
[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.01.2007 19:18

What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again
Cool Rain

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 16.01.2007 18:40

Oooooo I feel good

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 06.01.2007 01:48


[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.01.2007 22:07

Ihana päivä tää :)))))))
Äiti varas mulle paikan Drama campille pariisin matkan kanssa, koulussa kivaa, kaikki hyvin, tällä viikolla timotei, oli mahtava uusvuos ja vaikka mitä muuta.

Alphaville - Middle of the riddle

At the edge of the moon theres a lonely man
And he blows on his horn as strong as he can
And the girl at the bar wipes the breath of winter away with a smile of her face
And a little black dog barks along with a loon
Is this my appointment or did I come too soon
Got a strange invitation for tea time twas given by somebody I cant recall

Its the middle of the riddle, its not very serious
Its nothing but a big surprise
And the presidents horse is a rabbit of course that is living in a big boys mind
Living in a big boys mind


Alphaville - Jet setTorstai 28.12.2006 18:01

This is the time, now gimme that beat
Feel how the rhythm grips your feet
Kitty baby, take my hand
Shes like a devil, heaven sent
Im in her arms and shes in mine
Maybe we make the film on time
Sitting in the 15th row
Oh baby, baby, I love you so

We are the jet set society
We are the jet set and that means liberty, liberty
The jet set society
We are the jet set set, we are the jet set set

Were on the run, we know where to go, we got the tickets for the midnight show
These nights are burning out so fast, hop on the beam, you wont be last
The russians seem to be that way, we love them like we love d. kaye
We need no money, we get it for free
We are the high-high-high society

We are the jet set, hop on the beam
Shine on, society, shine on, liberty
Shine on, luxury, shine on, society

Streets are full of love and fear, this could be the final year
Enricos dead but still okay, we dance the streets, feeling well
If shes a liar, Im her lover
If shes a priestess, Im her cover
If shes a lady, Im her man
If shes a man, Ill do what I can

Lets go to the moon, lets go to the moon
Dig that kind of liberty and lets go to the moon..
Come and join the institution Mahtava video xD

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 03.12.2006 16:58

voi paska tää uus IE on pyllystä :'(

Oli kivat harkat tänää timoteissa :)

Alphaville - Afternoons in utopiaSunnuntai 26.11.2006 23:20

Acrobats & Comets are floating by so fast
Children's faces S.M.I.L.E. like suns at last
Lilac butterflies are cruising without fear
All inviting you to stay and rest here

You can halt your car for an afternoon in Utopia
We shall stop the wars on those afternoons in Utopia

Mighty Maomoondog drifts across the grass
Healing lullabies for Easter Time on Mars
Paint your hats and shoes with flowers and with stars
singing in Metropolitan Operas

You can halt your car for an afternoon in Utopia
We shall stop the wars on those afternoons in Utopia

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 02.11.2006 21:43

Käytiin ponien kanssa äsken talutus lenkillä. Istuin puolet matkasta menessä Moto selässä :) Hitto ku en oo enää ponikokonen, muuten tuskin pystyisin irrottautumaan sieltä selästä x)

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 20.09.2006 23:57

ääääärrrrr muurrrrrr
olin tänää koko päivän tallilla kun oli taksvärkki. Siivosin ponien karsinat, ajettiin poneilla mummon kans hemopitkä lenkki ja ajettiin Vantullakin aika pitkä reissu.
Sitten tunniksi kotiin ja trumpetti tunnille/orkesteriin/tunnille soittamaan melkeinpä pukteel 2 ja puol tuntia xP
Oon ihan poikki kun on isot univelatkin kaiken lisäks.

Iskä kaato mun kokiksetki keikkalistan päälle xD

No joo. Nyt kuuntelen Falcoa kajarit kovalla.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 30.08.2006 23:32

päng päng maxwels silver hammer...