe a few, but they are there
You give me days of believing
I guess that's why I'm here.

Hello heartbreak...Keskiviikko 27.08.2008 18:05

i got a strange connection to pain
i can't seem to walk away from hurt
I'm always running into dangers

i got this huge attraction to you
i must be going out my mind
wasting time
I'm hurting deep inside

hello heartbreak
its good to see you
happiness came
but it just lets me down
hey there sadness
i know i need you
cause when all else fails
you'll always be around

Kaikki loppuu aikanaan..Tiistai 26.08.2008 11:39

If you wanna break me, just break me good! Keskiviikko 06.08.2008 18:14