1: Laita musiikkisi sekoitukselle.
2: Kirjoita kaksi ensimmäistä lausetta 20 ensimmäisestä biisistä, olivatpa ne kuinka noloja tahansa.
Katso kuka osaa arvata eniten, mistä biisistä kutkin sanoitukset ovat.
3: Vedä biisi yli kun joku arvaa sen oikein.
4: Googlettaminen on huijausta! Huijareita rankaisee Suomen oikeusvaltion pitkä käsi.
1. Qui dit étude dit travail
Qui dit taf te dit les thunes
2. Someone take these dreams away
that point me to another day
A duel of personalities
that stretch all true reality
3. I even don't know your name, girl
but I will get you somehow
Just got let me know where you at
cuz I'm here, come here
(vinkki: loppulyriikat on koreaksi...........)
4. Your eyes are full of hate, fortyone, that's good
Hate keeps a man alive, it gives him strenght
5. Looking out
across the night-time
The city winks a sleepless eye
Still can't find what keeps me here
7. If we could stop tonight then there would be no goodbye
Don't let me go, don't you dare close your eyes
(sensuroin vähän kun noi laulaa ton biisin nimeä tässä köh)
8. Otogibanashi wa otogibanashi de shika
Nai n da tte koto ni
Kizuita no wa itsu no koro datta kana
It's my favorite hour of the day
10. There are so many hours in the day
I know I've got work to do but hey,
my will to move or even use my brain
is weathered by eternal English rain
11. are kara mada mada tabi wa tsuzuiteru
kumo no mukou gawa ni tsuzuku sekai e to
ichimen masshiro ni hirogaru, daichi ni hitori tatte, hikari to kaze no naka
three babies in the backseat singin' to you
Hey DJ, won't you play that song for me
13. Well, she’s not bleeding on the ballroom floor
just for the attention
'Cause that’s just ridiculously odd
14. Nani mo kikazu ni tsuzukete, yeah
Kore ga "Shiawase" nara
Motto hoshii
15. I was hanging from a tree
Unaccustomed to such violence
Jesus looking down on me
I'm prepared for one big silence
16. You drew a line at being honest.
You drew a line at being sincere.
17. Nos univers
A contre-courant
Tout à l’envers…
Pas pour longtemps
Don't forget that, it's important
19. Bored, stoned, sitting in your basement all alone
'Cause your little conversation's got around
And look at what we all found out
20. kimi ni aitakutte soba ni iku koto dekinakutte
tsuki ga miteiru tte meguri merry-go-round
...Kukaan ei arvaa näistä varmaan yhtäkään :----D