The pain so intense
In dreams you might find just what you're looking for
But it all depends
You know
In life, in death The only thing that is real is
The chill of your own breath
I'm yours to lose, yeah
Why do you care The world's my devil when you're not here To lose, yeah
Why do you care The world's my devil when you're not here To amuse, yeah
Why do you care The world's my devil when you're not here To lose, yeah
Why do you care
Beneath a thousand truths I'm yours to lose
Swear you love me
Swear you cry
Funny how fast those tears dry Scum like you deserves to die
In order to become strong
I have to remember how to smile If we're together, I can do it
Realize that I'm here waiting for you Even if the future is different than what we have now I'm here waiting for you I keep on shouting
I'm sure all I have to do
Is pull in the thread that connects our hearts
So the person I was back then
Would open her eyes
No need to cry
Onni hetken viivähtää
Hihansuuhun kiinni jää
Miksi on vaan aika tää
Niin katoavaa? Yksi hengenvetokin
Kulkee valonnopeuksin
Silloin kun vaan tahtoisin
Ajan seisauttaa
Miksi on vaan aika tää
Niin katoavaa?
Juuri kun sua haluisin Maailma vie sut kuitenkin Kiinni pitää tahtoisin
Sen kaiken ikuistaa
Kunpa voisin varastoon
Ikäväänsä vaan sua pullottaa