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    Merz - My Name Is Sad And At Sea

    My name is sad and at sea
    No hallelujah was ever in me
    The only thing the Lord gave me was a soul

    There's a light that shines
    It's always distant
    It goes on and off and on and off
    There on the rocks

    I wandered in the tide
    Became un tethered
    Since they've called me
    Sad and at sea
    That's why they call me
    Sad and at sea

    I'll wander round this ship tonight
    Consider my fate in life
    Tomorrow I'll move further more

    The light that shines
    Always distant
    Goes on and off and on and off
    There on the rocks

    I wandered in the tide
    Became un tethered
    Since they've called me
    Sad and at sea
    That's why they call me
    Sad and at sea