


and i always sleep with my guns when you're gone

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STUPID, SADISTIC & SUICIDALTiistai 03.11.2009 04:02

I'm the one who's so in love with you
I'm the one who's so in love with you

Awe! Man, I'm gonna' fill you all the way!
Awe! Man, I'm gonna' screw you all the way!

Cause I'm stupid, sadistic and suicidal
Hard to accept but that's the whole idea behind my motivation
Now is the part for the radio station!

I'm the one who's so in love with you
I'm the one who's so in love with you

Awe! Man, I'm gonna' fill you all the way!
Awe! Man, I'm gonna' screw you all the way!

Cause I'm stupid, sadistic and suicidal
Hard to accept but that's the whole idea behind my motivation,
Now is the part for the radio station!

Come on! Do-Do-Do-Do
Come on! Do-Do-Do-Do

This is what you want baby
This is what you want
Yeah, this is what you want baby
This is what you want

Oh, ah, oh-ah-oh-oh-ah,
Oh, ah, oh-ah-oh-oh-ah,
Oh, ah, oh-ah-oh-oh-ah,

Yo, I really mean it this time
Really mean it this time
Really mean it this time
Really mean it this time


Tää on hieno biisi ! Ihme että en löytänyt sitä aiemmin...

Ja nyt haluun kirjoittaa fikin tän pohjalta öööööö. (MSI+Ninon kuvia+väsynyt Liisa = 8>>>>)

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