
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 03.08.2009 15:34

Murehtija ei koskaan elä nykyhetkessä vaan joko menneisyydessä tai tulevaisuudessa.

Dih. Maanantai 03.08.2009 15:11

Mister Kone & Metalli sai nyt sitten sen autokortin.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 01.08.2009 14:56

Angel 'The Executioner' Lucchese.

Maybe I've found something new. Lauantai 01.08.2009 13:47

Gone's the wisdom
Of a thousand years
A world in fire and chains and fear
Leads me to a place so far
Deep down it lies my secret vision
I better keep it safe

Shall I leave my friends alone
Hidden in my twilight hall
(I) know the world is lost in fire
Sure there is no way to turn it
Back to the old days
Of bliss and cheerful laughter
We're lost in barren lands
Caught in the running flames
How shall we leave the lost road
Time's getting short so follow me
A leader's task so clearly
To find a path out of the dark

Ei ainakaan äidiksi... Lauantai 01.08.2009 13:38

Legoja: Joo, EI SUUHUN! Nukkekoti: Joo... Mutta osia ei viedä minnekään. Ratsastamaan: Joo tota kysy Leenalta. Johannan korttitalo: Joo, täh, EIII ÄLÄ KOSKE!


Kuka on paikalla sillon? :P Keskiviikko 29.07.2009 15:49

Keskisuomalaisessa tänään:
"Seuraava jännityksen hetki koittaa muutaman viikon kuluttua. Sonata Arctica esiintyy kotikaupunkinsa satamassa Sturm Und Drangin kanssa 8. elokuuta.
- Siitä tulee meidän bändin uran massiivisin keikka. Paljon pyrotekniikkaa ja niin edelleen, laulaja nyökkäilee."

Ehkä paras ensimmäiseksi keikaksi, wii

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.07.2009 21:42

Blind Guardian - Mirror mirror
Lauta alle nyt :P

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.07.2009 01:36

Satutanko teitä?

"In the days when lands were few, and man sometimes had no chance but sell his soul
to his landlord to make a living...
In far and away country, they gave acres of land away for free, to all able to claim
it... Ships sailed across the great seas, fortunes were made and dreams shattered...

Sometimes couples were torn apart,
for all they could afford...was one ticket."

Leaving my life behind
My young love and the unborn
Only have a lock of her hair...
and burning love inside

After forty work-filled days and sleepless nights,
the sails are lit by the lights of Boston
...and here we go...

Off the ship! Towards the adventure,
the one to define our lives.
Daily grind and a tiny room.

"I got here safe, Love.
I have an address, until spring, then I shall race for the land,
hope to hear from you soon..."

Her letter reads...

"Please let me know everything's alright
Thinking about you, 'though you're out of sight
every night, when I'm turning in, my tears find me.
Please hurry, dear, come back and rescue me..."

"Now that I have made the dollars we need for the dream.
The best horse I've ever seen,
a carriage and everything I need...
I will make my way to the great unknown
Every moment I wish you were here with me now...

"Please let me know everything's alright...."

"No, I'm not a stranger, among the people in here...
Yet I have never felt so alone...

At high noon the sound will boom,
and I will start racing for the
land we can call home."

"I stuck my...
flag in the ground, screaming 'n shouting,
I've never felt so proud, Love!

We are free from eternal serfdom!
I'm gonna bring you home, my light!"

"nine, eight, seven, six, counting the days. SOLO!"
"five, four, three, two, together forever! SOLO!"

I made my way into the great unknown

Land by the river, and a new built home.
I am the land and the land is me
Freedom is everything and we are free

I made my way into the great unknown
Land by the river, and a new built home.
Every night, when I'm looking at the full moon rising
I hold you and know that we are free...