


Jag Vill Inte Dö I Ett Kärnvapenkrig


- Vanhemmat »

Equality after revenge ;)Sunnuntai 17.12.2006 01:31

"I know itÂ’s near the knuckle but I can tell when I see a real man
When it comes to reality, IÂ’ve only just began
YouÂ’ve got a grasp of the real situation I just blunder about in a close


You know a lot of people your always drinking with your friends
you know a lot of people when youÂ’ve got a lot to spend

IÂ’m not a real woman, I donÂ’t nod my head and patiently wait
for your favours in bed. I donÂ’t wear lace panties at waist away prices
or bondage and scanties at masochist dances

IÂ’m not a real woman, I donÂ’t waggle my hips
Or flap my eye lids or shapple my lips

And IÂ’m not a lemon so please donÂ’t squezze out my pips
Im not a real woman, I donÂ’t aim to please
Or twinkle my knickers or garter my knees
The nails on my fingers are tattered and torn
I have had dirty fingers since the day I was born

Im not a real woman, IÂ’m not a real woman

I donÂ’t nod my head and patiently wait for your favours in bed
and i'm not a lemon so squeeze your own instead

IÂ’m generous, IÂ’m mean, IÂ’m a law onto myself and I just laugh at everything you say
DonÂ’t be surprised if I donÂ’t look into your eyes
My eyes are on a million miles away

IÂ’m not a real woman, I wonÂ’t cook your food,
IÂ’m not on page 3 drinking gin in the nude
IÂ’m bored by your laundry and bored by your jokes
Why donÂ’t you save them to tell other blokes

I donÂ’t need no favours, I donÂ’t need no please,
I donÂ’t need no bozo to tickle my knees and IÂ’m no lamb chop
so donÂ’t fork my peas

IÂ’m generous, IÂ’m mean, IÂ’m a law onto myself and I just laugh at everything you say
DonÂ’t be surprised If I donÂ’t look into your eyes
My eyes are on a million miles away

IÂ’m not a real woman

I donÂ’t look divine, I only like children some of the time
and just like a man must be well hung to be a real woman you have to be young

Hey your not so macho by the look of that bunch
You can save your bananas to eat with your lunch
Im not a real woman, I wonÂ’t cook your food
...and I only want sex when im in the mood"

Tampere calling!Keskiviikko 13.12.2006 23:49

Helsinki sucks, big time... lukuunottamatta muutamia ihmisiä tämä kaupunki on todella mätä! =D Varsinkin naiset! =D =D =D

"sä tuomitset mut
sä tuomitset itses kun sä tuomitset mut
sä näet virheet, sä näet ne mussa vain
ja sä syytät mua siitä mitä sä itsekkin teet"

- Vanhemmat »