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bläääh...Keskiviikko 05.03.2008 05:07

vittu ku pitäis nukkuun mennä et jaksais mennä huomen töihin.. mut kun ei taaskaan meinaa uni tulla kunnol...

The world - NightmareKeskiviikko 05.03.2008 05:05

Within the spreading darkness, we exchanged vows of revolution
An evil flower that sprouted because it was loved
Because I can't let anyone interfere
With everything that'll come about from now on

The future that the fruit told me of
The city that has forgotten reasoning
The present time is distorted black
Dreams, turn into ideals

Why? Am I a broken Messiah?
Everyone wished for a "finale"

Within the spreading darkness, we exchanged vows of revolution
An evil flower that sprouted because it was loved
I can't let anyone interfere
With everything that'll come about from now on

Someday, I'll show you
A shining sky

Why? Am I a broken Messiah?
Everyone dreamt of a "paradise"

Within the spreading darkness, we exchanged vows of revolution
An evil flower that sprouted because it was loved
I can't let anyone interfere
With everything that'll come about from now on

Someday, I'll show you
A shining world

ei vaan uni tuu..Tiistai 04.03.2008 09:38

sun vika.. :'DD

vittu sammakot on idiootteja....Tiistai 26.02.2008 02:08

Irina - VastauksetTiistai 26.02.2008 01:34

Sun silmissä lukee
Mun tarina melkein tarkalleen
Kämmentemme kohtalonviivat
Niin toistensa muotoiset
Mut tiedätsä oikein kuinka mä pelkään
Et vielä tää juttu puukottaa selkään
Tää vois olla se mitä toivonut oon
Mut mitä mä sitten teen

"anna mulle ne vastaukset
Sä tiedät että mä tarviin ne
Kun on niin helvetin vaikee luottaa
Pelkkiin totuudenrippeisiin

Anna mulle ne vastaukset
En vaadi mut helpottaishan se
Mikään ei oo niin piinaavan tuskaista
Kuin epätietoisuus"

En usko rakkauteen
Se jäi sinne muinaishistoriaan
Silti hyvin tähänkin asti
Oon tullut toimeen omillaan
Me naurettiin tunteellisille hölmöille
Ei sellaista voinut käydä meille
Sä herätit haudatun tunteen henkiin
Mut mitä sä sille teet

"anna mulle ne vastaukset
Sä tiedät että mä tarviin ne
Kun on niin helvetin vaikee luottaa
Pelkkiin totuudenrippeisiin

Anna mulle ne vastaukset
En vaadi mut helpottaishan se
Mikään ei oo niin piinaavan tuskaista
Kuin epätietoisuus"

"anna mulle ne vastaukset
Sä tiedät että mä tarviin ne
Kun on niin helvetin vaikee luottaa
Pelkkiin totuudenrippeisiin

Anna mulle ne vastaukset
En vaadi mut helpottaishan se
Mikään ei oo niin piinaavan tuskaista
Kuin epätietoisuus"

LINKIN PARK - "In Pieces"Lauantai 23.02.2008 19:07

Telling me to go
But hands beg me to stay

Your lips say that you love
Your eyes say that you hate

There's truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
What you build you lay to waste

This truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
All I've got's what you didn't take

So I, I won't be the one
Be the one to leave this
In pieces

And you
You will be alone
Alone with all your secrets
And regrets

Don't lie

You promise me the sky
Then toss me like a stone

You wrap me in your arms
And chill me to the bone

There's truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
All I've got's what you didn't take

So I, I won't be the one
Be the one to leave this
In pieces

And you
You will be alone
Alone with all your secrets
And regrets

Don't lie

So I, I won't be the one
Be the one to leave this
In pieces

And you
You will be alone
Alone with all your secrets
And regrets

Don't lie

LINKIN PARK - "Pushing Me Away"Lauantai 23.02.2008 18:37

I've lied to you
The same way that I always do
This is the last smile
That I'll fake for the sake of being with you

(Everything falls apart
Even the people who never frown
Eventually break down)
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
(Everything has to end
You'll soon find we're out of time left
To watch it all unwind)
The sacrifice is never knowing

Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see you're testing me pushes me away
Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see your testing me pushes me away

I've tried like you
To do everything you wanted too
This is the last time
I'll take the blame for the sake of being with you

(Everything falls apart
Even the people who never frown
Eventually break down)
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
(Everything has to end
You'll soon find we're out of time left
To watch it all unwind)
The sacrifice is never knowing

Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see you're testing me pushes me away
Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see you're testing me pushes me away
(We're all out of time
This is how we find how it all unwinds)
The sacrifice of hiding in a lie
(We're all out of time
This is how we find how it all unwinds)
The sacrifice is never knowing
Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see you're testing me pushes me away
Why I never walked away
Why I played myself this way
Now I see you're testing me pushes me away
Pushes me away

.... nii saatana...Lauantai 23.02.2008 18:15

no höh....