
HELL YEAH AM ICE PRINCESS :DDDxDTorstai 05.02.2009 15:20

luistelen paremmin ku kaikki te yhteensä <virne>

oltiii luistelee ja meikä vähä niiku oUNASSS, hah<virne>

----> siispä jos joku haluu oppii luistelee

N<kieli>I<kieli>I<kieli> S<kieli>O<kieli>I<kieli>T<kieli>T<kieli>A<kieli>A M<kieli>U<kieli>L<kieli>L<kieli>E !

NoEi,LäpäL<virne> !

love is a set of cards:Tiistai 03.02.2009 01:30

either u get good cards and u win
u get bad cards and u will lose

The saddest part is that its not up to u.
Its not up to ur will, hope NOR hard work.

It either will be there for ever and ever
it will never be even born.

BUT remember, there is always a next round. ;)
From: anitas
To: RayC

01.02.2009 21:36 <ANITAS> awws rakas PARANE PIAN KULTASENIII>sydän><3<3<3<3!!
01.02.2009 21:36 <ANITAS> GET
01.02.2009 21:36 <ANITAS> WELL¨'
01.02.2009 21:36 <ANITAS> SOOOn
01.02.2009 21:36 <ANITAS> <3
01.02.2009 21:36 <ANITAS> <3
01.02.2009 21:36 <ANITAS> <3
01.02.2009 21:36 <ANITAS> !


IHANA PVÄ OLLU KYLL:DDD!!Sunnuntai 01.02.2009 23:28

<xD><xD> oltii yhen henun, kassun ja anunkaa savelan skeittipuitos iha läpäl sekoilee vittu se mesta on kyl iha kuollu talvisin:DDD onneks meil oli muovipussit messis nii saatii liuttuuu siel
vittu meil oli kyl hauskaa<xD><xD><xD><xD>

kassun jellonat kaatu kaikki <xD>

ei sit ollenkaa mitää teinimeininkiii<xD><xD>



ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhSunnuntai 01.02.2009 13:32

vittu jotkut on vaa nii paska-aivoi eikä ne vittu tajuuu mitääääääää ja aattelee vaa itteäää vittu inhoon semmosii sikoi saatana vois kaikki painuu VITTUUUUuuuuuN!!!!

arghhhhhhhhhh meneeee hermotttt -.- :S

ONNEE PUPUT ! <3Lauantai 31.01.2009 19:31



biTA & NiNA

HEJA PÃ¥ HIFK !Lauantai 31.01.2009 14:58







vittu delaan koht oon lukenu vittu koko yönnnnn:DD

no ainaki faija tykkäs <xD><xD>


gotta long way to go ;)Torstai 29.01.2009 17:58

I love it when they try to get intimate
Even though they know I really ain't into it
(You're not into it?) I'm not into it
I already know the game and I've been through it
See I buy my own bags, my boots, my jeans
Wear La Rok with my Rebel Yell underneath
You wanna step to me?
Said you gotta long way 2 go

You claim that you're so hot
And you say you got skills in the bedroom
You try to flirt when you're so not
Had a chance you still never come through
You say you wanna come and see me
Cause you know your girlfriend wanna be me
I'ma tell you why you can't
Said you gotta long way 2 go
Say you wanna love me?

Wanna love me? Wanna touch me?
Think twice cause you gotta long way 2 go
Don't know howda act, bettah fall back
It's like that cause you gotta long way 2 go
It's not that deep, take it easy, you wanna please me?
Got a long way 2 go, I'ma bad girl
You wanna get close? Ease up cause you gotta a long way

I love it when they try to get scandalous
Even though they know they really can't handle it
(They can't handle it?) They can't handle it
Try and take me out to dinner, I'll cancel it
If you really wanna know me first of all
You should never try to get to personal
'Cause I meant it when I said:
That you gotta long way to go

You claim that you're so hot
And you say you got skills in the bedroom
You try to flirt when you're so not
Had a chance you still never come through
You say you wanna come and see me
Cause you know your girlfriend wanna be me (Uh)
I'ma tell you why you can't
Said you gotta long way 2 go
Say you wanna love me?

Wanna love me? Wanna touch me?
Think twice cause you gotta long way 2 go
Don't know howda act, bettah fall back
It's like that cause you gotta long way 2 go
It's not that deep, take it easy, you wanna please me?
Got a long way 2 go, I'ma bad girl
You wanna get close? Ease up cause you gotta a long way

You claim that you're so hot
And you say you got skills in the bedroom
You try to flirt when you're so not
Had a chance you still never come through
You say you wanna come and see me
Cause you know your girlfriend wanna be me (Uh, yeah)
Said you gotta long way 2 go
Say you wanna love me?

Wanna love me? Wanna touch me? (Touch me)
Think twice cause you gotta long way 2 go (Way to go)
Don't know howda act, bettah fall back (Oh you got a long way)
It's like that cause you gotta long way 2 go
It's not that deep, take it easy (Take it easy) you wanna please me?
Got a long way 2 go, I'ma bad girl (I'ma bad girl)
You wanna get close? Ease up cause you gotta a long way

Wanna love me? Wanna touch me?
Think twice cause you gotta long way 2 go
Don't know howda act, bettah fall back
It's like that cause you gotta long way 2 go
It's not that deep, take it easy, you wanna please me?
Got a long way 2 go, I said you gotta long way to go
Rock wit me now, you gotta long way to go
Bettah fall back, said you gotta long way to go

28.01.2008 23:16 <kukakohanolenn>tahdoon rakastella sinuaa...Lähetä tämä kaikille joilla on hyvä perse...Jos saat takaisin yli 15=olet ok...20=sinulla on perää... 25=omistat kunnon perseen..30=olet PANOPUPU.<33..