


fairytale gone bad

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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.06.2009 06:44

All I want is we could be always together
I promise my love to you forever and ever, baby

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.06.2009 06:09


[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.06.2009 05:14

In the car, I just can't wait
To pick you up on our very first date
Is it cool if I hold your hand?
Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?
Do you like my stupid hair?
Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?
I'm just scared of what you think
You make me nervous so I really can't eat

Lets go, don't wait
This night's almost over
Honest, lets make this night last forever
Forever and ever
Lets make this last forever
Forever and ever
Lets make this last forever

When you smile I melt inside
I'm not worthy for a minute of your time
I really wish it was only me and you
I'm jealous of everybody in the room
Please don't look at me with those eyes
Please don't hint that you're capable of lies
I dread the thought of our very first kiss
A target that I'm probably gonna miss

kertosäe (2x)

Forever and ever
Lets make this last forever
Forever and ever
Lets make this last forever

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.06.2009 05:09

these lonely hours are driving me sad : <<

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.06.2009 04:47


rakastan liikaa ja välitän liikaa ja äääääääääääääääääääääää tää on niin kidutusta mulle oikeesti tulis se nyt jo

&lt;sydän&gt; &lt;pusu&gt;

Mä Oon Niin LeijaTiistai 02.06.2009 01:03

tilataan huomenna ja tulee viimeistään perjantaina


Guten Morgen!Maanantai 01.06.2009 16:02

Huomenta Suomen kansa :
Meni vähän pitkäksi eilen mutta syystäkin ;>

tättärättätäääMaanantai 01.06.2009 04:31

Com'on happy people get on the floor
Do you feel it so right?
So com'on raise your hands up, hands in the air
Magic summer night (shakalakaboom!)

Com'on happy people get on the floor
Do you feel it so right?
So com'on raise your hands up, hands in the air
Magic summer night

School is out that's all what we need
Stars are shinning so bright
So com'on raise your hands up, hands in the air
Magic summer night(shakalakaboom!)

Are you ready?


Get up and dance!



School is out that's all what we need
Stars are shinning so bright
So com'on raise your hands up, hands in the air
Magic summer night ( c-c-com'on)

Get up and dance!

Com'on happy people get on the floor
Do you feel it so right?
So com'on raise your hands up, hands in the air
Magic summer night (com'on)

School is out that's all what we need
Stars are shinning so bright
So com'on raise your hands up, hands in the air
Magic summer night!


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.06.2009 04:19


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