
I miss you ! <3Sunnuntai 22.05.2011 02:05

You used to call me your Angel
Said I was sent straight down from Heaven
You'd hold me close in your arms
I loved the way you felt so strong
I never wanted you to leave
I wanted you to stay here holdin' me
I miss you
I miss your smile
And I still shed a tear every once in a while
And even though it's different now
You're still here somehow
My heart won't let you go
And I need you to know
I miss you
You used to call me your dreamer
And now I'm livin' out my dream
Oh, how I wish you could see
Everything that's happenin' for me
I'm thinkin' back on the past
It's true the time is flyin' by too fast
I know you're in a better place,
But I wish that I could see your face,
I know you're where you need to be
Even though it's not here with me

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